
kěn qū
  • reclamation area
垦区 [kěn qū]
  • [reclamation area] 开垦种植的区域

垦区[kěn qū]
  1. 黑龙江垦区三种主要土壤的微量元素状况

    Microelement condition of three major soils in Heilongjiang Land Reclamation Area

  2. 黑龙江垦区大豆生产机械化现状与发展研究

    Study on The Mechanization of Soybean Production in Heilongjiang Reclamation Area

  3. 基于RS和GIS技术的石河子垦区绿洲生态环境质量评价

    Ecological Environment Quality Evaluation Based on GIS and RS

  4. 黑龙江垦区精准农业三种GPS差分方式比较研究

    Study on the Comparison of Three Kinds of GPS Differential for Precision Agriculture in Reclamation Area of Heilongjiang

  5. 基于RS和GIS的土地利用/土地覆被动态变化分析&以石河子垦区为例

    Dynamic Change Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Based on RS and GIS & Taking Reclamation Area of Shihezi as an Example

  6. 用新方法酶标对流参比电泳测定法和通常用于肝癌普查的方法反向间接血凝法测定海南垦区11735名职工及家属血清AFP。

    The AFP content of sera from 11,735 persons was tested by the new method & enzymelinked counter reference electrophoresis assay and the common method-reverse passive hemagglutination assay ( RPHA ) .

  7. 黑龙江垦区农业航空的应用与发展

    Application and Development of Agricultural Aviation in Reclamation Area of Heilongjiang

  8. 海南垦区实现农业现代化的思路与措施

    Ideas and Steps to Realize Agricultural Modernization in Hainan State Farms

  9. 新疆石河子垦区农业气候资源的空间分布

    Spatial Distribution of Agroclimatic Resources in the Shihezi Region , Xinjiang

  10. 黑龙江垦区生态示范区建设策略

    Tactics of Ecological Demonstration Zone Construction in Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation Region

  11. 黑龙江垦区水稻发展策略研究

    Study on the Tactics of Rice Development in Heilongjiang Agricultural Region

  12. 黑龙江垦区湿地恢复建设及其可持续利用研究

    Research on Wetland Restoration and Sustainable Utilization in Heilongjiang Reclamation Region

  13. 黑龙江垦区农业自然资源开发利用途径研究

    Exploiting Study on the Natural Agriculture Resources in Heilongjiang Reclamation Area

  14. 本文以农业产业化发展的基本理论为依据,细致深入地分析了黑龙江垦区农业企业集团的发展。

    In this dissertation , the basic theory is agricultural industrialization .

  15. 试论科学发展观与建设生态农业垦区的辨证统一

    Discussion on Relation of Scientific Concept of Development and Ecological Reclamation

  16. 不同杏品种在阿拉尔垦区的生物学表现

    Biology Performance of Different Almond Species in the Alar Reclamation Area

  17. 斑节对虾养殖垦区水质状况的调查研究

    A Study on Water Quality in Penaeus monodon Culture Area

  18. 黑龙江省垦区2003年农业机械化水平评价

    Horizontal analysis on agricultural mechanization of reclamation area of Heilongjiang in 2003

  19. 关于提高黑龙江垦区农业核心竞争力的战略研究

    Strategic Research on Enhancing Agricultural Core Competence of Heilongjiang Land Reclamation Area

  20. 昭苏垦区冰雹发生规律及防雹技术探讨

    The Cause of Hail and Hail Suppression Technique in Zhaosu Reclamation Area

  21. 搞好基地建设是黑龙江省垦区发展优质米产业的基础

    Base Construction is the Way to Develop Heilongjiang 's High Quality Rice

  22. 黑龙江垦区林业经济发展对策的研究

    Study on the countermeasures of developing forestry economy in Heilongjiang land-reclamation area

  23. 新疆博乐垦区人工防雹效果的统计评估

    Evaluation of Hail Suppression Effect in Bole Area in Xinjiang

  24. 黑龙江省垦区水稻种子病原真菌鉴定

    Identification of Pathogen Fungi on the Rice Seeds From Heilongjiang Reclamation Area

  25. 厦门潘涂对虾养殖垦区浮游植物的生态特征

    Ecological characteristics of phytoplankton in shrimp cultivation area from Pantu , Xiamen

  26. 论黑龙江垦区水资源开发利用方向

    The utilization direction of water resources in Heilongjiang Reclamation Area

  27. 黑龙江垦区江河堤坝防护林营造技术

    Technology of Establishing Shelterbelts for Dikes and Dams in Heilongjiang Reclamation Area

  28. 黑龙江垦区农业可持续发展创新问题研究

    A Study of Innovations in Sustainable Agricultural Development in Heilongjiang Land-Reclamation Area

  29. 石河子垦区一次低压大风天气的成因分析

    An Analysis on the Causes of Low Pressure Gale Weather

  30. 黑龙江垦区拖拉机选型试验适应性分析

    Tractor Model Selection and Adaptability Analysis in HeiLongjiang Reclamation Area