
  • 网络salinisation;salinization
  1. 干盐化的过程需要木箱或篮子。

    Wooden boxes or baskets are used for dry salting .

  2. 盐泥是盐化工业生产过程中产生的固体废物,稀硅酸盐欠饱和盐水钻井液是盐膏层钻井的成熟技术之一。

    Thin under-saturated silicate brine drilling fluid is one of the well-proven technologies for drilling salts and gypsum rocks .

  3. 结果表明,土壤的碱化层和高含盐层出现在土壤中同一层次,因此该土壤盐化与碱化过程有密切联系。

    Results show that the natric horizon and salic horizon locates at the same soil layer , which indicates that the relation of salinization to alkalization is close .

  4. 博格达山北坡土壤形成过程主要有腐殖质化过程、粘化过程、钙他过程、残余盐化-碱化过程、高山融冻过程。

    The main genetic processes of the soils on north slope of Bogda mountain include humification , argillization , calcification , relic salinization-alkalization and freezing-thawing of snow mentle of the mountain .