
  • 网络saltwater mud;brine mud;saline mud;salty mud;salt mud;brine water mud;saline solution mud fluid
  1. 本文分析了图像网络采样加权算法及图像网络参数控制的统计拟合分析方法,编制了盐水泥浆测井资料的网络分析校正系统。

    Through analyzing weighted method of image network sampling and statistic matching method of image network parameters , network analytical correction system of saline mud log has been compiled .

  2. 研究发现X地区第三系油层低阻的主要成因是由油藏构造幅度低;孔隙结构复杂、不动水含量高;盐水泥浆侵入共同作用造成的。

    The research find main genesis low resistivity is created by low reservoir structure amplitude ; complex pore structure , high immobile water content and brine mud invasion in the Tertiary of X plot .

  3. PGS饱和盐水泥浆在钻井生产中的应用

    Application of PGs salt - saturated mud in drilling operation

  4. 结果表明,所合成的AMPS类多元共聚物能够使淡水泥浆、盐水泥浆、复合盐水泥浆和饱和盐水泥浆的滤失量大幅降低,并能够较好的控制体系的流变性。

    The results showed that the synthesized AMPS multi-polymers can effectively reduce the fluid loss of the fresh water mud , salt water mud , compound salt mud and saturated saline-water mud , also can control the rheological properties of the suspensions .

  5. 维护这种泥浆的关键是维持盐饱和、控制无用固相含量、净化泥浆、保持pH值在9~11。PGS饱和盐水泥浆配方简单,成本低廉,使用方便,在生产中具有广泛的推广应用价值。

    The important matters for the PGS muds are to keep the salt saturated , to restrict the useless solid content and to maintain the pH of 9 to 11 . The PGS salt-saturated mud is of low cost , easy to prepare and to use in drilling operation .

  6. 聚合物盐水泥浆对钻具的腐蚀与防护

    Corrosion of drill string due to polymer brine mud and protection thereof

  7. 海南构造带盐水泥浆测井评价方法的研究

    A research on the SALTY-MUD drilling well logging evaluation technique in Hainan zone

  8. 盐水泥浆中碳钢的腐蚀疲劳断裂

    Corrosion fatigue of carbon steel in salts drilling fluids

  9. 聚合物盐水泥浆腐蚀

    Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Polymer Drilling Muds

  10. 盐水泥浆测井解释技术分析

    Analysis of salt - mud logging interpretation

  11. 含盐井抗盐水泥浆体系的室内评价和现场试验

    Laboratory Evaluation and Field Trial Uses of Salt Tolerant Cementing Slurry for High Salinity Wells

  12. 采用防塌淡水泥浆与饱和盐水泥浆分别治理取得了较好的技术效果。

    Anti-cave fresh water mud and saturated salty water mud are employed , resulting better technical benefit .

  13. 防止盐岩卡钻传统的措施是采用饱和盐水泥浆,阻止盐岩溶解,加大泥浆密度,减缓盐岩向井眼方向的流动,防止缩径。

    The conventional approach to avoid stuck in salt formation is to use high density saturated brine mud .

  14. 辽河滩海地区盐水泥浆测井资料分析校正方法及应用

    STATISTICAL DATA Analytical correction method and its application in saline mud-log in Liaohe tidal zone and shallow water area

  15. 盐水泥浆钻井侵入带的电阻率ρ一般低于地层真电阻率ρt。

    The resistivity ρ I of zone invaded by salt solution is usually lower than the true resistivity ρ t of geological formations .

  16. 对常规密度抗盐水泥浆的失水、稠化、流变、强度等性能进行了室内评价。

    The properties of this slurry with conventional density , such as filtration , thickening , rheology and strength , were evaluated in laboratory .

  17. 针对高压盐层的油气井固井特点,注水泥时常采用高密度含盐水泥浆。

    In consideration of the characteristics of high pressure salt bed cementing of oil and gas wells , high density salt slurry is often used for cementing .

  18. 讨论了水灰比、拌浆水温和有机处理剂对硫铝酸盐水泥浆性能的影响,提出了该水泥浆性能的调节方法。

    This article tries to discuss the effect on concrete setting-time in the aspects of water requirement , W / C , the use of fly ash and admixture .

  19. 盐水泥浆侵入时,水层电阻率降低较小而油层电阻率大为降低,因此形成低阻油层。

    When salty mud intrudes into the layer , the reduction of water layer is small , but the reduction of oil layer is great . This will form a low resistivity oil layer .

  20. 室内研究和现场试验证明:该抗盐水泥浆体系具有失水量低、流变性能好、稠化时间易调、抗压强度高等特点,综合性能能够满足盐层固井施工的技术要求。

    In-house study and field tests show the salt-tolerable cement slurry has the characteristics of low fluid loss , good rheology , ease-adjustable thickening time and high compressive strength etc. Its comprehensive performance can meet the technical requirements for cementing operation through salt zones .

  21. 由于随钻电磁波仪器自身的特点,井眼垮塌对仪器响应影响很大,尤其是在盐水泥浆条件下,因此对测井资料进行补偿非常必要,传统的补偿方法使仪器长度增大了近一倍。

    Borehole slump has great influence on the response of electromagnetic tools because of the characteristics of the tools , especially when the mud is salty . It is necessary to compensate the logging data . Traditional compensation method makes the tool one time longer .

  22. 自1956年工区勘探至今,经历了三个阶段40余年,但由于气田多采用盐水泥浆钻井,加之测井资料质量较差,造成气、水层识别困难,大量气层在测井解释中遗漏。

    From 1956 to now , the exploration of this area has gone through three stages , over 40 years . The drilling with brine mud and the bad quality have caused the difficulty of gas and water identification , which lead to miss of gas reservoir in logging interpretation .

  23. 无机絮凝剂也能使废弃盐水钻井泥浆脱稳絮凝,但脱水效果不好。

    Inorganic flocculants can also flocculate , but the less effect of dehydration .

  24. 室内性能评价表明:加量2.0%的该醇醚对淡水、盐水、海水泥浆流变性的影响很小,使3种泥浆25℃润滑系数分别降低97%,~71%,~71%;

    The laboratory performance evaluation shows that 2.0 % of polyol ether introduced affects the rheologic behavior of fresh , salt and sea water muds very slightly and reduces their lubricity coefficient ( LC ) at 25 ℃ by 97 % ,~ 70 % and ~ 71 % , respectively ;