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yán zì
  • Salinization;salt marsh
盐渍[yán zì]
  1. 盐渍的酸橙是北非的一种特产,在烹制鸡肉时用来调味。

    Lime preserved in salt is a north African speciality which is used to flavour chicken dishes .

  2. 盐渍土区棉花N、P、K肥效应研究

    Study on Effects of Fertilization of N , P and K for Cotton Production on Salin e-alkali Soil Region

  3. 基于ANN技术和高光谱遥感的盐渍土盐分预测

    Salinity forecasting of saline soil based on ANN and hyperspectral remote sensing

  4. 用RT-PCR技术检测盐渍猪肠衣中猪瘟病毒的研究

    Detection of classical swine fever virus in salted swine casings by RT-PCR

  5. 土壤pH值(除酸性盐渍水稻土和红树盐渍沼译土以外)平均多在6.7~8.3之间;

    The soil pH value of most soil types ranged from 6.7-8.3 , except the acid saline paddy soil and mangrove salt swamp soil .

  6. GA和Mn~(2+)对盐渍土棉花种子发芽影响的研究

    Study of Effect of GA and Mn ~ ( 2 + ) on the Salt Tolerance of Cotton Seed

  7. 采用NaCl型盐渍土浸提液,对19种苹果砧木进行了耐盐性测定。

    Salt tolerance of 19 species or genotypes of apple rootstocks , including 2 new clones was measured with salt solu-tion extracted from NaCl-typed salt soil .

  8. 西北地区盐渍土中抗动物病原菌的拮抗放线菌筛选PCR-SSP方法对西北地区回族NA抗原基因分型

    Screening of Antagonistic Actinomycetes against Animal Pathogen from Saline Soil of Northwest Typing of NA Gene in the Hui Nationality in North west China by PCR SSP

  9. 不同林龄I-69杨根际、非根际土Al-P、Fe-P和O-P含量无明显差异,盐渍土壤中它们的生物有效性较低。

    There was no obvious difference in Al-P , Fe-P and O-P between rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil .

  10. 养护三周的固化盐渍土浸水后,其丝网状结构依然存在,显示SH固土剂固化反应的不可逆性和良好的阻水性能。

    After curing period of three weeks web connection remains stability , which demonstrates reaction between SH agent and soil particles is not reversible and not soften in water . 5 .

  11. 基于ENVI的苏打盐渍土表层裂隙特征及与水盐运移关系的研究

    Research on surface crack of sodic saline soil and the relation with soil water and salinity transportation based on ENVI

  12. UEA-T膨胀剂在盐渍土地区建筑中的应用

    The application of UEA-T expansion agent in saline-alkali soil region in Yuncheng

  13. 苏打盐渍土土壤理化性状得到明显改善。认为适合中、轻度苏打盐渍土的淋洗定额分别为400和150mm。

    It is hence concluded that the suitable volume of leaching in moderately-and slightly-salinized soils is 400 mm and 150 mm respectively , for amelioration of the local saline-sodic soils .

  14. 利用英国巴廷敦(Bartington)MS2型双频率感应磁化率仪测定分析了海河低平原盐渍区4个剖面土壤磁学性质。

    A magnetic property of soils in saline region , lower Haihe Plain , was determined by means of a Bartington Meter ( Model MS2 ) .

  15. 而低温、高温、盐渍、干旱、臭氧等胁迫则可导致ROS大量产生,若未及时清除,ROS便会攻击蛋白质、核酸、脂类等生物大分子引起氧化损伤,进而导致细胞及组织死亡。

    Abiotic stresses ( salinity , drought , extreme temperature , O3 etc. ) accelerate the production of ROS . ROS attack biomacromolecules such as protein , nucleic acid , lipids etc. and aggravate oxidative damage to cell and tissues if they could not be scavenged efficiently .

  16. 从渗透调节能力和离子稳态调控方面来看,EBL都是优先保护盐胁迫植株的幼嫩组织和生殖器官,这能大大提高植物的盐渍适应能力。

    In view of regulations of osmotic adjustment ability and ion balance , EBL was priority to protect young tissues and reproductive organs of the salt-stressed plants , which could greatly increase the adaptation of plants to salinity .

  17. 首先以农田,高、中、低密度草地,荒漠,水体,盐渍地为分类系统,对研究区历史年的LUCC过程进行详细特征分析;

    First we take the farmland , the high , middle and low density grassland , the desert , the water body , and the salty land as a classification system , thoroughly analyzed the LUCC process of the studied region in the previous years ;

  18. 结果表明:7,14和28mm的雨量下,滨海盐渍土土壤剖面的水分运动规律基本相似,水分运动的整个过程可分为两个阶段,即入渗控制阶段和蒸发控制阶段。

    Under different rainfall intensities , water movement in seashore saline soil was basically similar , and the whole process of water movement was divided into two phases , namely rapidly decreasing phase of water suction and slowly rising phase of water suction .

  19. 俄罗斯盐渍零食型奶酪生产工艺研究及新产品开发

    Russian Pickled Snack-type Cheese Production Process Research and New Product Development

  20. 盐渍土地区暗管排水效应试验研究

    An Experimental Study of Pipe Drainage Effect in Saline Soil Area

  21. 盐渍土对铁路的危害与治理

    The harmfulness of salinized soil to the railroad and its control

  22. 盐渍土地区高等级公路设计施工

    The Design and Construction of High-Grade Highway in Salty Soil Area

  23. 不同植被对工业污染区盐渍土的改良效果

    Improvement effect of vegetation on saline soil in industrial pollution area

  24. 塔里木盆地盐渍土开发中搬运盐聚层问题的研究

    Salt Accumulation in soil during the Development of in Tarim Basin

  25. 大庆苏打盐渍土壤的分类与评价

    Classification and Evaluation of the Soda - saline Soil in Daqing

  26. 黄河三角洲滨海盐渍土饱和导水率的研究

    Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Seashore Saline Soil in Yellow River Delta

  27. 黄河三角洲盐渍土可持续利用对策

    Countermeasure on Sustainable Utilization of Saline Soil in Yellow River Delta

  28. 抗盐渍土侵蚀混凝土的工程实践与试验研究

    Engineering practice and test study of resisting saline soil corrosion concrete

  29. 新疆北部地区盐渍土基本性质试验的研究

    The Study on Basic Feature Test of Saline Soil in Beijiang

  30. 公路盐渍土路基处理与病害防治

    Highway roadbed treatment and disaster prevention in the salty soil region