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bái máo ɡēn
  • cogon rhizome
  1. 白茅根对IL-2和T细胞亚群变化的调节作用

    Immunological Regulation of Rhizoma Imperatae on IL-2 and T Lymphocyte Subpopulation

  2. 目的:研究白茅根多糖(RIP)对经植物血凝素(PHA)诱导的人外周血T淋巴细胞增殖与细胞周期的影响。

    Objective : To observe the effects of RIP on human peripheral blood T lymphocyte proliferation induced by phytoagglutinin ( PHA ) and on cell cycling phase .

  3. 目的:建立大鼠IgA肾病模型,探讨白茅根及其复方汤对大鼠IgA肾病模型的干预作用及其机制的影响。

    Objective : Established IgA nephropathy rat model , to investigate the effects and the mechanism of Rhizoma Imperatae ( RI ) and its complex soup on the model of IgA nephropathy in rats .

  4. 白茅根乌梅饮料的开发研制

    Study on development of Cogongrass rhizome smoked plum beverage

  5. 中药白茅根原植物的研究

    Studies on the original plants of Rhizoma imperatae

  6. 目的:本实验以正常小鼠及氢化可的松所致免疫功能低下模型小鼠为对照,观察白茅根水煎剂对正常小鼠及免疫功能低下小鼠细胞免疫功能影响。

    To observe the change of cellular immunity in normal mice and the immunodeficiency groups .

  7. 目的优化白茅根多糖的提取工艺并对其含量进行测定。

    Objective To optimize the extracting conditions of polysaccharide from Imperata Cylindrica and establish a suitable method for its content determination .

  8. 复方白茅根颗粒治疗湿热型儿童髋关节滑膜炎,能明显减少复发率。

    The Compound Rhizoma imperatae granule in the treatment of damp heat type in children with transient synovitis of the hip , can significantly reduce the rate of recurrence .

  9. 含钾的中药如夏枯草、白茅根配服保钾利尿药时,易产生高血钾。

    Including the potassium traditional Chinese medicine like prunella vulgaris , the cogon grass root match when the clothing guarantees the potassium diuretics , easy to produce Gao Xuejia .

  10. 结果:①拳参、厚朴、白茅根与相应标准品在薄层色谱相同位置上显相同颜色的斑点,阴性样品均无干扰。

    Results : ① Rhizoma Bistortae 、 Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 、 Rhizoma Imperatae have same colour spots on the same location according the reference substance and the negative samples have no interference .

  11. 方法:①采用薄层色谱法对拳参、厚朴、白茅根进行定性鉴别。②用高效液相色谱法对没食子酸、厚朴酚及和厚朴酚进行含量测定。

    Methods : ① Rhizoma Bistortae 、 Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis , Rhizoma Imperatae were identified by Thin Layer Chromatograph ;② The contents of Gallic Acid 、 Magnolol and Honokiol were determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatograph .