
  • 网络soil colloid;colloid
  1. 研究了不同pH和乙酸浓度下,乙酸对酸性磷酸酶和牛血清白蛋白(BSA)在土壤胶体、矿物表面吸附的影响。

    Summary Effects of pH and acetate concentration on the adsorption of acid phosphatase and BSA by soil colloid and clay minerals ( SCCM ) were studied .

  2. 土壤胶体体系的性质决定了土壤团聚体的稳定性,胶体颗粒之间的相互作用不仅受到DLVO作用力的支配,也受到非DLVO作用力的影响。

    The property of soil colloid particles determines soil aggregate stability . The colloids particles interaction is influenced by not only the DLVO forces , but also the non-DLVO forces .

  3. 可变电荷与恒电荷土壤胶体对DNA吸附与解吸特征

    Characteristics of DNA Adsorption and Desorption in Variable and Constant Charge Soil Colloids

  4. 首次采用微量热仪,测定了DNA在土壤胶体和矿物表面吸附的热力学参数,为DNA在土壤活性颗粒表面吸附机理的阐明提供了新证据。

    To our knowledge , this is the first paper providing the thermodynamic data of DNA adsorption on soil colloids and minerals .

  5. 离子强度、pH对土壤胶体释放、分配沉积行为的影响

    The effect of ionic strength and pH conditions on the release , deposition and dispersibility behaviors of natural soil colloid

  6. 我国几种主要土壤胶体的NH4~+吸附特征

    Characteristics of ammonium adsorption by colloids of some main soils in China

  7. Zeta电位法研究除草剂在土壤胶体中的吸附

    Study on the adsorption of herbicide in soil colloids by Zeta potential measurements

  8. Langmuir吸附方程参数K1与土壤胶体的粘粒矿物组成有关,并与土壤胶体对NH4~+的相对偏好性(A值)呈正相关。

    Langmuir parameter ( K_1 ) was directly proportional to the relative affinity of soil colloids for ammonium ( A ) .

  9. 土壤胶体对NH4~+的吸附符合两种表面Langmuir方程。

    Adsorption of ammonium by soil colloids and clay minerals fitted to the two surface Langmuir adsorption equation .

  10. 用自动控制pH的装置定量研究了两种红壤类土壤胶体在三种中性盐溶液中的交换性碱和交换性酸的变化。

    The changes of exchange alkalinity and exchange acidity in the two types of red soil with the Presence of three neutral salt solutions was studied quantitatively by pH controlled automatically equipment .

  11. 供试土壤胶体吸附态Cu的解吸过程分为两个阶段,0~60min时间段为快速反应阶段,对应于静电吸附态Cu的解吸;

    The processes of copper desorption from soil colloids were divided in two stages , 0 ~ 60 minute period was rapid reaction involving desorption from electrostatic adsorbed Cu by soil colloid ;

  12. 几种低分子量有机酸、磷酸对BSA和酶在土壤胶体、矿物表面的吸附及活性影响

    Effects of Several Low-Molecular-Weight Organic Acids and Phosphate on the Adsorption and Activity of BSA and Acid Phosphatase on Soil Colloids and Minerals

  13. 本文研究了鄂西天宝山、武当山、星斗山等山地土壤胶体的阳离子交换量(CEC)与其固相组成的关系。

    The cation exchange capacity of mountain soil colloid in western area of Hubei province and its relation to solid phase components were studied .

  14. 不同土壤胶体在同一介质中对Cu2+、Pb2+的固有络合常数logKintM值及固有络合ΔGm负值大小次序与吸附强度大小一致。

    At higher pH , it was controlled by hydrolysis complex and precipitating adsorption . The sequence of Cu 2 + , Pb 2 + intrinsic complex constant of different soil colloids was consistent in adsorbed strength .

  15. 几种土壤胶体电荷零点(ZPC)的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the zero point of charge ( zpc ) of some soil colloids

  16. 结果表明:土壤胶体经HGMS处理,氧化铁的浓缩倍数与提取率呈负相关。

    Results indicated that the concentrating times of iron oxides by HGMS treatment was negatively correlated to the ratio of magnetic fraction extracted .

  17. 离子强度大于1.0mol·kg-1以后,土壤胶体对Cu2+和Pb2+的吸附受专性吸附控制。

    Ad-sorption included specific adsorption and electrostatic adsorption when ionic strength was low to 1.0 mol kg-1 , whereas , adsorption of Cu2 + , Pb2 + on soil colloids was controlled by specific adsorp-tion .

  18. 磁处理对<2μm土壤胶体比表面的影响

    Effects of Magnetic Treatment on Specific Surface Area of Soil Colloids

  19. 降雨对土壤胶体释放与迁移的影响研究

    Study on the Release and Migration of Soil Colloids with Rainfall

  20. 土壤胶体电荷密度升高,土壤微团聚化作用增强,土壤结构状况有所改善。

    Aggregation increased . Soil structure can be improved in some way .

  21. 土壤胶体中氧化物表面性质的初步研究

    Study on the properties of oxide surfaces in soil colloids

  22. 土壤胶体表面羟基释放的初步研究

    Preliminary study on release of hydroxo group from surface of soil colloids

  23. 恒电荷土壤胶体的电导特性

    Character of electrical conductance of soil colloid under constant charge

  24. 风化煤对土壤胶体特性的影响

    The influence of the weathered coal on the colloidal properties of soils

  25. 土壤胶体对砂质土柱中草萘胺迁移的影响

    Effects of Soil Colloids on the Transport of Napropamide Through Saturated Sandy Soils

  26. 两种典型土壤胶体对镉的生物有效性的影响

    Effect of two typical soil colloids on the bioavailability of cadmium to ryegrass

  27. 微量热法在土壤胶体吸附重金属离子研究中的应用

    Application of microcalorimetry on researching adsorption of heavy metal ions on Soil Colloids

  28. 土壤胶体之代换性盐基对于磷酸固定量之影响

    The Influence of Exchangeable Cations on the Fixation of Phosphate by Colloidal Clays

  29. 土壤胶体表面吸附态铜的解吸动力学特征

    Kinetics of copper desorption from constant charge soil colloid

  30. 土壤胶体中有机质的存在促进了胶体对酶的吸附。

    Adsorption was enhanced by the presence of organic matter in soil colloids .