
  1. 斯隆管理学院与韩国首尔的成均馆大学(SungkyunkwanUniversity)的合作关系持续了8年,与俄罗斯斯科尔科沃管理学院(SkolkovoSchoolofManagement)MBA项目的合作关系持续了3年。

    The school 's partnership with Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul , Korea , lasted eight years , and that with the Skolkovo MBA programme in Russia ran for three .

  2. 在M-2型复合丝光沸石催化剂上,研究了偏三甲苯液相非临氢异构化合成均三甲苯的工艺。

    A new technology for synthesis of mesitylene from pseudocumene by liquid non-hydroisomerization on M-2 catalyst was studied .

  3. 因为成均馆会议不能被任何政治理由所利用。

    Because Sungkyunkwan council meeting cannot be exploited for any reasons of politics .

  4. 成均馆会议是成均馆儒生的独特权利,是除了校长外,任何政府官员,甚至连皇帝他自己都不能干涉的。

    Sungkyunkwan council meeting is a distinct right of the Sungkyunkwan scholar that except for the school principal , no government official , not even the King himself can interfere with .

  5. 消解即把固体样品转化成液体均相状态。

    Digestion is the conversion of a solid sample into a liquid , homogeneous state .

  6. 结菱的成株均来自基本苗及第1期发生的分蘖,但成株率仅50~70%。

    Its productive shoots with only 50-70 % of total tillers developed form the transplanted plants and from the tillers in the first tillering period .

  7. 利用空间自相关分析检测上述四个种群的空间遗传结构,结果表明,四个种群中的成株均无显著的空间自相关。

    Spatial autocorrelation statistics were used to examine the spatial structure of genetic variation . No significant pattern was detected , which suggested extensive pollen flow .

  8. 这些比萨,比如一张布拉塔芝士加韭菜风味的,是用开放式厨房里的柴炉烤成,均不逊色于你在意大利能找到的任何一家。

    The pizzas , like one with creamy burrata and leeks , are cooked in the open kitchen 's wood-burning oven , and are as good as any you 'll find in Italy .

  9. 作者对湘西南主要的金矿床进行了稀土元素地球化学研究,认为该区金矿有着内在的成因联系,其成矿物质均来自赋矿地层;

    Rare Earth Elements ( REE ) geochemistry of major gold deposits in Southwestern Hunan is studied , the authors propose that , the gold deposits in this area show an inherent , genetic connection , and its metallogenic materials come from the ore-hosting strata .

  10. 结果:心脏起搏器是影响心血管病患者医疗费用的最主要因素,在各类心脏起搏器加成率均为15%的前提下,不同心血管病患者的支付价均有不同程度的下降。

    Results The pacemaker artificial is the main factor influence the medical expense of patients with cardiovascular disease . In the case of the addition rates of different kinds of pacemaker artificial are 15 % , the payment of different patients with cardiovascular disease has dropped in different extent .

  11. 随交联剂的增加、pH值的增大、温度的升高成胶时间均变短。

    The gelling time will be shorter if increase the crosslinking agent , the pH value or the temperature .

  12. CPC材料的新生骨量、成骨速率均高于钛合金材料。

    Porous CPC exhibits more bone formation and higher mineralization appositional rate than porous titanium scaffold .

  13. 控制良好组和控制不良组,成糖氨基酸均低于正常对照组(P<0.05和P<0.01)。

    The plasma glycogenic amino-acids ( GAA ) of both the badly - controlled and the better-controlled group were lower than the normal persons ( p < 0 . 01 and P < 0 . 05 ) .

  14. 结果:几乎所有的成骨细胞核均染成黄褐色,为FOS免疫组化反应阳性;

    Results : Nearly all the nuclei of osteoblasts were stained dark yellow brown which showed FOS positive immunocytochemical reaction .

  15. 3本试验不同盐浓度(1/3MS、1/2MS、MS)处理中,以1/3MS培养效果最好,PF值、转绿胚比例和成苗率均较高。

    The PF value , the ratio of immature embryos turning green and the percent of normal seedling were found better on 1 / 3 MS medium than 1 / 2 MS and MS medium .

  16. 结果表明:PET/EN-MFMB增韧体系中PET冷、热结晶开始结晶温度均比原料PET的有所降低,热结晶成核速率均比原料PET的有明显提高。

    The results indicated that the PET in PET / EN-MFMB showed lower cold and hot crystallization onset temperature , and a marked higher hot crystallization nucleation rate than that of pure PET .

  17. 结果表明:SP1代种子的发芽率、发芽势提高而出苗率和成苗率均降低。

    The results showed that the emergence rate and seeding rate were decreased with the increase of germination rate and its force , and little variation of the characters of SP 1 generation ;

  18. 培养结果表明,Cy的生根率和成苗率均达100%,平均根数达5.83~6.27条,有效繁殖系数达5.50~6.23。

    The culture results indicated that the rooting rate and the rate of grow into useful seedlings all reached 100 % , and that the mean number of roots reached 5.83 ~ 6.27 , and the effective propagation coefficient reached ( 5.50 ) ~ 6.23 at the 30 d.

  19. 3种粘结剂的造粒成粒率均大于93%,返料率小于12%,且用量不超过1%,肥料颗粒平均抗压碎力大于10N,优于国家标准。

    Three binders ' granulation rates were more than 93 % . Their return product rates were less than 12 % . And their dosages all not exceeded 1 % . Their average granular resistance forces to crushing were greater than 10N , which had advantage over the National Standard .

  20. 但该区天然气资源潜力特别是成藏作用均不清楚。

    But the natural gas resources potential , especially the accumulation effect are not clear in this area .

  21. 仔猪初生重、断奶重和育成末重均明显提高(P<0.05);

    While , the birth weight , weaning weight and growing weight were significantly improved ( P < 0.05 ) .

  22. 分析结果表明:超大跨度混合梁斜拉桥在施工和成桥阶段均存在非线性影响;

    The results of the analysis reveal that at the stages of the construction and completion , the nonlinear influences exist .

  23. 南方现存的中、古生界工业性油气藏特别是天然气藏的成藏期均较晚,以第三纪为主;

    Those existent industrial reservoirs of Paleozoic and Mesozoic in South China were formed especially in late periods , significantly in Tertiary .

  24. 结果两组肿瘤潜伏期无统计学差异(P>0.05),成瘤率均为100%。

    There was no significant difference between the two groups ( P > 0.05 ) . The tumor incidence was 100 % for both groups .

  25. 裂缝油气藏成藏组合均为自生自储,断裂带及其背斜轴部裂缝带控制了裂缝油气藏的总体分布。

    The hydrocarbon accumulating combination belongs to the self-generation and self-store mode . Fracture belts and anticlinal axis fracture belts control the distribution of fractured reservoirs .

  26. 由于挤压褶皱构造带、拆离滑脱构造带及走滑断裂构造带所处的构造位置、形成时期及相关成藏条件均较有利,因此其含油气性较好。

    Because of their favorable structural location , formation time and condition , the structural belts of compressive fold , decoupling slip and strike-slip fault have great hydrocarbon bearing probability .

  27. 结果表明,随着土壤紧实度提高,3个品种的分蘖成穗率均显著降低,从而导致单位面积穗数和籽粒产量降低。

    The experimental results indicated that fertile tiller percentage of all cultivars decreased significantly with soil compaction leading to remarkable decline in spike number and grain yield per unit area .

  28. 溶剂热条件下无皂乳液聚合机理遵循胶束成核和均相成核,但温度改变时自生压力影响胶粒的成核过程。

    The polymerization with solvothermal method are in accordance with mechanism of homogeneous nucleation and micelle nucleation , but different pressure for different temperature posed influence on the nucleation of nanoparticles .

  29. 后者300℃就已经形成较好的锐钛矿结晶相,晶相转变发生在700到900℃之间。而两种方法的成相温度均低于一般方法。

    In the later method good anatase phases have been formed at300 ℃ and phase transferred at700-900 ℃, The phase formation temperatures of the two methods are both lower than commonly used method .

  30. 三类矿床在成矿地质条件上各具特色,表现在:成矿构造背景上,斑岩铜矿和浅成低温金矿均以岛弧和活动大陆边缘为主,其次是陆内环境;

    The three kind of deposits are different in the ore-forming conditions : the tectonic setting of epithermal Au and porphyry Cu deposits is mainly island arc or active continental margin , with minor inland environment ;