
  1. 约有二千人编组成军加强防御工事。

    About two thousand men were ganged out to strengthen the works .

  2. 宪兵骑士维护费用高昂,只有富庶国家方有财力成军。

    Expensive to maintain , though , only the wealthiest states can afford them .

  3. 民兵类型:都市民兵撒拉逊民兵从富裕市民中徵召,编练成军以保卫自己的城邑。

    Saracen Militias are richer townsfolk who have been levied into militia to guard their settlements .

  4. 意大利重骑兵成员复杂,贵族平民混编成军,属于重装骑兵。

    Composed of nobility and commoners alike , these men make up a powerful unit of heavy cavalry .

  5. 结成联盟往往是为了共同防御。约有二千人编组成军加强防御工事。

    Leagues are commonly made for mutual defense . About two thousand men were ganged out to strengthen the works .

  6. 一般类型:后期专业部队努比亚矛兵是由从撒哈拉南部土地上招募奴隶编练成军。

    Nubian Spearmen are African slaves from the lands south of the Sahara desert , trained and formed into standing military units .

  7. 钩镰民兵们手持锋利钩镰,部分幸运者尚可配备盔甲,编练成军以守备城邑。

    Bill Militia are commoners handed a billhook and if lucky some armour , then formed into a unit to defend a settlement .

  8. 蒙古军队的主要武器便是战弓,由于战士们自小生长在马背上,故而极易令弓骑成军。

    The main weapon of the Mongol army is the bow , and as Mongol warriors are born into the saddle , they make excellent horse archers .

  9. 在如今新兴弦乐四重奏如雨后春笋般纷纷成军的同时,这支享誉欧洲并成为弦乐四重奏楷模的乐团,即将度过它的30周年诞辰。

    With the burgeoning of the contemporary string quartet , the musical group , which is well-reputation in Europe as the pattern of string quartet is celebrating its30th anniversary .

  10. 甲午战后,新建陆军试练成军,并开始了内部机制的近代化转变。

    After the Sino-Japanese war , the new army , self-esteem army and other new style armies were trained for becoming armies , which commenced their modern transition of internal mechanisms .

  11. 特拉比松人从黑海沿岸大量涌入拜占庭帝国,开展各项贸易活动,帝国亦从中挑选箭术高超者训练成军。

    Hailing from the edge of the Black Sea and plying their trade in the service of Byzantium , these men are recruited from the peasantry but well trained in the use of the composite bow .

  12. 哈加纳因转变成国防军而在形式上消失以后,其影响仍在以色列国延续着。

    Though disappearing after it was transformed into national defense forces , its influence still remains .

  13. 种族骚乱有惊无险,包括果敢在内的三支少数民族地方武装已经被改编成边防军;

    Secondly , the race riot finally calms down , and three minority arm forces including kokang have been incorporated by the government .

  14. 我成了抵抗军的医务官

    and I became the medical officer for the Resistance .

  15. 就此而言,瑞银可能正在发起一场大胆的转型,不只是为了清理乱局,更是为了把自己打造成未来的领军者(即便是与以往不同类型的领军者)。

    In this sense UBS may be launching a daring transformation , not just to clear up a mess , but to make itself a leader again , if a different kind of leader .