
  • 网络Costing;Cost Budgeting;Cost budget;cost estimation
  1. 其次,论文对GZ建筑公司中江廉租房项目的成本预算进行了深入透彻的分析,剖析了GZ建筑公司在该项目成本预算方面存在的不足之处。

    Then , this paper analyzed the cost budgeting process of Zhongjiang low rent housing project of GZ Construction Company and the deficiencies of cost budgeting .

  2. 建筑工程成本预算在项目管理中的作用

    The Role of Cost Budgeting of Construction Engineering Projects in Project Management

  3. 其次,分析多企业协作项目WBS与CBS分解结构,给出了适用于多企业协作的自底向上合成的成本预算与分配的方法,并提出了基于占用资源的项目成本估算通用模型及算法。

    Basing on the research above , in this paper the cost planning and controlling model of the multi-enterprise cooperative project management is proposed .

  4. CEMS是成本预算管理的信息化表现,是现代会计制度和现代信息技术的结合。

    CEMS is the cost of budget management performance of information technology is a modern accounting system and the combination of modern information technology .

  5. 接下来的讨论,是关于该机器的成本预算。沃默斯利先生指出,建造一套ACE的原型机,可能需要大约10,000英镑。一项共识是,现阶段还无法准确估计完整的ACE所需的成本。

    There was next some discussion as to the possible cost of the machine and Mr Womersley said that a pilot set-up could possibly be built for approximately 10000 pounds , and it was generally agreed that no close estimate of the overall cost of the full machine could be made at this stage .

  6. 浅谈钢结构企业成本预算与施工合同管理

    On cost account and construction contract management in steel structure enterprise

  7. 印刷成本预算是加强其成本管理的依据。

    Printing cost budget is the basis on strengthening cost management ;

  8. 从风险分析到成本预算谈网络安全的平衡策略

    Network security balance policy according to risk analysis and cost budget

  9. 采用成本预算编制投标报价

    Price quoted in the bid prepared by using cost budget

  10. 采油厂成本预算管理系统设计与开发

    Design and Development of the Cost-Budget Management System in Oil Production Plant

  11. 领导计划编制,跟踪成本预算控制。

    Take lead on action planning and tracking for expense budget control .

  12. 支持计划分析,以制定年度运营成本预算。

    Support planning analyst to build up 1 year operation expense budget .

  13. 油气开采成本预算系统权限管理的探讨应用

    Realization of Right Management in Budget System for Oil and Gas Production

  14. 我们需要对扩充部分的提议做一个详尽的成本预算。

    We need a detailed costing for the proposed extension .

  15. 作业基础预算法在电信运营成本预算中的应用

    The budget of telecom operation based on activity Activity Show Budget PC

  16. 油田炼化企业成本预算审计的程序与内容

    The Audit of the Budget of the Refinery Enterprise Cost

  17. 人力资源成本预算与控制的理论分析

    Analysis of the Budget and Control of Human Resource Cost

  18. 控制每月公司的薪金、奖金和人事成本预算。

    Control monthly payroll , bonus pool and personnel cost budget across company .

  19. 第五章系统地研究了工程项目成本预算的理论基础和实际方法。

    In Chapter 5 , the cost budgeting method is studied in detail .

  20. 浅论硼砂企业目标成本预算控制

    Discussion on Target Cost Budget Control for Borax Enterprise

  21. 编制成本预算,确定目标成本;

    Budget cost and target cost must be determined ;

  22. 企业广义物流成本预算问题研究

    The Study on the Enterprises Logistics Generalization Cost Budgeting

  23. 试论虚拟参考咨询服务成本预算模型

    Discussing the Model of Virtual Reference Service Cost Calculator

  24. 责任成本预算软件的分析与开发

    Analysis and development of responsibility cost budge software

  25. 某盆地油气勘查成本预算和风险分析

    Cost budget and risk analysis of oil and gas exploration of a certain basin

  26. 物流成本预算是事前控制,为物流成本控制设定控制标准;

    Logistics cost budgeting controls in advance , and establishes the cost standard of controlling .

  27. 挑选合适的供应商以保证能达到产品质量和成本预算目标的要求。

    Selection of supplier and solution to achieve the quality and cost target of the products .

  28. 组织和协调部门成本预算的编制,制定部门费用预算的标准。

    Organize and coordinate departments to complete department cost budget . Establish standard of department cost budget .

  29. 可以先考量成本预算,在会议中建议经理增加预算。

    You could consider the budget first and ask the manager to increase it during the meeting .

  30. 一个新成立的成本预算委员会将对这些成本预算帽的财务规章进行监督和执行。

    A new Costs Commission is being set up to monitor and enforce these cost-cap financial regulations .