
  • 网络achievement attribution
  1. 成就归因方式对自我监控语言学习行为的影响(英文)

    The influence of achievement attributions on self-regulated language learning behaviors ;

  2. 课堂情境中学生竞争对其成就归因和成就行为的影响

    Effects of competition between students in classroom on their achievement attributions and achievement behaviors

  3. 奖赏结构与结果效价对儿童自我&他人成就归因与评价的影响

    Competitive Reward Structure and Valence of Outcome on Children 's Achievement Attributions

  4. 中美少数族群学生学业成就归因理论比较研究

    Comparative Research on Attribution Theory of Sino-U.S.A. Minority Ethnic Students Academic Achievement

  5. 英语教师;教学成就归因;影响因素;教学信念;

    EFL teacher ; Instructional achievement attribution ; Influential factor ; Teaching belief ;

  6. 成就归因对学生学习行为有着明显影响。

    Achievement attribution has a remarkable influence on the academic behavior of students .

  7. 中学生学业成就归因与学习动力的相关研究

    A correlation study of middle-school students ' study achievement attribution and learning motivity

  8. 大学生学业成就归因问卷调查分析报告

    An analysis to the questionnaire of college student achievement factors for academic learning

  9. 西方少数民族学生学业成就归因理论综述

    Western Attribution Theory About Academic Achievement of Minority Students

  10. 本文是一篇研究初中生化学学业成就归因类型的论文。

    This paper is a study in junior school achievement attribution types of chemistry .

  11. 职业中专生成就归因特点的研究

    A Study of the Characteristics of Achievement Attribution of the Students at Polytechnic School

  12. 职专生成就归因特点研究及教育建议

    A Study on the Characteristics of Achievement Attribution in Polytechnic School and Educational Suggestion

  13. 大学生元认知与学业成就归因之间关系的研究

    Research on the Relationship between Meta-cognitions and the Attribution of Academic Achievements of University Students

  14. 奥斯卡·皮斯托瑞斯的诋毁者将他的非凡成就归因于他的假肢。

    Time and again , Oscar Pistorius'detractors explicitly attributed his otherworldly athletic prowess to his prosthetics .

  15. 不论在学业成就归因还是人际关系上,大学生最倾向于归因于努力因素。

    Whether achievement attribution or interpersonal attribution , college students are most likely inclined to endeavor .

  16. 从研究结果上看,本研究已经证明了预先的假设,即大学生学业成就归因是有差异的,并且他们的归因方式与其元认知、心理健康有密切的相关关系。

    There is a linear relationship between university students ' academic achievement attribution and mental health .

  17. 研究的结果表明:大学生学业成就归因倾向于内归因。

    The results of the study show that university students achievements attribution tend to be inner attribution .

  18. 调研中还发现,小学教师对智力的认识存在前后矛盾,对学生的成就归因存在武断与随意。

    There are even some contradictions in teachers ' concept on intelligence and students ' achievement attribution .

  19. 中学生学习动机、成就归因、学习效能感与成就状况之间因果关系的研究

    Research on Relationships between Learning Motivation , Achievement Attribution , Learning Efficacy and Achievement of Middle School Students

  20. 本研究考察大学生的元认知能力和学业成就归因之间的关系。

    There is significant correlation between the ability of meta-cognition and the attribution of academic achievements : 2 .

  21. 上海市高职学生成就归因、自尊与学习倦怠关系的实证研究

    Verifying Studies of The Relation of Achievement Attribution , Self-esteem and Learning Burnout of Shanghai Higher Vocational College Students

  22. 接着通过实证研究来论证了大学生学业成就归因的特点以及与元认知、心理健康之间的关系。

    The relationship between metacognition and mental health and the feature of university students achievement attribution are confirmed through experimental study .

  23. 进一步的分析发现:高职大学生在成就归因上存在显著的性别和家庭收入水平的差异,不存在年级差异。

    Further analysis suggests that when attributing achivements , they have significant differences in gender and family-income level , not in grades .

  24. 本研究旨在考察不同的奖赏结构和结果效价对儿童自我-他人成就归因、自我-他人奖赏评价的影响。

    This research examined how success and failure outcome under competitive and noncompetitive reward structures influenced childrens achievement attributions in terms of genders .

  25. 从成就归因特点的总趋势看,大学生更倾向于目标、努力和能力归因。

    From the tendency of the characteristic of success attribution , the college students lean to goal , endeavor , and capacity attribution .

  26. 运用开放式问题对90名中专学生的成就归因倾向进行了调查。

    There is no other way . The attributional deviations of school achievement of 90 polytechnic school students were investigated by the open questionnaire .

  27. 此成就归因于依据危险度所确定的多药联合化疗和中枢神经系统预防。

    This accomplishment is owe to patients successful treatment based on combination of multiagent chemotherapy , risk based intensification of therapy and central nerve system prophylaxis .

  28. 结果表明:被试者的学业成就归因倾向从总体上看是积极的,努力被看作是获取成功的重要因素;

    The results show as followings : The subjects school achievement is positive in a word , and effort is an important factor of their achieving success .

  29. 文章在西方行为归因理论的基础上,建构了社会成就归因理论及其分析框架,并运用实证调查资料对理论进行假设检验,分析影响社会成就归因的因素。

    Based on the behavior attribution theory , this paper introduces a social achievement attribution theory and analyses some determinants that influence social achievement attribution through empirical test .

  30. 该研究采用测验法对中学生学习动机、成就归因、学习效能感与成就状况之间的因果关系进行了探讨,并建立起因果关系模型。

    The present research studied the relationships between learning motivation , achievement attribution , learning efficacy and achievement of middle school students , and constructed the path-analysis model .