
chénɡ shú lín
  • mature forest
  1. 两种郁闭度华山松成熟林植物物种结构特征物种结构稳定性和对环境扰动的抗性

    Characteristics of Plant Species Structure of Pinus armandi Mature Forest with Two Different Stand Crown Closure

  2. 林下植物的物种丰富度指数、各多样性指数和均匀度指数均表现出成熟林>幼龄林>中龄林的趋势

    The richness index , diversity index and evenness index of understory plant show mature forest > young forest > middle aged forest

  3. 结果发现,岩溶山地次生林下贮存有丰富的植物种子,在厚度为10cm的表层土壤中的种子储量变动于4930~14930粒/m2之间,高于对照成熟林的3780粒/m2。

    There were abundant viable seeds stored in the soil seed banks under karst secondary forests . Seeds identified in soils at 10 cm depth ranged from 4 930 to 14 930 indi . / m ~ 2 , higher than that of 3 780 indi .

  4. 林分土壤在中龄林至成熟林阶段的碳汇能力不断提高。

    The ability of soil carbon sink from half-mature stand to mature stand improved continuously .

  5. 近熟林、成熟林和过熟林采用收益方式估价方法。

    Benefit valuation method is often used to estimate submature , mature and overmature forest .

  6. 对福建马尾松幼龄林、中龄林和成熟林生态系统中各组分的含碳率和碳贮量进行了比较研究。

    The carbon content and carbon storage of Pinus massoniana Lamb at different growing stages were measured .

  7. 在白桦山杨幼林和成熟林中,山杨的细根分解均比白桦细根快。

    In two secondary forests , Populus davidiana fine root decomposition rate was faster than Betula platyphylla 's.

  8. 幼龄林阶段树高偏度较大于中龄林和成熟林。

    The height skewness of young stage forest was larger than the middle stages forest and mature stages forest .

  9. 研究区以成熟林和过熟林为主,生态环境保护较好。

    In study area , there are mainly mature and over-mature forests and the eco-environment is in good conditions .

  10. 传播成熟林树种的大型动物到达不了该样地,植被的演替受到了阻碍。

    The climax species with seeds dispersed by large animals were not able to reach the isolated forest , whose succession was retarded .

  11. 树高分布峰度在幼龄林阶段较尖锐(峰度值大于0),在中龄林、成熟林阶段较为平坦。

    The height distribution kurtosis was sharper in young forest stage ( kurtosis value greater than 0 ), and was flatter in the middle stage .

  12. 幼林根系呼吸速率和根系呼吸占土壤总呼吸的比例均高于成熟林。

    The root respiration rate and percentage of root respiration to total soil respiration of the young forest were higher than those of the mature forest .

  13. 间伐的华山松+云南松近成熟林密度及胸径断面积的变化研究

    Study on Change of Tree Density , DBH and Basal Area of Pinus armandii and Pinus yunnanensis Mixed Forest during the Course of Maturing Treated by Intermediate Cutting

  14. 刺槐林平均胸径随林龄的增大而增加,但增速不同,幼龄林和中龄林增长大于成熟林。

    Average DBH of Robinia pseudoacacia increased with the increase of plantation age . But growth rates were different , sapling and mid-maturation forest were higher than embodiment .

  15. 我国松树成熟林濒于枯竭,松脂主要采自天然次生林的中幼林,有限的松林遭受过量砍伐和违章采脂的破坏,致使松脂可采资源下降。

    In China , mature pine forests are on the verge of exhaustion and pine oleoresin is mainly extracted from middle aged and young pine forests of natural secondary growth .

  16. 油松松针中黄酮类成分的分离与鉴定草甸草原&天然樟子松成熟林鸟类物种数是14种,多样性指数为2.2348;

    There are 14 bird species in the edge habitat between the meadow-steppe and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica natural mature forest ( denoted by MPN ), and its diversity index is 2.2348 ;

  17. 幼龄林阶段林分径阶分布偏度和峰值较大;中龄林和成熟林阶段林分径阶偏度较小,且分布较为平坦。

    Diameter rank distribution and peak were bigger in sapling stand stage ; the partial degrees and stand diameter one-order partial embodiment were small and had a flat distribution in mid-maturation forest stage .

  18. 近熟林到成熟林根际与非根际土壤有机质含量、富啡酸含碳量和胡敏素含碳量随着林龄的增大而降低;

    Soil organic matter content , the carbon content in fulvic acid and the carbon content in humin in rhizosphere and non_rhizosphere soil from near mature stand to mature stand decreased with stand ages grew ;

  19. 乔、灌、草的覆盖度是生境条件的综合反映;它们与非生物因子的相关性显示了成熟林下灌木和草本层物种生态习性的整体差异。

    As an integrated reflections of habitat conditions , the relationship between the coverage of tree , shrub and herb layers and abiotic factors showed difference of ecological habits between the understory shrub and herb species .

  20. 因此,当人工云杉林达到成熟林后,应采取诸如适当间伐等措施,以改善林地生态条件,避免土壤肥力退化。

    Therefore , in order to avoid soil fertility degradation and improve the stand ecology environment , the rational inter cut down and measure management of such as fostering ought to be adopted after artificial spruce forest matured .

  21. 由于幼龄林、中龄林、成熟林森林资源资产单位评估价值的影响因素不同,应分别构建幼龄林、中龄林、成熟林的批量评估模型。

    Due to the difference among the factors affecting the appraisal value per unit young , immature and mature forest resource assets , the mass appraisal models should be built for the young , immature and mature forests respectively .

  22. 落叶松是我国北方林区主要的造林速生树种之一,经过50多年的森林营建,落叶松人工林大部分已进入近熟林、成熟林阶段,已成为我国重要的用材林基地。

    Larch is the primary fast growing tree species for forestation in north forest region of China . After 50 years forestation , the larch plantations have already became near-mature forest or mature forest and been the important commercial forest base now .

  23. 按各龄组面积排序为:中龄林〉幼龄林〉近熟林〉成熟林〉过熟林,中、幼龄林占据了研究区总面积的86.2%,成熟林只有5.35%。

    According to the age group of area of order : middle age of stand young forest near-mature forest mature forest overmature forest in the research area , sapling occupies 86.2 % of the total area , grove and only 5.35 % .

  24. 对不同林龄、地位指数和连栽代数杉木林下植物的生长发育规律进行初步调查分析,结果表明:林下植物种类平均数量表现出成熟林>幼龄林>中龄林的趋势;

    This paper discussed growth laws of understory plant of Chinese fir plantations in different ages , different site indexes and different rotations The results showed that the mean quantity of understory plant species show mature forest > young forest > middle aged forest ;

  25. 随林龄增大,杉木人工林生态系统碳贮量逐渐增大,成熟林分别是幼龄林和中龄林的1.63倍和1.19倍,而这种差异主要是由乔木层碳贮量差异引起的。

    The Carbon storage of Chinese fir plantation ecosystem increased with the increasement of age , which of MP was 1.63 times that of YP , and 1.19 times that of MAP , respectively , and most of the differences among forest ecosystems were in the tree layer ;

  26. 根据有关森林资源资产评估技术规范的要求,结合竹林资源经营特性,从理论方法到实例应用,分别对未成熟林和成熟林进行论述、评估,验证评估方法的可行性。

    According to the request of relevant forest reserves assets assessment technical specification , combining the resources of the bamboo grove and manage the characteristic , expound and assess non-ripe forest and ripe forest separately from theory method to application of embodiment , prove the feasibility of the method .

  27. 土壤肥力评价结果为:天然林>幼龄林>近熟林>中龄林>成熟林,即随着林龄的增长,土壤肥力迅速下降,其主要原因是林地凋落物分解缓慢。

    Comprehensive evaluation of soil fertility showed the ( results : ) natural forest > young stand > near mature stand > half - mature stand > mature forest , namely , with the stand ages increasing , soil fertility began to decrease rapidly because of the slow litter decomposition .

  28. 邻近江西分宜种源试验林,选择一片完整的鹅掌楸(Liriodendronchinense)近成熟人工林(1981年栽植),抽取33棵样本株,分年轮测定了木材基本密度和纤维长度。

    Thirty three trees from a seventeen years old plantation of Chinese tulip tree ( Liriodendron chinense ) in Fenyi county , Jiangxi Province were randomly selected , and their basic density , and fiber length of each growth ring for the increment core samples at breast height were measured .

  29. 成熟期原生林ShannonWiener多样性指数最高,呈现出随生长年代的增加而增大的趋势。

    The Shannon Wiener diversity index in mature phase was the largest , and it got higher with the increase of growth stage .

  30. 该心腐在黔东南、黔中等地区近熟及成熟杉木人工林中均有不同程度发生。

    The heart-wood-rot happens in varying degrees in almost mature and mature manmade forests of Chinese fir in southeastern Guizhou and central Guizhou .