
  • 网络Hunting ground;shoot
  1. 对于许多服务提供商而言,保留账户已成为它们获取新业务的狩猎场。

    Preserved accounts have become the hunting ground for new business for many service providers .

  2. 杨向东表示,中国仍然是少数股权投资的狩猎场,因为国内公司希望获得资本,而当地银行面临收缩贷款的压力。

    Mr Yang said China remained a hunting ground for minority investments , as domestic companies look for capital and local banks face pressure to restrain loans .

  3. GPS设备使卑格米人能够定位圣树、传统的狩猎场、以及由于生长着特殊果实或昆虫幼虫因而在具体季节不能扰动的植物。

    The GPS device allows Pygmies to pinpoint sacred trees , ancestral hunting grounds , and plants which should not be touched during the season when they yield special fruits or caterpillars .

  4. 1990~1994年,结合国际狩猎场规划,对新疆6个代表区域盘羊Ovisammon种群作了专题研究。

    From 1990 to 1994 , special surveys of Argali Ovis ammon population were conducted in six representative areas of Xinjiang in combination with the planning of international hunting fields . Three subspecies & O. a.

  5. 一定到10点了,我要去狩猎场。

    It must be ten . I wiII go to the shooting .

  6. 高明县狩猎场开发规划

    The Exploitation planning of Gao Ming Hunting Game Resort

  7. 甘肃省国际盘羊狩猎场的管理与综合评估

    A comprehensive evaluation on management of three international hunting grounds for argali in Gansu

  8. 海格把看守狩猎场的工作撇在了一边,因为小龙弄得他手忙脚乱。

    Hagrid hadn 't been doing his gamekeeping duties because the dragon was keeping him so busy .

  9. 德国已经成为那些寻求升级机械价值产业链的工业企业的天然狩猎场。

    Germany has become a natural hunting-ground for industrial companies looking to move up the engineering value chain .

  10. 那魁梧的狩猎场看守,正大步向他们走来,甲虫般黑亮的眼睛在大胡子上面炯炯放光。

    the Hogwarts gamekeeper , came striding toward them , beetle-black eyes flashing over his great bristling beard .

  11. 大连深港狩猎场地形插值模型形成机理

    The forming mechanism of three-dimensions triangulation interpolation model for Dalian Shen'gang ( International ) hunting field 's topography and physiognomy

  12. 最后一丝夕阳的照耀着整个漫长的树茎上的狩猎场。

    The last rays of the setting sun shone brightly through the long stems of the trees upon the hunting field .

  13. 例如,注射器表明有医疗价值的植物,而持箭的卑格米人则表示狩猎场。

    For example , a syringe represents plants of medicinal value while a Pygmy with an arrow marks a hunting area .

  14. 它们接受优秀的专家训练,在那里它们能过上比在狩猎场要好得多的生活。

    They will be trained by good specialists and will get better living conditions than they could have in the safari park .

  15. 一小时后,他们敲响了狩猎场看守的小屋门。他们吃惊地发现,所有的窗帘都被拉得严严实实。

    When they knocked on the door of the gamekeeper 's hut an hour later , they were surprised to see that all the curtains were closed .

  16. 还有香炉石、花塔、九老沟等自然旅游景点和南、北山天然狩猎场。

    There are stone incense burner , flower tower , the Kowloon-old ditch , and other natural tourist attractions and the South , the northern natural hunting ground .

  17. 近年来,为适应野生动物保护管理的新形式,区划建立了11处固定狩猎场,开展经营性狩猎活动。

    In recent years , 11 settled hunting grounds were established in Shanxi Province to adapt the new models of protection and management for wildlife and hunting activities were developed .

  18. 对狩猎场建设的可行性、猎期和猎取量、狩猎场的管理、狩猎场的经济效益进行了探讨。

    This article has also made an exploration on the construction feasibility of hunting park , hunting period and hunting quota , hunting park management , economic benefits of hunting park .

  19. 我猜想,你大概希望自己从霍格沃茨毕业后也去看守狩猎场吧——海格的小屋和你原先那个家比起来,一定是像个宫殿吧!”

    Hoping to be gamekeeper yourself when you leave Hogwarts , I suppose - that hut of Hagrid 's must seem like a palace compared to what your family 's used to .

  20. 巴黎大区,在历史上从1900开始,是以西岱岛为中心的巴黎老城沿着中世纪以来的皇家狩猎场的道路向外发展的。

    The Grand Paris , with its origin dating back in1900 , has been expanding from the old city of Paris along the road of what has been La Chasse Royale since medieval .

  21. 一位驻香港的行业高管表示:“短期前景似乎颇具挑战性,但企业环境正在发生变化,这会使亚太地区成为未来5年私人股本业一个不错的狩猎场。”

    One senior Hong Kong-based industry executive says : " the short-term outlook appears challenging but the corporate landscape is changing and that should make Asia Pacific a good hunting ground for the industry during the next five years . "

  22. 那是一个阴雨绵绵,寒风刺骨的下午,十六岁的黛安娜,身穿借来的一件过大的毛皮风雪大衣,足登长靴,下身是一件蓝色牛仔裤。她正经过这片狩猎场朝着这位英国王位继承人走来。

    It was a cold , rainy , bleak afternoon when sixteen-year-old Diana , dressed in a borrowed parka that was too large for her , boots , and blue jeans , crossed the field to meet the heir to the British throne .

  23. 《蝇王》这部作品以战争为背景,男性把世界当成狩猎场并与自然为敌,他们不断激起和卷入战争,肆意地屠杀。

    The novel , Lord of the Flies , is set in the background of the war , where the males regard the world as the hunting ground and take the nature as their enemy . They arouse the war and get involved in it and kill each other bloodily .