
chénɡ jiù ɡǎn
  • fulfillment;sense of fulfillment;feeling of having accomplished something important
  1. 快乐是从勤奋工作中得到的一种事实在在的成就感。

    Happiness is the real sense of fulfillment that comes from hard work .

  2. 如果你婚姻不幸,无论你事业有多成功,都于事无补,你仍然很没有成就感。

    But if not , you will still have no sense of fulfillment no matter how successful your career is , it 's in vain .

  3. 自己一个人带大孩子会给你一种成就感。

    Bringing up a child alone should give you a sense of achievement

  4. 这场战争是她生命中最重大的事件,从那以后再没有什么让她特别有成就感的了。

    The war was the biggest thing in her life and nothing after that quite fulfilled her

  5. 他击败的是欧洲最受人崇拜的球队,这让他更有成就感。

    His success was all the sweeter for being at the expense of Europe 's most admired team .

  6. 即便是小小的成功也给人一种成就感。

    Even a small success gives you a sense of achievement .

  7. 攀登这座山给我成就感。

    Climbing the mountain gave me a sense of achievement .

  8. 这一事实并没有减少她的成就感。

    This fact did not lessen her sense of achievement .

  9. 工作结束时,他们体会到一种真正的成就感。

    They had a real sense of achievement when the work was finished .

  10. 这是艰辛的工作,但是成就感巨大。

    It was hard work , but the sense of achievement is huge .

  11. 如果你写完一本很长的书的话,就会有一种成就感。

    It gives you a sense of achievement if you actually make it to the end of a very long book .

  12. 然后,先处理最重要的任务,这样你会有真正的成就感。

    Then , handle the most important tasks first so you 'll feel a real sense of achievement .

  13. 这将给你信心,而你需要这种信心来度过下午,然后成就感满满地回家。

    This will give you the confidence you need to get you through the afternoon and go home feeling accomplished .

  14. 其他学生说,当他们读完一本纸质书时,他们会有一种成就感。

    Other students said that they could get a sense of accomplishmentwhen they finished reading a paper book .

  15. 然后,你可以逐步地工作,每完成一小部分,你都会有成就感。

    Then you can work progressively and have a sense of achievement whenever you 've done with a small part .

  16. 过多的表扬带来的弊端是,孩子们可能会开始关注奖励,而不是他们正在学习的东西。更糟的是,当一个学生的自信来自于盲目的成就感,而不是他或她的实际能力时,失败的结果可能是毁灭性的。

    The disadvantage of too much praise is that kids may start to focus on the reward rather than what they are learning , Worse , when a student fails , whose confidence comes from a blind sense of achievement rather than his or her actual abilities , the result can be devastating .

  17. 这名年仅22岁的年轻商人以100多万英镑的价格卖掉了他的公司,但他并没有沉浸在成就感中,而是已经开了一家新公司!

    At the age of only 22 , the young businessman has sold his company for over a million pounds . But rather than basking2 in his achievements , he has already started a new business !

  18. 但也有58%的女性表示,她们攻读MBA学位,是为了获得成就感和个人满足感。

    But even more women 58 % said they also were seeking the achievement and personal satisfaction that came from such a degree .

  19. 弗拉基米尔。波大林(VladimirPotanin):我感到了巨大的成就感。

    VLADIMIR POTANIN : I felt a great feeling of victory .

  20. 到目前为止我已经从事了X年的服装设计,我非常爱这个工作,它能带给我成就感,同时让我实现对美的追求。

    I have engaged in costume design for X years , which I love in passion , because it can bring me the feeling of success , and can fulfill my pursuit of aestheticism .

  21. 积极应对方式与情绪枯竭(EE)、去人格化倾向(DP)呈负相关,与个人成就感(PA)呈正相关;

    The active coping style was negatively related to Emotional Exhaustion ( EE ) and Depersonalization ( DP ), but positively related to Personal Accomplishment ( PA ) .

  22. 出于内在没有成就感的失望,很多提升者的提升旅途就此开始了,或者对Mila和Oa来说就是这样。

    Out of the internal disappointment of feeling unfilled , many an initiate 's ascension begins , or so this is so for both Mila and Oa .

  23. 总量表及各分量表的Cronbachα系数分别为:0.8699,身心衰竭0.88,人格解体0.69,缺乏成就感0.77。

    The Cronbach alpha coefficients of the whole scale and 3 subscales were 0.869 9 , 0.88 , 0.69 and 0.77 respectively .

  24. 尽管我们这个应用不太可能对foursquare等基于位置的应用的地位构成挑战,但大家获得的成就感是令人难以置信的。

    While it is unlikely that we will be challenging the position of location-based apps such as foursquare , the sense of achievement among the participants is incredible .

  25. 方法采用国际通用的Maslach倦怠量表(MBI&HSS)对522名在职教师进行调查。结果分别有43.5%、45.9%和26.5%的高校教师,存在一定程度的情绪衰竭、低成就感和去个性化;

    Methods 522 Jilin University teachers were assessed by MBI-HSS Results 43.5 % , 45.9 % and 26.5 % teachers got high or moderate scores on Emotional Exhaustion , Personal Accomplishment and Depersonalization .

  26. 致力于改善人民的生活带给希拉里极大的成就感。

    Working to improve people 's lives brought Hillary tremendous satisfaction .

  27. 我说的还有让我们更有成就感。

    I 'm talking about making it more fulfilling for us .

  28. 我太开心了,这是我前所未有的成就感。

    I am very happy , this is an unprecedented achievement .

  29. 我想和所有人分享这些成就感。

    I wanna share these achievements with all you guys here .

  30. 尘埃落定总是会造就成就感。

    The state of completion always creates a sense of achievement .