
  • 网络monetary form
  1. 包括劳动者获得的工资、奖金和津贴,包括货币形式和实物形式的;

    It includes wages , bonuses and allowances the laborers earned in monetary form and in kind .

  2. 工资应以货币形式支付给劳动者,不得克扣或无故拖欠。

    Salary should pay worker with monetary form , do not get embezzle part of what should be issued or without reason to default .

  3. 智能IC卡是一种集成电路卡(ICCard),以电子货币形式流通于市场,也可用于社会保障等领域。

    Smart IC card is a kind of integrated circuit card ( IC Card ), which circulating as electronic currency and applying in society security and so on .

  4. 分析结果显示:指标能量形式对土地因子的筛选结果好于货币形式,其中以产值(KJ)的筛选结果最为稳定、合理。

    The results show that the analysis results of indexes of energy form are better than those of indexes of money form .

  5. 截至到现在,我们已经经历了两种货币形式。

    So far , we 've been through two phases of money .

  6. 有的税款必须以货币形式交纳,收款由严密监控的私人订约者承办。

    Money taxes were collected for the government by strictly-controlled private contractors .

  7. 金额将被格式化为何种货币形式?

    What currency will the amount be formatted to ?

  8. 商品货币形式成为分配媒介;按劳分配的对象是实现价值;

    Distribution object is to " realize value ";

  9. 田中:因此,美国联邦储备银行发行的钞票是目前主要的货币形式。

    T : Therefore , the Federal Reserve Note is the main one today ?

  10. 中国自2010年方开始允许以离岸货币形式存在的本国货币用于国际贸易。

    China has only allowed international trade of the offshore version of its currency since 2010 .

  11. 工资应当以货币形式按月支付给劳动者本人。

    Wages shall be paid to the workers themselves in cash and on a monthly basis .

  12. 这个国家然后以这一货币形式重新表现了所有负债,国内负债。

    The country then redenominates all its debts , its domestic debt , into this currency .

  13. 对象支持报告各种货币形式的财务度量。

    The Currency Conversion object allows financial measures to be reported on in a range of currencies .

  14. 商品货币形式中人与人的关系表现为物与物关系的虚幻形式,就是商品货币的拜物教性质。

    The fetishism property of money is the relation of persons representing the shadowy forms of relation of substances .

  15. 简言之,网络经济等于新的经济规则、新的货币形式和新的消费行为

    In short , webonomics amounts to new economic rules , new forms of currency , and new consumer Behavior

  16. 体育服务价格是体育服务市场中体育服务带来的非物质形态的特殊使用价值所表现的货币形式。

    Sport service price was a form of currency embodied by the special use value of non substance formation .

  17. 高等学校绩效工资应以货币形式支付,采取月度预发与年终结算相结合的方式进行。

    Performance-related pay should be delivered in monetary term through combination of monthly pay in advance and yearly end settlement .

  18. 实际上,可可豆曾经被当作一种与金子等值的货币形式!

    In fact , cocoa beans were used as a form of currency that was worth its weight in gold !

  19. 经社会保险经办机构核定后,以货币形式足额缴纳社会保险费。

    And shall pay social insurance premiums in cash and in full amount after being verified by the social security agencies .

  20. 只有在不会削弱教练关系的情况下,我才会接受服务、物品或者其他非货币形式的报酬。

    I will only barter for services , goods or other non-monetary remuneration when it will not impair the coaching relationship .

  21. 对高层管理人员的年薪制,股票期权,非货币形式的激励等也未能进行深入探讨。

    It does not grope and discuss deeply annual-salary system of high-level management persons , stock rights encouragement , non-currency inspiration and etc.

  22. 由于这些物品价值高昂且便于携带,因此也属于货币形式的一种。

    And items such as these were also a form of currency , because they were valuable and easy to carry around .

  23. 同时又对货币形式的演变、货币的职能和货币流通规律等基本问题进行了探讨。

    Transformation of forms , functions , and circulation rules of currency and other basic problems are also discussed in the article .

  24. 信用卡是银行为顾客提供的更为简便迅捷、较为安全的一种现代化货币形式。

    Credit Card is playing a role as modern currency in which form banks provide simpler , quicker and safer services for customers .

  25. 一个期货、期权或以保证金形式交易的账户在假设以目前的市场价格平仓后以货币形式计算的账户余额。

    The residual dollar value of a futures , option , or leverage trading account , assuming it was liquidated at current prices .

  26. 信用卡这一全球通用的、现代化的货币形式,正在开创一个崭新的时代。中国也正已加速度步入这一时代。

    Credit card , as a global and modernized payment tool , is inaugurating a new era , which China is stepped-up to strike in .

  27. 只用货币形式来评价国际贸易是相当片面的,经济上的贸易顺差也许带来了生态资本上的亏损,评价贸易的可持续性发展需要从环境效应分析的角度来考虑。

    So , it is quite unilaterally to evaluate the international coke trade from monetary term . A favorable balance of trade maybe brings the loss in ecological capital .

  28. 为了避免这一问题,她建议雇主重视其他非货币形式的“外在激励因素”,例如鼓励同事成为朋友,重视员工的意见等。

    To avoid this problem , Teagarden recommends that companies focus on other , non-monetary , " extrinsic motivators , " like encouraging friendship among coworkers and valuing employees ' opinions .

  29. 目前已经出现了黄金银行,它允许客户在全球范围内使用数字黄金付款和收款。数字黄金是一种电子货币形式,由客户所存的黄金为担保。

    Gold banks already exist that allow clients to make and receive digital gold payments – a form of electronic money , backed by gold in storage – around the globe .

  30. 金融,就是以货币形式表示之资本,换句话说,就是通常为了资本目之通过金融市场或金融机构已借贷资金形式构成之资本。

    The word " finance " signifies capital in monetary form , that is in the form of funds lent or borrowed , normally for capital purposes , through financial markets or financial institutions .