
huò wù zhuānɡ xiè
  • cargo handling;freight handling
  1. 船舶货物装卸机械能力与详细资料;

    Details and capacities of ship 's cargo handling gear ;

  2. 明年上海的货物装卸将实行计算机操作。

    Cargo handling will be computerized in Shanghai next year .

  3. 基于UG的运输机散装物资装卸车副车架的优化设计与分析建立危险货物装卸作业的安全与防污管理体系

    Design and Analysis of Side Carcase of Airport Cargo Handing Vehicle Based on UG Establishment of Safety and Anti-pollution Management System during Load and Unload DG

  4. 柴湾公共货物装卸区〔不准住家船只进入〕

    Chai Wan Public Cargo Working Area [ closed to dwelling vessels ]

  5. 货物装卸中带共同宽容期的排序问题

    Scheduling of Goods Loading and Unloading within Common Due Window

  6. 建立危险货物装卸作业的安全与防污管理体系

    Establishment of Safety and Anti-pollution Management System during Load and Unload DG

  7. 散装货物装卸运输设备无装卸设备船无装卸设备的船港口散货全自动装卸设备研究与开发

    Research and Development of Automatic Bulk Handling Equipment in the Modern Ports

  8. 重大件货物装卸中船舶稳性的计算及调整

    Calculation and adjustment of stability for a heavy-lift ship

  9. 散装货物装卸运输设备燃油脱盐与净化装置

    Bulk handling equipment demineralizing washing plant for fuel oil

  10. 符合英国工厂法规定的货物装卸设备证书

    Cargo gear certificate in compliance with British Factory Acts

  11. 铁路货物装卸机械化

    Mechanization of goods loading and unloading on railway equipment handling charge by piece

  12. 市区公众货物装卸区铁路货物装卸机械化

    Urban public cargo working area mechanization of goods loading and unloading on railway

  13. 任何岸基起重设备或其他货物装卸设备的建造或装配;

    The construction or equipping of any shore-based liftingappliance or other cargo-handling appliance ;

  14. 联运集装箱,搬运家具用散装货物装卸运输设备

    Container , furniture-removal , intermodal bulk handling equipment

  15. 铁路笨重货物装卸机械化系统中起重机起重量的确定方法

    A Method of Determining Elevating Capacity for Cranes in Loading and Unloading Railway Heavy Goods

  16. 货物装卸国家联合委员会

    National Joint Council on Materials Handling

  17. 货物装卸设备利用系数

    Accordion hose load cargo gear coefficient

  18. 附设刹车垫防止货物装卸时登车桥移位。

    The attached brake pad can protect the year ramp from shift while loading & unloading .

  19. 散装货物装卸运输设备

    Bulk handling equipment tract of on-carriage

  20. 船上的货物装卸器械装置

    Ship 's cargo handling gear

  21. 市区公众货物装卸区

    Urban public cargo working area

  22. 入口、出口、货物装卸和储存区是否有外部泛光照明?

    Is there any outside flood lighting of entrances , exits , cargo handling and storage areas ?

  23. GB/T15420-1994国际航运货物装卸费用和船舶租赁方式条款代码已卸下所装货物的货船。

    Codes of stevedorage and chartering mode terms for international shipping a freighter relieved of its charge of cargo .

  24. 铁路货物装卸,客货物廷伸服务,货物仓储,保管地磅服务,百货,日用杂品。

    Railway cargo handling , passenger and cargo services Ting Shen , cargo storage , custody platform balances services department , daily groceries .

  25. 是否已经通知码头货物装卸完成后船舶准备开航所需的时间?

    Has the terminal been advised of the time required for the ship to prepare for sea , on completion of cargo work ?

  26. 近年来,随着国际贸易海运量的攀升,航运、货物装卸及腹地运输的发展,这一趋势变得更加显著。

    This trend is fuelled by the recent growth in international waterborne trade and developments in shipping , cargo handling and hinterland transportation .

  27. 原来的货物装卸台被改造成了一个展览室,装上了工业卷帘门便于人多时能及时走出来;

    A loading dock has been converted into apresentation room , with a rolling industrial door so that groups can spill over outside .

  28. 然而,对查尔斯来说,这种后来被她称之为“货物装卸”的事,似乎是出游中最精彩的时刻。

    For Charles , however , these " freight handlings ," as she came to call it , seemed to be the highlight of the outings .

  29. 如今,越来越多的港口正在改变传统单一的货物装卸、仓储功能,逐渐向提供现代综合物流服务的方向发展。

    Nowadays more and more ports are transforming the traditional and single cargo handling and warehousing function , into the comprehensive logistics service of modern times .

  30. 这是为了避免在游戏中渲染随着货物装卸和货物载体类型而定的不同集装箱。

    The goal is to avoid to have to render a variable amount of containers depending on the load and the type of goods carrier by the ship .