
  • 网络General Dynamics;general dynamics corp
  1. 而通用动力公司(GeneralDynamics)、诺斯罗普•格鲁曼(NorthropGrumman)、波音(Boeing)和洛克希德马丁公司(LockheedMartin)等航空业巨头都希望招聘接受过无人机驾驶培训的毕业生,替换退休的员工。

    And aerospace giants General Dynamics ( GD ) , Northrop Grumman ( NOC ) , Boeing ( BA ) , and Lockheed Martin ( LMT ) are hoping to replace their retiring rank and file with drone-trained grads .

  2. 介绍了P3I概念,结合通用动力公司P3I应用的成功实践深入研究了P3I的实施问题。

    The concept of P 3I is introduced and the implementation of P 3I is thoroughly discussed referring to the experiences from General Dynamics Corp. in this paper .

  3. 通用动力公司(GeneralDynamicsCorp.)旗下的湾流航空航天公司(GulfstreamAerospaceCorp.)总裁弗林(LarryFlynn)说,我们绝没有否认中国的生产能力。该公司目前在中国的投资主要集中在提高维护、修理和解体检修能力方面。

    Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. President Larry Flynn says his company has " not in the least ruled out China for manufacturing capabilities . " Gulfstream , a unit of General Dynamics Corp. , currently focuses its investment in China on building up maintenance , repair and overhaul capacity . Andrew Galbraith

  4. 美国法院对反垄断案的立场也从提倡竞争平等转化为效率优先,这一时期的著名案例包括通用动力公司案,微软公司案等等。

    Accordingly , the American courts ' viewpoints of anti-trust cases converted from equal competition to efficiency priority . The well-known cases at this stage are United States v. General Dynamics Co. , United States v. Microsoft .