
  • 网络communication media
  1. 目前,在变电站自动化系统,特别是高电压等级的变电站中,站内规约和其所采用的通信介质复杂多样而且难于统一。

    It is difficult to unify different internal protocols and communication media of substation automation system , especially for high voltage substations .

  2. 对于信息交换而言,网络的拓扑结构和通信介质是非常重要的,直接决定着数据网络响应的实时性、通信的可靠性以及电磁兼容性等。

    As to the information exchange , it is the network topology structure and the communication media that directly determine the performance of communication network , which include the response time , the security , the electromagnetism compatibility , and so on .

  3. 链路层(linklayer)提供了通信介质的物理接口(例如以太网设备)。

    The link layer provides the physical interface to the communication medium ( such as an Ethernet device ) .

  4. 该监控系统主要包括上位机(工控机)和下位机(单片机),并以RS-485网络为通信介质组成了一个完整的分布式控制系统。

    With the RS-485 network for correspondence media , a distributed control system is rounded .

  5. MVB是一个标准通信介质,为挂在其上的设备传输和交换数据。

    The MVB is a standard communication medium to transport and exchange data among attached devices .

  6. 面向无线应用的OFDM系统设计中必须要面对一个问题,那就是通过通信介质传输的信号码元总会受到信道的干扰。

    One problem that must be faced in the design of wireless OFDM systems is that the signal symbols are interfered by the channel when transmitted through the communication media .

  7. 通信介质采用RS485屏蔽双绞线,可有效地减少电缆的数量,提高了系统的自动化水平及运行的可靠性。

    It will reduce the quantity of lines and enhance the reliability by adopting RS 485 shielding twisted-pair line .

  8. 设计了一种基于冗余通信介质传输的RS485接口驱动的工业网卡。

    A kind of industrial network card based on the redundancy medium transmission and RS-485 connection actuation was designed .

  9. 接着本文详细论述了基于GPRS的摊铺机调平装置远程监控技术的研究,论证了采用GPRS网络为通信介质进行远程监控的可行性。

    Next , this thesis discussed the study on remote monitoring technology of spreading machine leveling adjustment which base on GPRS . It is proved that taking GPRS as communication medium in remote monitoring is feasible .

  10. 某汽车生产线中电小车的PLC与主控中心PLC的通信介质为滑触线.介绍一种采用单片机通信的通信系统,并分析了通信电路的硬件组成和软件结构。

    In an auto production line , the communication medium between PLC in the trolley and that in the control center is wire touched by slip . The paper introduced a communication system which used singlechip circuits , and analyzed its circuit and framework of its programming .

  11. 为了建立节能控制系统,本文首先分析了几种常见的住宅内的网络结构,从中选用了以电力线为通信介质的通讯网络,并介绍了一种基于DTMF编码方式的电力线通信系统。

    To establish a house saving energy system , this text first analyses several net structures , and chooses power line as the correspondence medium , and also uses DTMF coding mode .

  12. 网络化控制系统(NCS)是指通过共享通信介质将分布于不同地理位置的大量传感器和执行器与一个或多个控制器相连接并交换信息,形成闭环的一种全分布式实时反馈控制系统。

    A Networked control system ( NCS ) is a distributed control system in which a large number of sensors and actuators are connected to and exchange information with a controller or a number of controllers via a shared communication medium .

  13. RTCC采用命令/响应多路传输和总线表方式来调度底层通信介质,很好地解决了实时通信面临的两个问题:访问仲裁过程和传输控制过程。

    Command / response multiplex transmission and bus table are introduced in RTCC in order to schedule the channel . So two problems that real time communication faces , an access arbitration process and a transmission control process , can be solved well .

  14. SATELLITE&通信介质是卫星

    SATELLITE - the communication medium is satellite

  15. 光纤作为新一代的通信介质已经得到广泛的应用。

    Optical fiber has been widely used in communication field as new generation communication medium .

  16. 塑料光纤是一种新型的光通信介质,在短距离通信领域得到了广泛的应用。

    Plastic optical fiber is a new optical-communication medium , which is widely used for short distance communication .

  17. 家庭网络的实现要求经济和实用性,选择合适的通信介质将起到决定性的作用。

    It is decisive that choose the appropriate communication medium , because the realization of home network request economy and usability .

  18. 运用现代化技术提高系统可靠性,包括采用网络传输方式等改善通信介质及通信技术、系统模块化设计、应用多媒体技术及变电站报警系统。

    Improve the system reliability by using modern technologies , such as network communi-cation , modularized design , multimedia and substation warning system .

  19. 对于大批量应用而言,铜线缆作为通信介质仍然占据统治地位,但未来将属于光纤和无线通信。

    For volume applications , copper wire still dominates as the communications medium , but the future belongs to optical and wireless communications .

  20. 电力线作为通信介质,不仅可以避免重新敷设通信线路,节约初期建设成本,而且后期的维护成本也较低。

    Power line as communication medium , not only avoid re-laying of communication lines , saving initial construction costs and lower maintenance costs later .

  21. 近年来,片上网络被提出用于取代总线结构,作为高效率、可扩展的通信介质。

    In recent years , network on chip ( NoC ) has been proposed to replace the bus structure , as a highly efficient and scalable communication medium .

  22. 采用现场总线作为通信介质实现控制系统与执行机构之间的通信,设计了低成本、高可靠性和灵活性的工业网络运动控制器。

    The paper adopts fieldbus as communication medium between control system and motor drivers , and designs industrial network based motion controller which is reliable , flexible with low cost .

  23. 本文在总结CAN总线特点的基础上,对其通信介质访问方式进行了详细的描述,介绍了它在应用中需要解决的技术问题以及目前应用状况。

    This paper summarize the character of CAN Bus and explains its communication media access control in detail . Its technical problem about application and application status at present were introduced .

  24. 在电力线为通信介质的前提下,探讨了家庭智能网络的一部分应用&小区自动抄表系统。

    On the premise of taking power line as the communication media , an application of smart home system is explored , that is , the automatic metering system in the community .

  25. 光纤除了仅仅是作为通信介质应用外,还广泛地应用在各种光学器件中,同时也衍生出了各种不同类型的光纤。

    It is not only used in the field mentioned above , but also applied to manufacture all kinds of optical devices . All kinds of optical fibers are developed to meet the needs of various optical fiber devices .

  26. 另外,CAN总线通信介质可采用双绞线,无特殊要求,节点扩展灵活,现场布线和安装都非常简单,后期也易于维护,成本大大降低。

    In addition , CAN bus communication medium may be twisted pair , no special requirements , flexibility to expand the node , routing and installation are very simple , is also easy to maintain , the cost greatly reduced .

  27. 对黑龙江电力调度数据网络的建设进行了探讨,并对黑龙江省目前的通信介质、设备状况及自动化系统状况进行了描述,对数据网络的功能、技术和设备进行了详细分析。

    First the building of Heilongjiang power data network was discussed , and then the communication media , the status of the equipment and automation system at present in Heilongjiang province was described , last the function , technique and equipment was analyzed in details in the paper .

  28. 保密通信新介质&人工神经网络

    Artificial neural network : a secrecy communication medium

  29. 图像压缩技术在通信、介质存储、数据传输等领域发挥了重要作用。

    It plays an important part in many fields , for example , communication , media storage and data transmission , etc.

  30. 作为现代通信、介质存储、数据发行、多媒体计算机等技术的关键环节,图像压缩编码始终是信息处理技术研究中最为活跃的领域之一。

    Image compression coding , As modern communications , media storage , data distribution , multi-media key link , has been most important in data processing areas .