
  1. 这就是当H1N1这个新病毒刚刚出现时人们的思维框架。

    This was the mind-frame when the new H1N1 virus emerged .

  2. 英国连锁学校ArkSchools的研发经理黛西•克里斯托杜卢(DaisyChristodoulou)称,除非掌握这些基本技能,否则我们无法建立起创造性解决高阶问题的思维框架。

    Daisy Christodoulou , research and development manager at the UK 's Ark Schools chain , says that , unless we have these foundations in place , we will not have the mental frameworks to solve higher-order problems creatively .

  3. 正是在这种思维框架下,比利时、荷兰和卢森堡在IMF的投票权份额仍然多于中国;而七大工业国集团(G7)认为自己依旧是重新设计全球金融体系的最佳人选。

    This is the frame of mind that sees the Benelux countries still holding a bigger share than China of the votes at the IMF ; and the Group of Seven leading industrialised nations presuming this weekend that it remains the right forum to redesign the global financial system .

  4. 这对西方人来说,是一个新的思维框架。

    For westerners , this is a new framework for thinking .

  5. 我在持诵的不是什麽外在、无关的思维框架;

    I wasn 't dealing with some outside , foreign frame of thinking ;

  6. 从而为定性信息的制图专家系统建立了一个思维框架。

    Therefore , an ideal frame is established for cartographic expert system of qualitative information .

  7. 自古以来,翻译就被性别化,从而为翻译研究提供了隐喻性的思维框架。

    Since translation was sexualized in ancient times , it provided a metaphorical framework for translation studies .

  8. 权力多极化的课程权力定位&超越中央与地方的思维框架

    The Orientation of Multiple Authorities in Curriculum Management & Beyond the Directed Thinking of Centralization and Decentralization

  9. 三者内在观照、交叉融通,科学建构了马克思主义哲学的本体论思维框架。

    The three factors interacted and inter-permeated scientifically form the fabric of the ontological thinking of Marxist philosophy .

  10. 欧洲央行会在将来某一时候对它的业务和思维框架进行一次根本性的转变。

    The ECB has to make a fundamental switch in its operational and thinking framework at some point soon .

  11. 三代货币危机理论模型都没能脱离原有的思维框架。

    Currency Crisis theory models of three generations are not able to be divorced from the original thought pattern .

  12. 经济学市场化定价理论建立了追求利润最大化的企业的理性定价的思维框架。

    Economics theory about market pricing builds up the rational decision framework , assuming all enterprises pursuing maximum profits .

  13. 新兴古典经济学的超边际分析,为分析企业制度演进提供了一个极好的思维框架。

    The inframarginal analysis of new classical economics provided a perfect reasoning way to analyses the evolution of firm institution .

  14. 始基的存在奠定了天人同构、万物一体的思维框架。

    The existence of universe origin was based on the thinking framework that the God and man had the same structure .

  15. 求本务实:一个深层次的思维框架个体自由性的探求&伊壁鸠鲁的人学思想

    Seeking for the Roots and Pursuing Actual Effects : An Ideological Framework at the Deep Level Seeking for Individual Freedom & On Epicurean Humanism

  16. 在后结构主义思维框架下,企业生命有机体理论的主要研究领域为企业生命周期、环境适应与信息熵。现代企业应在后结构主义的思维框架下走出企业婴儿夭折、壮年陨落的周期怪圈;

    The article aims to confirm the research field of enterprise 's life organism by deconstruction : enterprise 's life cycle , surrounding adaption and entropy .

  17. 只有具备一定能力,才能形成不同写作阶段的基本思维框架,进一步深入对写作思维轨迹进行研究。

    Only having some kind of ability can form the basic thought frame in different writing stages and deep the research of the thinking track of writing .

  18. 区域高等教育结构调整研究可以为区域高等教育与区域社会经济之间的良性互动提供科学合理的思维框架和实践模式。

    Research on structural adjustment of regional higher education can provide scientific thinking framework and practice mode for the good interaction between regional higher education and regional socioeconomic .

  19. 公共教育学在学生观、发展观和知识观等方面与新课程理念有冲突,思维框架的差异是导致二者冲突的根本原因。

    Public education course has conflicts with the ideas of new curriculum in respects of students'view , development view and knowledge view . The differences in thinking lead to the conflicts .

  20. 摘要实践思维框架内的哲学与艺术的异同可以从两者在表现方式、思维水平、对象内容以及超越性程度等方面来比较。

    Differences and similarities between philosophy and art in practical thinking can be explored in the aspects of ways of expression , thinking level , object , content and degrees of surpassing .

  21. 本文尝试性地从全球化&中国特色的视野和思维框架中探讨当代中国的价值观教育问题。

    The article attempts to discuss the present issue of education for the concept of value in China from the horizon of globalization as well as Chinese characteristics and the framework of thinking .

  22. 力图提供一种具有理论意义和实际价值的企业组织创新评价思维框架,以推动组织理论研究和组织创新实践向前发展。

    The paper tries hard to provide an enterprise organizational innovation appraisal thought frame with theory significance and actual value , then to promote organization theory research and organizational innovation practice developing forward .

  23. 反映在日常高中历史教学中,学生开始突破传统的思维框架,生发出许多意想不到的问题和观点。

    A great reflection of that in senior high school history teaching is students begin breaking through teacher ' thinking frame and a large quantity of unexpected questions and opinions come into their minds .

  24. 对此,情报学及其教育的发展应当突破原有的思维框架,从企业信息活动所体现的诸多属性和规律中获得启迪与动力。

    Hence the development of informatics and informatics education should break through the quondam frames of minds , gain edification and impetus from varieties of attributes and rules that enterprises information activities have embodied .

  25. 该体系是古代医家在敏锐观察、深入思考的基础上,成功引入哲学思维框架立说,形成的一个医学与哲学巧妙嫁接的严密系统。

    The system is a tight system of grafting medicine and philosophy formed on the basis of successfully utilizing the philosophical framework , thinking proposed by ancient physicians with keen observation and deep ponderation .

  26. 在这种条件下,企业文化作为企业遗传惯例和默示知识的载体,可以在企业内形成一定的思维框架和评价参照系,成为一种企业集体行动的哈耶克自发秩序,保证企业经营的连续性。

    Enterprise 's culture , as the carrier of convention and tacit knowledge , has character of path dependence and can shape automatic system in corporation collectivity actions and keep the continuity of enterprise management .

  27. 它揭示了高职教育在历经数年规模发展之后,亟须在理性思维框架下,理清办学思路,谋求规范化生存与特色化发展的道路。

    It shows the way to clear its idea of running a college , standard its exist and characteristic development under the frame of rational thinking after the higher professional education has developed for several years .

  28. 这样来看,当我们把你带入一个新的状况中&一种新的思维框架,灵性的方向仅仅要求知道并与那以它最纯粹的形式(出现)的能量的灵性合作。

    Treat as thus , as we bring you into a new conditioning-a new frame of thinking and spiritual orientation that requires only the knowing and dealing with spirit that is energy in its purest form .

  29. 因此,笔者在剖析虚拟价值的基础上,提出建立一个广义虚拟经济的思维框架,并试图从虚拟经济定位来拓展对中国新世纪发展战略的认识。

    In conclusion , the author comes up with some ideas to analyze virtual economy and establish a framework of broad virtual economy , and expand the strategic understanding of China 's development in the new century .

  30. 后殖民批评试图超越“西方作为主体,东方作为他者”的思维框架,期望摆脱“西方影响和决定东方”的单向的东西文化交流模式。

    Post-colonial criticism attempts to transcend the knowledge framework of the post-colonial theory that " the West is the principle and the East is the other ", and to break away from the unilateral mode of " Influence-Reception " .