
  1. 介绍了系统集成方法在开阳磷煤化工生态工业示范基地规划中的应用情况。

    The application of systemic integration method in the planning of phosphorus-coal-based chemical ecological industry demonstration base is introduced .

  2. 报道中说,国家鼓励个人和外资企业参与到振兴东北老工业基地的规划中来,并发挥主要作用。

    Private and foreign ventures are being encouraged to play a major role in the revitalization of Northeast China , the country 's old industrial base , a high-ranking official said yesterday .

  3. 佳木斯纸业集团有限公司造纸工业原料林基地建设规划(2001-2015)

    The plan for the development of the paper making forest base of Jiamusi Paper Co. , Ltd. ( Group ) ( 2001-2015 )

  4. 预测了未来我国造纸工业对纤维原料的需求,提出了原料结构调整的指导思想、基本原则、战略目标及全国造纸工业原料基地建设规划的设想;

    The paper predicts the demand of fiber raw material in the forthcoming future and discusses the guideline , principle and target of fiber raw material structure adjustment as well as the plan of fiber raw material base construction .