
  • 网络Work area;Working area;workspace;Work Space
  1. 单击工作区域中的Install,找到您的模型。

    Click Install in the work area , and browse to your model .

  2. 创建一个用于此用途的新站点,工作区域将创建与FTP相关的服务。

    Create a new site for this purpose and the work area will create the FTP-specific services .

  3. 负责用相关运输设备从工作区域运载模具

    Transport tools from work areas by using hand trucks and other conveyances .

  4. 然后,选中标有显示物理工作区域文件夹之下的UML模型和概要文件的复选框。

    Then , check the check box labelled Show UML model and profile under its physical workspace file .

  5. 在Arguments标签下,详细说明您想要的工作区域的位置。

    Under the Arguments tab , specify the location of the workspace that you wish to work with .

  6. PDC钻头切削齿工作区域及切削量的分析理论和计算方法

    Analytical theory and computational method of contact area and cutting volume of PDC bit cutters

  7. Park的I-V特性分析模型,通过对E/D倒相器的驱动管与负载管工作区域的划分,讨论了电压传输过程中三个不同的工作区;

    Park 's HEMT I-V characteristic analysis , and three different operating regimes of the inverter in voltage - transfer process are discussed in detail .

  8. 提出了一种基于驾驶员转向意图来动态调整ABS工作区域的增强型ABS控制系统。

    It 's assumed that an improved ABS based on the driver 's steering desire can be put forward to adjust the ABS work slip area dynamically .

  9. 从理论分析的角度指出,氧化铝浓度的工作区域应该设定在1.5~3.5(wt)%的范围;

    From the perspective of the theoretical analysis that the working region of alumina concentrations should set in 1.5 ~ 3.5 ( wt ) % .

  10. 在下面的部分中,我将分析EPMO的各种工作区域和工作类型。

    In the sections that follow I will examine the various work areas and work types for the EPMO .

  11. 在设置好工作区域后,创建一个简单的PHP应用程序来与已经设置好的这个CouchDB数据库(您的歌曲集)对话。

    When you have your work area set up , create a simple PHP application that will talk to the CouchDB database you 've already set up ( your songs collection ) .

  12. OSHA规定工作区域的最低氧浓度为19.5%。在低于这个水平下工作要求使用空气补给源。

    OSHA sets a minimum limit of 19.5 % oxygen for work areas . Working in concentrations below this level requires use of a supplied air source .

  13. 研究结果表明:随着呱a、的减小和衰落速度的降低,TCP的有效因子性能将提高;在通常语音和数据通信误码率工作区域内,网络时延的增加有助于有效因子性能的提高。

    Our results show that , with the decrease of Wmax and slower of fading , the effective factor performance of TCP will be improved , in usual voice and data communication , the increase of RTT may do good for the effective factor of TCP .

  14. 答:我们有两个工作区域:一个在镜子前面,一个在珍妮·浪凡(JeanneLanvin)的餐桌边。

    We have the two areas where we work : one in front of the mirror , and one area a dining table of Jeanne Lanvin .

  15. 在一台由CA6110柴油机改造的单缸HCCI发动机上进行了乙醇燃料的HCCI工作区域的试验研究。

    The HCCI operating region of an internal combustion engine with ethanol as the fuel was studied experimentally on a single cylinder HCCI engine modified from a CA6110 diesel engine .

  16. 第四,根据建立的物理模拟装置,进行了包括触发角阶跃响应和工作区域切换在内的TCSC和SVC各种基本运行模式实验,验证了一些重要结论。

    Forth , the basic experimentes of TCSC and SVC , such as step responses and operational region switches , are employed to test the prototype , the circuit configurations and results of the experiments are discussed in detail .

  17. 提出了部分耗尽SOIMOSFET物理模型,SOIMOSFET可以看作体硅MOSFET和双极晶体管的结合,模型通过详细地分析SOI器件在各工作区域的工作机理得出,并提取出了相应的模型参数。

    A physical model of partially depleted SOI MOSFET was proposed . The SOI MOSFET can be regarded as the combination of bulk silicon MOSFET and bipolar transistor . The model is obtained through detailed analysis of operation mechanism of SOI devices .

  18. 该研究扩展了Ayoub测量装置的功能和测量方法,扩展了Das等人关于正常工作区域的概念。

    The research broadens the functions of Ayoub ′ s measuring apparatus , extends the concepts of Das et al on normal working areas , and may exercise active influences on other drivers ′ work design in terrain vehicles .

  19. 激光器的阈值功率为18mW,在锁模工作区域内最大输出平均功率为3mW,脉冲重复频率为25MHz,能量转换效率为5%。

    The average output power about 3 mW and repetition rate of 25 MHz are obtained under stable mode locking condition . The laser threshold is 18 mW and energy convert efficiency is 5 % .

  20. 模拟分析的结果和测试结果吻合较好,结果表明,低风速时室内温度场分布较为均匀,室内工作区域的速度值都小于0.3m/s,满足规范要求。

    The experimental results match well with the simulation results , which show that the indoor temperature field distribution is more uniform at low wind velocity , the wind velocity of indoor working area is less than 0.3m / s , which satisfy the standard requirement .

  21. 清扫:把工作区域清扫干净、保持干净整洁的状态;

    Shine : to clean the work area and keep always .

  22. 降下车间千斤顶并移出工作区域。

    Lower workshop Jack and move out of work area .

  23. 将电线向上移出工作区域。

    Move electric lines up out of the work area .

  24. 关于运算放大器运放工作区域的探讨

    The Discussion On Operational Amplifier Working Area in Voltage comparer

  25. 塔机监控系统的工作区域限制逻辑算法

    Working field restraint logic algorithm of tower crane control system

  26. 对不起,我不能离开我的工作区域。

    I can 't leave this area as my duty is here .

  27. 第三节对厂房工作区域进行简要介绍。

    The third quarter of workshop working area briefly described .

  28. 同时也考虑了机构的工作区域问题。

    The working area of the mechanism is also considered .

  29. 处理所负责工作区域产生的技术问题;

    Deal with al technical problems in the work station ;

  30. 混乱的工作区域是事故的滋生地。

    Disorganized work areas are the breeding grounds for accidents .