
  • 网络GlaxoSmithkline;GSK;GlaxoSmithKline PLC;Glaxo Smith Kline;Glaxo SmithKline
  1. 与另一家饱受攻击的富时100成份股公司&英国石油(BP)一样,葛兰素史克也体会到了政治环境是如此的严酷和变幻莫测。

    Like BP , another FTSE 100 company under attack , GSK is finding the political climate hard and capricious .

  2. 通过鼓励患者将药品用于美国食品药品监督管理局(USFoodandDrugAdministration)批准范围之外的用途,葛兰素史克取得了可观的短期销售业绩,但也为监管机构的一系列整治行动埋下了种子。

    By promoting drugs beyond the uses approved by the US Food and Drug Administration , GSK generated substantial short-term sales but lay the foundations for a series of regulatory actions .

  3. 另一个例证是,葛兰素史克公司的研究人员最近描述了一种以IIA型拓扑异构酶为作用目标的新的抗菌剂。

    Another example is that of researchers at GlaxoSmithKline who recently described a novel class of antibacterial agents that target type IIA topoisomerases .

  4. 美国司法部(usdepartmentofjustice)提交的法庭文件称,葛兰素史克“将现金贿赂伪装成咨询费、高价餐费、周末休闲活动开支和奢侈娱乐活动开支”。

    The US Department of Justice legal filings said GSK made use of " cash payments disguised as consulting fees , expensive meals , weekend boondoggles and lavish entertainment " .

  5. 另一种疫苗是由美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth/NIH)和葛兰素史克公司(GlaxoSmithKline)的研究人员研发的,该疫苗使用了黑猩猩感冒病毒。

    The other , which uses a cold virus that infects chimpanzees , was developed by researchers at the National Institutes of Health and GlaxoSmithKline .

  6. 英国的制药公司葛兰素史克排在榜首,之后是以色列的海水淡化企业IDE科技,以及美国的跨国企业集团通用电气。

    British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline topped the list , followed by Israeli water desalination firm IDE Technologies and U.S. multinational conglomerate General Electric .

  7. 其中一种疫苗是由美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)和葛兰素史克公司(GlaxoSmithKline)的研究人员研发的,另一种由加拿大政府和纽琳基因公司(NewLinkGenetics)研发。

    One of them was developed by the National Institutes of Health and GlaxoSmithKline , and the other by the Canadian government and NewLink Genetics .

  8. 新加坡表示他们将从葛兰素史克(GSK(GlaxoSmithKline))购买100万支疫苗。

    Singapore says it is buying one million doses from the manufacturer Glaxo Smithkline .

  9. 默克公司讲话人暗示,该公司将会妥帖措置FDA此次会议,但不管是否获得FDA核准,葛兰素史克都将接管该药物的市场开发权。

    Merck will handle that FDA meeting , but Glaxo will take over marketing of the drug should the FDA grant approval , the Merck spokesman said .

  10. 一位葛兰素史克发言人表示,如果这次FDA再拒绝申请,两家公司也不知道还能做些什么,但葛兰素史克将拥有洛伐他汀市场开发权这一点是肯定的。

    Glaxo spokesman said the companies haven 't decided what they will do if the FDA rejects the drug again , but Glaxo would own the marketing rights .

  11. 我们不应过于同情葛兰素史克&文迪雅事件带给它的损失,要远远小于墨西哥湾漏油事件带给BP的损失,且该公司的营运利润率仍保持在30%左右。

    We should not feel too sorry for GSK – the Avandia affair is far less costly to it than the Gulf of Mexico spill to BP , and its operating margin remains at about 30 per cent .

  12. 英国的葛兰素史克药厂将负责替拜耳在美国行销vardenafil。

    British pharmaceutical GlaxoSmithKline factory will be responsible for Vardenafil 's sales in the US .

  13. 葛兰素史克公司希望使用RTS,S和另一家制药公司Crucell的一种疫苗的结合体来引起更强烈的免疫反应。

    GSK hopes to induce a stronger immune response by combining RTS , S with a vaccine from Crucell , another drug firm .

  14. 葛兰素史克(GSK)员工10多年前就曾被抓到贿赂中国官员,消息传出后,该公司再次被美国检方置于放大镜下。

    GlaxoSmithKline faces further scrutiny from US prosecutors after it emerged that staff were caught bribing Chinese officials more than a decade ago .

  15. 葛兰素史克公司发言人HollyRussell宣布,一项关于Lamictal的分析结果发现存在自杀想法和行为的趋势,这和FDA的分析相类似。

    Glaxo analysis of Lamictal found a trend for suicidal thoughts and behavior that was similar to the FDA analysis , company spokeswoman Holly Russell said .

  16. 通过谈判,葛兰素史克获得了在非洲以外市场销售Aspen旗下1200种仿制药并分享利润的优先权。

    The pharmaceuticals group has negotiated first right of refusal to sell and share profits on any of the 1,200 generic products owned by Aspen for markets outside Africa .

  17. 最近,葛兰素史克(GlaxoSmithKline)因非法阻止竞争对手的廉价抗抑郁药品的推出而受到罚款,这是另一个例子。

    The fine imposed last week on GlaxoSmithKIine for illegally stifling the launch of a cheap rival antidepressant is another example .

  18. 葛兰素史克(GSK)补充说,所有的受试流感病毒的亚型对扎那米韦没有耐药性,并且他们可以在2008-2009年感冒流行季节保证充足的供应。美国报告的流感毒株耐奥斯他韦(达菲)

    GSK have added that all tested influenza virus subtypes have shown no resistance to zanamivir and that they have sufficient supplies for the2008-2009 flu season .

  19. 为了应对今年的流感季节,葛兰素史克公司生产了约2400万支基于鸡蛋培养基生产的流感疫苗,在美国还有其他四家公司也在使用鸡蛋培养基技术。相比之下,ProteinSciences公司今年只推出了30万支FluBlok流感疫苗。

    For this year 's flu season , GlaxoSmithKline produced about 24 million vaccine doses using the egg-based method , and it is one of five companies producing traditional egg-based flu vaccines in the U.S. In comparison , Protein Sciences released 300000 FluBlok doses this season .

  20. 中国公安部7月份时对英国医药公司葛兰素史克(Glaxosmithklineplc,GSK,GSK.LN)进行立案调查,该公司被指控贿赂医生、医院和政府官员,以达到高价出售更多药品的目的。

    The Ministry of Public Security in July accused U.K. drug company GlaxoSmithKline PLC of bribing doctors , hospitals and government officials in an effort to sell more drugs at higher prices .

  21. 过去一年,英国制药公司葛兰素史克(GlaxoSmithKlinePLC.)的案件折射出许多外资企业高管所面临的危险。

    The hazards for many foreign business executives have played out over the past year in the case of British pharmaceutical firm GlaxoSmithKline PLC .

  22. 默克制药公司和葛兰素史克制药公司正准备推出这两种分别称作Rotateq和Rotarix的疫苗。

    Pharmaceutical companies Merck and GlaxoSmithKline are launching the vaccines , called Rotateq and Rotarix , respectively .

  23. 已经送到非洲的药物数量在规模上与葛兰素史克(GSK)的计划相仿。GSK在8月宣布,将制造1万剂与美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)合作开发的埃博拉实验性疫苗。

    The large amount of the drug already present in Africa puts it on a scale with GlaxoSmithKline 's plans , announced in August , to manufacture 10000 doses of an experimental Ebola vaccine being developed with the US National Institutes of Health .

  24. 比如说wpp二十多年前就第一次在中国举办了董事会会议,葛兰素史克去年也在印度召开了一次董事会会议。

    WPP , for example , first held a board meeting in China more than 20 years ago , while GSK held a board meeting in India last year .

  25. 制药公司葛兰素史克(GSK)宣布了在解决被忽视的热带病问题上的重大变革的计划,这一举动已经导致了激烈的辩论。

    The drug company GlaxoSmithKline ( GSK ) has announced plans for radical changes in the way it approaches neglected tropical diseases , a move that has caused intense debate .

  26. 但英国的严重欺诈办公室(SFO)最近展开了自己的刑事调查,唐宁街周二在这件事上采取了微妙的姿态。一位发言人说:葛兰素史克是一家实力强大的英国公司。

    But the Serious Fraud Office has since opened its own criminal investigation and Downing Street on Tuesday adopted a nuanced stance : GSK is a strong British company .

  27. 9月,医药巨头葛兰素史克(GlaxoSmithKline)因行贿被中国一家法院处以近5亿美元的罚款,该公司的五名高管被判刑,包括一名英国人。

    In September , a Chinese court fined the British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline nearly $ 500 million for bribery and jailed five of its executives , including a Briton .

  28. 先是高通(Qualcomm),现在又是微软(Microsoft),还有正在接受刑事调查的葛兰素史克(GSK),中国的新一轮反垄断调查正对跨多种行业的全球供应链造成令人不安的影响。

    The latest wave of anti-trust investigations in China – first Qualcomm and now Microsoft and the ongoing criminal investigations involving GSK – is having an unsettling effect on global supply chains across a variety of industry sectors .

  29. 葛兰素史克(GlaxoSmithKline,简称GSK)已放弃了转让部分艾滋病(HIV)药物部门的计划,并承诺要在今后三年内保证其稳定分红。这家深陷困境的英国制药集团正要着手实施其重获增长的战略。

    GlaxoSmithKline has dropped plans to sell part of its HIV drugs unit and promised to hold its dividend steady for the next three years as the struggling UK pharmaceuticals group set out its strategy to revive growth .

  30. 葛兰素史克(GSK)已签署在中国生产削价抗艾滋病药物的协议,这一迹象表明,在发生一起严重破坏其声誉的腐败丑闻之后,这家英国公司正重建其在华影响力。

    GlaxoSmithKline has signed a deal to manufacture cut-price HIV drugs in China in a sign that the UK group is rebuilding its presence there after a corruption scandal that badly damaged its reputation .