
  1. 按照农业经济发展的需要,确定农业高校的科技方针;

    According to the needs of agricultural economic development , scientific and technic policy for agricultural college can be determined .

  2. 改革开放以来我国的科技方针、政策对体育科技发展的影响

    The Influence of the Chinese General and Specific Policy of Science and Technology on the development of Science and technology of sports After Reform and opening-up

  3. 认为体育科研与运动训练相结合是贯彻体育科技方针的一个重要方面,体育科学工作者必须想领导、教练员和运动员之所想,急他们之所急,为提高运动成绩服务。

    The author maintains that such integration is an important way of implementing the government policy on the development of sports science and technique , and that sports research workers should enthusiastically meet the needs of athletes and coaches and work for the improvement of athletic performances .

  4. 自主创新体系是以获取自主知识产权、掌握核心技术为宗旨,以我为主发展与整合创新资源,进行创新活动,提高创新能力的科技战略方针的创新体系。

    Grasp the core technology as the tenet , aims at self development and conformity innovation resources , to improve independent ability .

  5. 本公司确立了以人为本,科技领先的方针,产品向多元化发展。

    Our company set the principle of " People are the basis of the company , technology keep ahead ," and is devoted to diversification development .

  6. 兴办技术经济实体,是农业科研单位认真贯彻“稳住一头,放开一片”发展科技工作总方针所迈出的关键一步。

    To set up the economic entity in agricultural institutions is the key for carrying out the policy " Stablizing the scientific research and Openning up the others " .

  7. 贯彻科技兴化工的方针

    Carry out policy of " Boosting Chemical Industry by Science and Technology "

  8. 企业组织创新是技术创新的实现条件贯彻科技兴化工的方针

    The structure innovation of enterprise is the condition to carry out the technology innovation Carry out policy of " Boosting Chemical Industry by Science and Technology "

  9. 结合当今国内外市场竞争的特点和发展趋势。指出必须依靠科技进步,贯彻科技兴纺方针.推进广东省化纤工业持续、健康发展。

    According to the market competition and development trend , it pointed out we must depend on science progress and implement the principle for " vitalized textile industry by science and education ", to push Guangdong chemical fiber industry to a sustained developing road .