
  • 网络Identification of scientific and technological achievements;appraisement of sci- tech achievements
  1. 我国科技成果鉴定问题探讨

    Discussion on existing problems of Chinese scientific and technological achievements appraisal

  2. 科技成果鉴定技术文件的撰写

    Composition of Technical Documents for Appraisement of Scientific and Technical Achievement

  3. 协助办理科技成果鉴定、高新技术产品认定。

    Help companies to get the certificate of scientific and technological achievements .

  4. 科技成果鉴定、奖励制度改革之我见

    Reform of Appraisal and Award System for Research Results

  5. 科技成果鉴定存在的问题及改革

    The problems in appraisal of achievements in science research and its reform measure

  6. 市场经济环境中我国科技成果鉴定体系的分层结构与政府职能定位研究

    Science and Technology Achievement Appraisal System & Government Roles in a Hierarchy Structure

  7. BG312-260型主针刺机等通过科技成果鉴定

    Knitter Model BG 312-260 Passed the Appraisal for Scientific and Technical Fruitful Results

  8. 浅析当前科技成果鉴定

    An Analysis of Scientific and Technological Achievement Appraisal

  9. 省级科技成果鉴定会。

    Provincial result appraisal for the production line .

  10. 科技成果鉴定改革刍议

    Reforming Appraisal Methods of Scientific and Technical Achievements

  11. 中国科技成果鉴定中介机构质量管理体系建立的构想

    Conception About the Establishment of QMS of Chinese Science and Technique Fruit Identification Agency

  12. 加强科技成果鉴定管理工作

    Strengthening to Management of Science-technology Achievement Appraisement

  13. 该成果于1999年8月15日通过交通部科技成果鉴定。

    The research result was approved by the Ministry of Communications on Aug. 15th , 1999 .

  14. 科技成果鉴定制度改革探讨(下)

    An Explorative Discussion on the Institutional Reform of R & D Results Appraisal ( Part ⅱ)

  15. 科技成果鉴定的改革与其它相关领域配套改革。

    The reform of appraisement of scientific and technological achievements and the coordinated reforms in other related fields .

  16. 科技成果鉴定、奖励制度具有激励、创造、调节公共利益的作用,促进科技成果向经济效益转化。

    Appraisal and award system for researeh results has the functions of encouraging creation and regulating shared benefits .

  17. 实验结果表明基于亲和度变异的入侵免疫识别方法能够较好地适应网络入侵检测的应用背景,对未知入侵模式的识别能力很强,采用本方法的入侵检测系统已通过科技成果鉴定。

    Experiments results show that this model suits NID well and has excellent ability of recognizing unknown intrusion patterns .

  18. 实际系统及其理论研究成果已通过科技成果鉴定,得到了本专业领域专家的充分肯定。

    The actual system and its theory research production has passed science and technology achievements appraisal and gets the full affirmation .

  19. 通过对我国科技成果鉴定工作的历史回顾和对铁路科技成果鉴定工作的统计分析,在总结工作成绩和存在问题的基础上,提出了对铁路科技成果鉴定改革的初步设想。

    Problems of reforming the appraisal work of railway scientific and technological achievements are discussed and some initial suggestions are proposed in the paper .

  20. 分析了当前我国科技成果鉴定中存在的主要问题及原因.提出了科技成果鉴定改革的思路。

    The main problems and its causes in appraisal of achievements in science research in China are analysed , and its reform measure is proposed .

  21. 1998年,雷力海藻肥通过了农业部科技成果鉴定;

    In1998 , Leili seaweed fertilizer got through the approval of MOA ( the Ministry of Agriculture , China ) as Science and Technology Appraisal .

  22. 我国目前在科技成果鉴定方面还没有建立独立的科技成果鉴定中介机构,随着我国经济的发展和科技投入主体的多样化,建立独立的科技成果鉴定中介机构越来越有必要。

    There are no independent science and technique fruit identification agencies in our country , but it is necessary to establish independent agencies because of diversification of technical investor and economy development .

  23. 根据这一涵义,科技成果鉴定体系的结构分为三层:基本原则与保障系统、鉴定环境、鉴定机构。

    The science and technology achievement appraisal system has a clearly hierarchy structure , which is made up of three levels : basic appraisal rules and a supporting system ; appraisal environment ;

  24. 李银妹教授课题小组在该领域取得系列具有自主知识产权的成果,通过中国科学院三项科技成果鉴定。

    Professor Li yin-mei group topics in the field of intellectual property rights in line with the results of independent , scientific and technological achievements by the Chinese Academy of Sciences identified three .

  25. 用花药培养育成的‘海花三号’甜椒新品种已在全国许多地区试种成功,并在北京市通过市级科技成果鉴定和品种审定。

    ' Hai-hua Na 3 ' sweet pepper breed by anther culture has been planted successfully in many areas of China , and passed the achievement appraisal in science and technology in Beijing and the variety examination and approval .

  26. 通过对我国现行科技成果鉴定体制问题的分析,认为市场经济环境中科技成果鉴定体系可定义为促进科技成果转化的一种辅助性社会系统。

    This paper , by an analysis of the intrinsic meaning of science and technology achievement appraisal system , defines the science and technology achievement appraisal system as an assistant social system for the transformation of science and technology achievement .

  27. 从科技成果鉴定的沿革、作用和目前存在的主要问题的原因分析,提出对科技成果鉴定改革的建议:(1)树立组织鉴定单位主体地位;

    Based on its development , role and analysis of the causes of current main problems , the reform of appraisement of scientific and technological achievements is proposed in the following aspects . ( 1 ) Taking the organizers as the main body .

  28. 论述科技成果的定义及鉴定条件,阐述科技成果鉴定管理工作的必要性及加强管理的具体措施.L(-1)/3562.5mg.L~(-1)条件下,在第15d收获为培养的最佳条件。

    The definition and appraising conditions of science-technology achievements are discussed . The necessity to manage the achievements appraisal and the practical measures to strengthen the management are expound .

  29. 科技成果的标准、鉴定及推广应用

    Standard , assessment and extension of application of the S. & T. achievements

  30. 项目在开发过程中,取得了大量研究成果,获得多项专利,论文所研究的汽车安全自动保护系统已通过湖南省科技厅的研究成果鉴定,并具有全部自主知识产权。

    Much achievement was obtained including several patents . The " Vehicle Safety Automatic Protect System " has already passed the appraisal of the Hunan Science and Technology Bureau and owned all the intellectual property rights of it .