
  • 网络chinese football;Foulsball
  1. 本文以参加2007年度中国足球协会组织的冬季训练营(广东清远)U-15、U-17教练员为调查对象,以教练员的岗位培训为研究对象。

    In this thesis , using U-15 & U-17 coaches who participated the winter training camp organized by Chinese Football Association of 2007 ( Qingyuan Guangdong ) as the survey , and employment training for the study .

  2. 论中国足球和世界水平的差距

    Discussion on the Gap of Football between China and Word-level Countries

  3. 两年前被指比分普遍遭到操纵后,中国足球超级联赛(chinesesuperleague)的声誉和人气曾大幅下滑,但随后展开的严厉打击行动,帮助中超恢复并扩大了球迷基础。

    The reputation and popularity of the Chinese Super League crumbled after allegations into widespread match-fixing were made two years ago , but the severity of the resultant crackdown has helped it regain and expand its fan base since then .

  4. 为美国体育网络ESPN撰写中国足球报道的克里斯托弗阿特金斯(ChristopherAtkins)表示:政治对中国的足球投资具有巨大的影响力,但广州恒大稍有不同。

    Politics has had a massive influence on investment into football in China , but Evergrande is a bit different , said Christopher Atkins , who writes about Chinese football for ESPN , the US sports network .

  5. 在巴西球员阿莱士·特谢拉(AlexTeixeira)转会利物浦告吹,并在几天后就以5500万美元身价加盟中国足球超级联赛俱乐部江苏苏宁之后,前利物浦后卫马克·劳伦森(MarkLawrenson)在利物浦的一家报纸上说,特谢拉的“职业志向堪比蚊蚋”。

    After Alex Teixeira 's move to Liverpool fell through , and the Brazilian was sold days later for $ 55 million to the Chinese Super League club Jiangsu Suning , the former Liverpool defender Mark Lawrenson said in a Liverpool newspaper that Teixeira " must have the professional ambition of a gnat . "

  6. 但是中国足球彩票的最终受益者应该是中国职业足球,世界各国都是以本国联赛作为竞猜对象的。

    However , Chinese Football Lottery should benefit Chinese Professional Football .

  7. 从文化的角度审视中国足球的理想期望值

    A Cultural Outlook on the Ideal Expectation of the Chinese Football

  8. 中国足球后备人才的可持续发展研究

    Research of sustainable development of football talents in support in China

  9. 中国足球队352阵型质疑

    Some Doubts About the 3-5-2 Formation of Chinese National Football Team

  10. 中国足球后备人才培养历史回顾与探讨

    History Review and Explore on Cultivation of Youth Talents in China

  11. 对于中国足球的评价通常是批评和负面的!

    It 's usually criticism and negative By the Chinese football .

  12. 对中国足球协会会员协会实体化改革的研究

    Research into entity reform in member association of Chinese football association

  13. 中国足球彩票发展历程及问题研究

    Research on Development Process and Problem of Soccer Lottery in China

  14. 中国足球的未来在哪里?

    And what 's in the future for soccer in China ?

  15. 中国足球与世界强队的技术差距分析

    Analysis on the skill disparity between Chinese football and world-level strong teams

  16. 中国足球运动员身体素质训练的再认识

    New Understanding of Physical Quality Training of Chinese Football Players

  17. 中国足球队去年游历了亚洲。

    The Chinese soccer team toured the Asia last year .

  18. 初论目前中国足球场草坪

    Preliminary discussions on the present football ground turfs in China

  19. 中国足球队抢截技术运用质量的研究

    A research into the application of interception skill of Chinese football team

  20. 论中国足球协会超级联赛的发展对策

    On Countermeasures for Development of Super League Matches of Chinese Football Association

  21. 所以,我对中国足球有信心,我相信我的眼光。

    So , I believe what I saw about the Chinese football .

  22. 这就是真谛,中国足球梦想成为世界冠军!

    This is a Championship not a dream ! O.K ?

  23. 从文化的角度论中国足球现状

    Elaboration Of The Present Situation Of Chinese Soccer From The Cultural Angle

  24. 中国足球运动员国际营销模式研究

    Research on the International Marketing Mode of Chinese Football Players

  25. 因为中国足球无法跟韩国足球相比。

    Because the Chinese football can not be compared with Korean football .

  26. 自从2002年以来,中国足球队甚至没能取得过参加世界杯的资格。

    China have not even qualified for the World Cup since 2002 .

  27. 试论中国足球的发展战略

    A Discussion on the Developing Strategies of the Chinese Football

  28. 影响中国足球发展诸因素的分析

    An Analysis of the Factors Affecting the China Football Development

  29. 由世界杯引发对中国足球的思考

    Consideration on Chinese Football from the View of World Cup

  30. 传统文化影响下的中国足球

    The Influence of Chinese Traditional Culture on the Professional Football of China