
  • 网络agency
  1. 去年,这家中介所为大约2000名秘书找到了工作。

    The agency placed about 2 000 secretaries last year .

  2. 下午我去中介所再找一位新保姆。

    I shall go to the agency this afternoon and hire a new nanny .

  3. 分析人员确定事件及其支撑中介所公开的工作负载是否最适合于单一ESB拓扑或独立渠道。

    Analysis determines whether the workload posed by events and their supporting mediations is best accommodated in a single ESB topology or a separate conduit .

  4. 这些是从约会中介所拿到的

    These are all from the dating service .

  5. 由于它采用约定优于配置的方法,因而最大限度地减少了建立中介所需的工作。

    Because it uses a convention over configuration approach , the work required to set up a mediation is minimized .

  6. 图书馆不仅是人们求知增智的圣堂,也是传播美、进行审美活动的中介所。

    Abstract Library is not only the sacred place , but also , a medium for spreading beauty and aesthetic activities .

  7. 希伯来圣经中经常使用的身体修辞在次经、伪经中被渐渐排斥了,身体体验被律法这一新的体验与认识中介所代替。

    And also , body rhetoric as often used in the Hebrew Bible is gradually eliminated and body experiences are replaced by the law as a new experience and cognitive medium .

  8. 在本教程中,您将了解到开发中介模块所需的一些基本任务,以便调节从WebSphereCommerce到后端系统的消息。

    In this tutorial , you will learn the basic tasks required to develop a mediation module for mediating messages from WebSphere Commerce to a backend system .

  9. 与任何SCA组件一样,可以通过中介流所提供的导出对其进行访问,并且中介流可以通过导入将消息转发到其他的外部服务。

    Like any SCA component , you access a mediation flow through exports that it provides , and the mediation flow forwards messages to other external services via imports .

  10. 管理中介模块所使用的资源。

    Manage resources used by mediation modules .

  11. 接口&服务请求者调用中介组件所使用的一个或多个接口。

    Interfaces & One or more interfaces to be used by service requesters to invoke the mediation component .

  12. 指证券发行机构对证券认购人或中介人所进行的分配证券的过程。

    The portion of a new securities issue which is assigned to each member of a syndicate , for underwriting and distribution .

  13. 这是人机界面的认识论含义超越一般中介含义所特有的和最关键的地方。

    It is the proper and the pivotal meaning of the epistemological meaning of HCI that surpass the meaning of the common medium .

  14. 此操作可确保按照您刚才做出的更改构建并更新该中介模块所需的所有构件。

    This will make sure that all required artifacts for the mediation module are built and updated according to the changes you just made .

  15. 在带您了解使用聚合实现成功中介流所需的重要步骤时将重点介绍模式之间的差异。

    This highlights the differences between the patterns while taking you through the important steps needed to achieve a successful mediation flow using aggregation .

  16. 本部分假设您已经熟悉那些使用WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper开发ESB中介模块中所涉及的基本操作。

    This section assumes you 're familiar with the general activities involved in developing an ESB mediation module using WebSphere Integration Developer .

  17. 不过,Dan的文章中的很多概念都将用到,而我们假定您熟悉开发、部署和测试简单中介处理程序所涉及到的概念。

    However , many of the basic concepts in Dan 's article apply , and we assume here that you are familiar with the concepts behind developing , deploying , and testing a simple mediation handler .

  18. 中介和策略所负的责任必须明确。

    The responsibilities for mediation and policy adherence must be clear .

  19. 服务请求者通过服务中介者查找所申请的服务,并绑定到这些服务上。

    Service requesters find required services using a service broker and bind to them .

  20. 此外,不同类型的负反馈对中介语发展所起到的效果也不一样。

    Besides , different types of negative feedback lead to different correcting effectiveness on students ' interlanguage .

  21. 这是对声音的纳入和记录的过程,而不是中介语通常所研究的输出过程。

    This is not about the process of the " output " or sound making process of the inter-language as usual .

  22. 第五,情绪是以态度为中介由社会所建构的,是各种社会因素互动的产物。

    Fifth , the emotion are constructed by the society , they are the production of many social factors ' interaction .

  23. 接着对在金融创新频繁、虚拟经济高速发展的今天货币政策中介目标选择所遇到的困难进行反思。

    Frequently in financial innovation and the rapid development of virtual economy today , the intermediate target of monetary policy must be reflected on the difficulties choice .

  24. 而人的解放,在于批判的武器和武器的批判是否作为人的中介被人所占有。

    However , man 's emancipation depends on whether he can master " the critical weapons " and " the critic of weapons " as man 's medium .

  25. 但是,大部分测试方案都有更宽的范围,重点在于使用JDBC数据中介服务生成SDO所需的整个操作序列。

    However , most of the test scenarios have a broader scope , focusing on the entire sequence of operations needed to generate SDOs using the JDBC Data Mediator Service .

  26. 您将看到Setter中介元素设置了所需的端点地址,并且Router中介元素使用该地址来调用BigEcho服务。

    You 'll see that the Setter mediation primitive sets the desired endpoint address and the Router mediation primitive uses that to invoke the BigEcho service .

  27. 导入绑定则描述中介模块如何与所定义的服务通信。

    An import binding , instead , describes how the mediation module communicates with the defined service .

  28. 其次,本研究细致地分析了中国学习者语料库,揭示了存现结构在中介语语境中所起的篇章语用功能。

    Secondly , this study carefully examines existential constructions in learner corpus and the discourse-pragmatic function of existential construction in CIL context is exposed .

  29. 调用中介流组件本身所使用的样式对确定中介流组件调用服务时所使用的样式非常重要。

    The style that 's used to invoke the mediation flow component itself is important in determining the style used by the mediation flow component when invoking a service .

  30. 中介机构声誉假说认为,知名中介机构所承销或审计的新股发行抑价程度要低于普通会计师事务所的。

    Intermediary Reputation Hypothesis , as its name suggests , is that the price of stocks sold on commission or audited by well-known intermediary institutions would be lower than that by ordinary certified accountant offices .