
  • 网络Retail banking;retail banking business;personal banking
  1. 此次的交易标志着,工行、中国银行(BankofCHina)、中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBank)等大多数中资银行抛弃了早先的战略,集中精力在英开展公司银行及零售银行业务。

    The deal marks a departure from a previous strategy by most Chinese banks such as ICBC , Bank of China and China Construction Bank to mostly concentrate on corporate and retail banking in the UK .

  2. 在招聘公司MichaelPage,AndrewBreach正在为中国银行寻找一位普通话流利的英国人来领导英国的零售银行业务。

    At the recruitment company Michael Page , Andrew Breach is looking for a Briton fluent in Mandarin to head retail banking in Britain for the Bank of China .

  3. 汇丰(HSBC)将关闭在俄罗斯的零售银行业务,这是多月以来第二家离开这个由俄罗斯国家主导的行业的外国银行。

    HSBC is to close down its retail operations in Russia , making it the second foreign bank to leave the state-dominated sector in as many months .

  4. 汇丰银行(HSBC)正试探投资者对于将其英国业务上市的兴趣,此举将实现其零售银行业务的价值,并化解监管压力。

    HSBC has sounded out investors about a flotation of its UK arm , in a move that would realise value from its high street banking business and address regulatory pressures .

  5. 据知情人士透露,英国汇丰银行(HSBC)明年初将在日本推出零售银行业务,并计划4年内在日本开设多达50家分行。

    HSBC is set to launch retail banking operations in Japan early next year and plans to open as many as 50 branches within four years , according to people familiar with the situation .

  6. 在苏格兰皇家银行增强其投行业务时,santander银行则坚持致力于零售银行业务,在拉美和美国进行扩张。

    RBS was building up its investment banking business while Santander had stuck to retail banking , expanding in Latin America and the US .

  7. 首席执行官潘伟迪(vikrampandit)昨日表示,尽管美国零售银行业务举步维艰,第四季度勉强实现盈亏平衡,但它仍是该行的一项核心业务。

    Vikram Pandit , chief executive , said yesterday that the struggling US retail bank , which barely broke even in the fourth quarter , remained a core business .

  8. 根据汇丰首席执行官欧智华(stuartgulliver)制定的一项大范围战略调整方案,该行已经出售或关闭了日本和泰国的零售银行业务,并出售了旗下的亚洲保险业务。

    The bank has already sold or closed its retail banking operations in Japan and Thailand and sold its Asian insurance businesses as part of a broader strategic overhaul under Stuart Gulliver , chief executive .

  9. 花旗集团(Citigroup)正计划重振其欧洲零售银行业务。作为在全球金融危机最大的受害者之一,该集团试图告别被动收缩,重新回到目标增长模式。

    Citigroup is planning to resuscitate its retail banking presence in Europe , as one of the biggest victims of the global financial crisis seeks to move beyond a period of enforced shrinkage and back into a mode of targeted growth .

  10. 由德国保险公司安联保险(allianz)所有的德累斯顿银行上周公布了一项计划,打算将其批发和零售银行业务组建为一家控股公司旗下的两个单独实体。

    Dresdner , owned by Allianz , the German insurer , last week outlined a plan to establish its wholesale and retail banking activities as two separate entities owned by a holding company .

  11. 然而,只要政府不屈于压力,要求拆分全能银行模式重新启用《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》(glass-steagall),迫使投行和零售银行业务分离乐观主义者认为,优秀的银行集团目前还是可以继续蓬勃发展的。

    But as long as authorities do not weaken to pressure to split the universal banking model forcing investment banks and retail banks to separate in a reprise of the Glass-Steagall legislation optimists believe good banking groups can , for the time being , continue to thrive .

  12. 第四章提出了中国零售银行业务的发展对策。

    The fourth chapter includes strategies for Chinese retail banking development .

  13. 零售银行业务在一季度也出现了令人担忧趋势。

    The quarter also points to worrying trends in retail banking .

  14. 数据挖掘在我国零售银行业务中的应用

    Study on the Application of Data Extraction in Retail Bank of China

  15. 去年他大部分时间都在运营美国银行的零售银行业务。

    He spent most of last year running BofA 's retail bank .

  16. 浦发银行哈尔滨分行零售银行业务发展战略

    The Development Strategy of Retail Banking Business in PuDong Development Bank HarBin Branch

  17. 专注于零售银行业务让该行蒙受的损失要小于大多数银行。

    A focus on retail banking means it has suffered less than most .

  18. 加强我国零售银行业务个人信用管理的对策研究

    Research on Measures to Strengthen Management of Personal Credit in Retail Banking in China

  19. 零售银行业务:现代商业银行发展的战略重点

    Retail Bank operation is a Tactic Emphasis in the Development of Modern Merchant bank

  20. 零售银行业务&中小股份制银行的战略支点

    Retail Banking : Support Point for the Strategy of Small and Medium Sized Commercial Banks

  21. 零售银行业务的客户体验

    Client 's Experience of Personal Banking

  22. 不过,该行重点将是开展批发银行业务,而非零售银行业务。

    It will concentrate on wholesale banking , however , rather than setting up retail operations .

  23. 即使是在现在的巴克莱,英国零售银行业务有形股本的回报也能与巴克莱资本相媲美。

    Even now at Barclays , return on tangible equity in UK retail banking matches BarCap .

  24. 除了俄罗斯零售银行业务,欧智华并未明确表示会关闭哪些业务。

    Aside from Russian retail banking , Mr Gulliver did not specify which operations would close .

  25. 第二章具体分析我国的零售银行业务及其个人信用管理。

    The second chapter makes concrete analysis of Chinese Retail Banking and its management of personal credit .

  26. 其中之一是,没有理由假设投行业比零售银行业务风险更高。

    One is that there is no reason to suppose investment banking is riskier than retail banking .

  27. 零售银行业务和投行业务的彻底分离也应重返议事日程。

    The issue of a complete separation of retail and investment banking should also return to the agenda .

  28. 零售银行业务的重要性日益提高是当今国际领先银行业务发展的一个显著特征。

    The increasing importance of retail banking is an important feature of advanced banking business in the world today .

  29. 随着资本市场的发展,银行信用中介作用弱化,银行批发业务市场逐渐缩小,竞争加剧,收益率降低,零售银行业务成为很多商业银行的主导产品和重要收益来源。

    With the development of capital market , the intermediary role of credit played by banking is being decreased .

  30. 即便是在对技能和规定资格要求不那么高的零售银行业务领域,招聘也可能是一种挑战。

    Even in retail banking , which requires fewer skills and regulatory qualifications , recruitment can be a challenge .