
xìnɡ jiě fànɡ
  • sexual liberation;sexual liberty
  1. 1998年,他的小说《基本粒子》(TheElementaryParticles)写的是性解放中的黑暗面,2001年的《平台》(Platform)探索性旅游业与反穆斯林情绪。

    His 1998 novel The Elementary Particles , was about the dark side of sexual liberation , while Platform ( 2001 ) explored sex tourism and anti-Muslim sentiments .

  2. 作家PaulVarnell表示,最后的国家反鸡奸法规在2003年才被废止,但目前的性解放就被认为是理所当然的了。

    Although the last state anti-sodomy laws were struck down only in2003 , sexual liberation is now taken for granted , argues Paul Varnell , a writer .

  3. 性解放所带来的性观念的改变及性行为的变化。

    Changes in sexual sense and sexual behavior arising from sexual emancipation .

  4. 现代人类文明正经历着性解放的挑战。

    The modern human civilization is experiencing the challenge of sexual liberation .

  5. 这不是毕业生的剧情,根本是性解放嘛!

    This isn 't the graduate , this is dliverance !

  6. 自此,中国经历了性解放。

    Since then , China has experienced a sexual liberation .

  7. 中国妇女的历史性解放

    Chapter I Historic Liberation of Chinese Women

  8. 后来,西方性解放对婚姻的稳定性造成了威胁。在上世纪90年代,一些旧习俗再次死灰复燃。

    Later the influence of Western-style sexual liberation affected marriage stability and in the 1990s , some old practices returned .

  9. 洋场爱:性解放土壤上的爱的哲学&论新感觉派所关注的洋场爱及其思想根源

    Metropolitan Westernized Love : " Love Philosophy " in the Soil of Sexual Emancipation & About Westernized Love and Its Ideological Source

  10. 妇女解放从最初的社会性解放算起:20世纪初,至今一个多世纪而已。

    Social emancipation of women from the initial counting of the early 20th century liberation , has just more than a century .

  11. 况且当时是1964年,性解放运动和互联网都还没有出现,这样的无知还是有可能的。

    And that was especially true in 1964 , before the sexual revolution and the Internet made that kind of ignorance unimaginable .

  12. 由于女性革命者身上集中了民族、阶级、性别等尖锐矛盾,对她们的描写也矛盾重重,时而是女豪杰,时而是性解放者,时而是受难者,时而又是圣女。

    However , the depiction of female revolutionaries is full of contradictions because of many conflicts such as nation , class , gender etc.

  13. 他提出的性解放、婚姻革命以及试婚制、优生学在现代社会得到了很大的流行。

    His sexual freedom , marriage revolution , and the advocate of trial marriages and eugenics have been greatly popular and universal in modern society .

  14. 它令容在某种意义上成为女权主义的英雄,乃至女性性解放的化身,在促进她事业发展的同时,也限定了她的事业生涯。

    It turned Ms. Jong into a feminist heroine of sorts and avatar of female sexual liberation , and helped propel and define her career .

  15. 亨利·米勒随即成为家喻户晓的名字,被二十世纪六十年代反传统文化运动奉为自由和性解放的预言家。

    Henry Miller instantly became a household name and was hailed as the prophet of sexual freedom and liberation by the anti-tradition and anti-culture movements in 1960s .

  16. 回顾了改革开放二十多年来对人才主观能动性解放的过程,分析了中国经济发展现状和前景对人才提供的机遇及其面临的挑战。

    This paper reviews the process of the emancipation of minds in the past twenty years , analyses the status quo of Chinese economic development and the opportunities and challenges .

  17. 从自由原则被确立为家庭法的重要原则肇始,离婚、性解放、女权主义相继成为时代的标签,非婚同居也在广泛的意义上成为时代的特征之一。

    Since the principle of freedom fixed as one of fundamental principles of family law system , divorce , sex liberation and feminism had become the signal of times one after the other , cohabitation also became that kind of signal in a broad perspective .

  18. 这部戏剧使人们意识到维多利亚时期传统的道德观对人性的压抑固然应该受到批判,但当代的性解放和道德约束的消失所造成的混乱也应该引起我们的反思和重视。

    The play makes the audience realize that while the repression of human nature caused by traditional moral concepts advocated by the Victorians should be condemned , the chaos leashed by sex revolution and the disappearance of moral restrictions is also worthy of our reflection and attention .

  19. 讲座以科学客观的态度,介绍了以美国为首的西方国家性教育的发展,性解放带来的危害,以及上世纪90年代开始的以重建家庭和青少年性纯洁为主题的性教育。

    The two lectures in a scientific and impersonal attitude introduced the development of sexual education in western advanced countries ( USA took the lead ), the harm from sexual liberation as well as the sexual education under the topic of re-establishing family and sexual chasteness started since 1990s .

  20. 论实践性与解放思想、实事求是的关系

    On the Relationship between Practice and Mind Emancipation and Truth-seeking from Facts

  21. 现代性·解放政治·生活政治&吉登斯的思想地形图

    Modernity , Emancipatory Politics and Life Politics : Topographic Map of Giddens 's Thoughts

  22. 提高安全性,解放资源

    Improve security , free up resources

  23. 世界各地都有《马赛曲》的不同版本,这一事实表明它不仅是属于法国的爱国歌曲,而是一支国际性的解放之歌。

    But the fact there are versions from all over the world , show it is an international song of liberation , not just a patriotic song for France .

  24. 分析了现代性、解放政治和生活政治等概念的基本内涵以及它们之间的内在关联,然后再围绕这一核心线索,提出了本文的基本架构以及论述过程中将要涉及到的主要方法。

    That is the disquisition theme of modernity , the core idea of emancipatory politics and the future prospect of life politics , illustrates the inherence relationship among these concepts .

  25. 依此为分析框架对四位教师的教学反思分析后发现,教学水平高的教师进行的全部是实践性和解放性反思,而教学水平一般的教师的反思中,技术性反思占有很大比例。

    By analyzing the teaching reflections of four teachers with this theory , we find that teachers with high level of teaching all use practical and liberated reflection , however , teachers with mediocre level tend to use technological reflection .

  26. 五四的启蒙者意识到性的解放是人的解放中的重要部分,是思想革命的前沿阵地,所以选择以现代性爱为启蒙原动力。

    The torchbearer in the " 54 times " realize that the liberation of the nature is the important part in the liberation of the human and it is advance position of the thought revolution . Therefore they choice modern sexual affection as initiation driving force .

  27. 世界上只有非掠夺性的谋解放的战争,才是正义的战争。

    The only just wars are non-predatory wars , wars of liberation .

  28. 所有这些流行开来的两性间的景象是否就意味着性已经被解放了?

    Does all this sexual imagery in the air mean that sex has been liberated ?

  29. 水蚤在胃里被杀死,但是感染性幼虫被解放出来。

    The water fleas are killed in the stomach but the infective larvae are liberated .

  30. 《蓝调石墙T》是20世纪末西方具先锋性的性别解放文本。

    Stone Butch Bluse is a pioneering text on sexual liberation at the end of20th century .