
xìnɡ xīn lǐ
  • sex psychology
  1. 了解大学生性心理认知情况。

    To survey sex psychology cognition of college students .

  2. 解决大学生性心理困扰的有效方法&认知疗法

    The Effective Method to Solve Sex Psychology Puzzle of College Students & Cognitive Therapy

  3. 运动成为他攻击性心理的最佳出路。

    Sport became the perfect outlet for his aggression .

  4. 方法:应用支持性心理治疗对病人实施心理干预,采用HAMA、HAMD量表和临床自行设计问卷对105老年患者手术前后进行调查。

    Methods : The supportive psychotherapy was employed to treat the old patients undergoing heart intervention operation . HAMA 、 HAMD measure forms and clinic self-edited questionnaire were adopted to carry out an investigation on 105 cases before and after heart intervention operation .

  5. 参照Carpendale和Chandler的实验范式,研究儿童对于人们可能对同样信息给出不同解释这一现象的理解,考察5~8岁儿童的解释性心理理论的发展。

    The study explored the development of 5-to 8-year-old children 's interpretive theory of mind . Carpendale and Chandler 's research paradigm was used to study children 's understanding of the phenomenon that ' people may form different interpretations of the same information ' .

  6. 心肌梗死患者综合性心理干预对照研究

    Control study of general psychological intervention for patients with myocardial infarction

  7. 关于寻求专业性心理帮助的态度问卷的修订

    Revision of the Questionnaire of Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help

  8. 歌唱训练过程中的层次性心理意境

    On the Serpentine Music Mind-world in the Process of Singing Training

  9. 阶段性心理社会干预对首发精神分裂症患者的疗效分析

    The efficacy of phase - specific psychosocial intervention for first-episode schizophrenia

  10. 人口老龄化是世界性心理卫生问题。

    The old population is a world mental state hygiene problem .

  11. 论互联网对大学生性心理发展的负面影响

    Negative Influence of the Internet on College Students ' Psychosexual Development

  12. 老年抑郁病人支持性心理干预的科研设计分析

    Analysis on Supportive Psychological Intervention to the Depressed Elderly in Community

  13. 理性心理治疗法理性心理治疗法中心性渗出性脉络膜视网膜病变患者行光动力治疗的护理

    Nursing of Patients of Central Exudative Chorioretinopathy Treated with Photodynamic Therapy

  14. 高校体育专业大学生可得性心理能力的研究与分析

    Study on the Nurtured Mental Ability of Physical Education Students

  15. 大学语文对军校大学生性心理教育的旁涉

    The Effect of College Chinese on Sex Mentality Education to Military Undergraduate

  16. 近代社会国人吸食鸦片的性心理因素探析

    Sex Psychological Factor of The Opium Proliferation in Modern Society

  17. 试析未来作战中我军官兵可能面临的战争性心理问题

    On Our Army 's Mental Problem Caused by War in Future Campaign

  18. 预防性心理辅导在应对突发事件中的应用

    Application of preventive mental consulting to coping with an emergency

  19. 亲属陪护人员的负性心理对癌症患者的影响

    The affect of the negative mentality of family companion on carcinoma patients

  20. 幼儿的性心理与行为教育往往被忽视。

    Childhood sexual psychology and behavior education are often neglected .

  21. 全员参与学生发展性心理辅导研究

    A research on students ' developmental mental guidance with all people involved

  22. 脑卒中伴抑郁焦虑患者的综合性心理干预

    Comprehensive mental intervention on patients with cerebral apoplexy complicated depression and anxiety

  23. 急性心肌梗死病人阶梯式综合性心理康复护理

    Comprehensive psychological rehabilitation multistep nursing care of patients with acute myocardial infarction

  24. 1例妊娠合并乙型肝炎及情境性心理失调病人的护理

    Nursing care of a pregnant complicated with hepatitis B and situational mental disorder

  25. 急性和重复性心理应激大鼠某些细胞免疫功能的变化

    Changes of acute and repeated psychological stress on cellular immune function in rats

  26. 影响飞行员掩饰性心理家庭多因素分析

    Analysis of family multi-factors influencing pilots ' concealed psychology

  27. 预防性心理干预对新婚夫妻家庭暴力态度的影响

    Impact of Psychological Preventive Intervention on Attitudes to Spousal Violence in Newly-married Couples

  28. 整合性心理治疗对学龄儿童哮喘的疗效观察

    The effect of integration psychotherapy on the symptoms of asthma in school age children

  29. 观察组采用综合护理干预措施,进行支持性心理护理,对照组不予干预。

    Using nursing intervention in the observation group and none in the control group .

  30. 高职院校学生心理问题及发展性心理辅导模式的应用

    Students ' Psychological Questions and the Mode of Developing Psychological Guidance in Vocational Colleges