
xìnɡ bié jué dìnɡ
  • sex determination;gender determination
  1. 迄今的研究普遍认为性别决定的过程是以SRY基因为主导,多个基因参与的级联调控的过程。

    Sex determination involved a cascade of events initiated by the SRY gene .

  2. 性别决定及SRY基因在胚胎发生中的表达

    Sex Determination and Expression of SRY Gene during Embryogenesis

  3. 将来一个人的能力可能不是由性别决定的。

    In the future a person 's abilities may not be decided by sex .

  4. 食蟹猴等猴类微卫星DNA及性别决定基因的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Microsatellite DNA and SRY Gene of Macaca Such as Macaca Fascicularis and Rhesus

  5. 应用多重PCR技术检测性器官异常患者的性别决定基因

    Detection of the Human SRY Gene of Sexual Organ Abnormal Patients Using Multiplex PCR Technique

  6. 笔者对性别决定基因、PCR法胚胎性别鉴定的几个关键环节进行了综述,并对其前景进行了展望。

    Sex determining gene , the key steps of sex identification in embryos with polymerase chain reaction and the perspectives were introduced in this article .

  7. 科学家们从蜜蜂体内分离出一种基因,叫做性别决定基因(简称CSD)。

    A scientist isolated a gene called CSD , or Complimentary Sex Determiner .

  8. 并且,在Y染色体上的SRY基因(雄性性别决定基因)

    and that SRY gene on the Y chromosome

  9. 进一步证明SRY基因作为性别决定基因的重要作用。

    Our study results indicated that SRY gene plays an essential role in sex-determination .

  10. SRY在动物性别决定中的作用机制

    Function mechanism of SRY on determining animal sex

  11. SOX、DMRT性别决定基因家族及其应用研究进展

    The Research Advances and Applications of SOX and DMRT Gene Family

  12. 目前已知SRY仅是涉及性别决定过程的基因之一.近年来又发现和克隆了许多可能参与性腺分化与发育的基因,如副中肾抑制基因MIS,也称抗副中肾激素基因AMH;

    SRY is the only gene currently known to be involved in the process of sex determination .

  13. bHLH(basichelix-loop-helix,碱性螺旋-环-螺旋)转录调控因子是发育过程中转录网络的重要组成部分,广泛参与神经和肌肉发生、细胞增殖分化、细胞谱系的决定和性别决定等基本生理过程。

    BHLH ( basic helix-loop-helix ) transcription regulatory factors are important members of the transcription network during development .

  14. 以SRY基因为线索综述了性别决定基因的研究进展。

    The progress in research on sex determining genes was explained on the clue of SRY gene .

  15. 本研究为探索尼罗罗非鱼的性别决定机制和Sox基因表达模式提供了资料。

    This research provided molecular data for the sex-determining mechanism of O. niloticus and expression pattern of Sox gene . 3 .

  16. 本研究为探索中华绒螯蟹的性别决定机制以及Sox基因的进化提供了分子资料。

    The results provided molecular data for the further study of sex-determining mechanism of Eriocheir sinensis and evolution of Sox gene .

  17. 目的:为研究Y染色体上性别决定基因(SRY)在性分化中的作用。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of sex-determining region of the Y chromosome ( SRY ) on sexual differentiation .

  18. 经典遗传学研究推测家蚕W染色体上Fem基因为家蚕性别决定初级信号,最近家蚕性别决定的下游调控基因Bmdsx也已鉴定。

    Classical genetics suggested that gene Fem on the w chromosome should be the primary signal in sex determination in Bombyx mori .

  19. 根据牛、羊Y-染色体性别决定区域(SRY)的同源性设计了一对PCR引物,对8个绵羊胎儿成纤维细胞系SFF1-8进行了性别鉴定。

    A pair of PCR primers was designed to identify the sex of sheep fetal fibroblast cell lines according to the homology of sheep and cattle SRY gene .

  20. 该文库为进一步构建高质量的cDNA文库,筛选、克隆性别决定基因全长cDNA序列奠定了基础。

    This verified that this initial library was appropriate for constructing a cDNA library with high quality and can be used to screen and clone the full-length cDNA sequences of sex-determining genes .

  21. 利用大鼠性别决定基因SRY对移植细胞进行体内示踪。

    In situ hybridization technique was used to trace the transplanted cells by detecting the sex-determining gene ( SRY ) of rats .

  22. 一个新的性别决定基因DMY

    DMY : a New Sex - determining Gene

  23. 天祝白牦牛Y染色体性别决定基因(SRY)编码区的克隆和原核表达

    Cloning of the Encoding Region of Sex-determining Region on Y Chromosome Gene ( SRY ) in Tianzhu White Yak and Its Prokaryotic Expression

  24. 结论(1)SRY基因不是性别决定的唯一基因,SRY基因缺失或突变可能导致性发育的一系列异常改变,尿道下裂的发生与SRY的缺失、变异有关。

    Conclusions The absence or mutation of SRY gene may be concerned with the pathogenesis of hypospadias which is a sex upgrowth abnormality .

  25. X单倍体型蜂类的性别决定机制,一是X染色体含X基因的数量小于常染色体组含的Y基因,而且各X染色体含X基因的数量不相同;

    The mechanism of x haploid bee sex determination was , first , x gene quantity with x chromosomes not only was less than Y genes with euchromosomes , but also x gene quantity with every x chromosme was different ;

  26. 果蝇sansfille(snf)基因在其性别决定过程中具有重要作用。

    The gene sans fille ( snf ) of Drosophila plays an important role in its sex determination .

  27. 作为参与胚胎发育重要的基因家族,Sox家族在系统进化上具有高度的保守性,在胚胎发育、性别决定、组织器官的形成与分化及其功能的维持等方面都发挥重要的作用。

    Sox family involving in embryonic development is highly conserved , which has importance in sex determination , tissues and organs formation and differentiation combined with function maintenance .

  28. 目的通过对16例性分化异常患者进行细胞遗传学和Y染色体上的性别决定区(SRY)基因检测,为临床检测提供参考,并对性分化异常机制进行探讨。

    Objective To analyze 16 cases ' sexual abnormality by cytogenetics and molecular genetics to provide information for clinical diagnosis and study the mechanism of sexual abnormality .

  29. 雄性连锁图谱共有105个遗传标记,共有10个连锁群。AFLP标记96个,微卫星标记8个,性别决定因子1个,图谱总长度为820.9cM,标记平均间隔为8.6cM。

    The male map contained 105 markers ( 96 AFLP , 8 microsatellite markers and 1 sex-determination marker ) in 10 linkage groups , covering 820.9 cM with 8.6 cM per marker .

  30. 目的分析原发性闭经患者染色体异常核型及Y染色体上的性别决定区(SRY)基因,并对原发性闭经的原因进行探讨。

    Aim : To analyze the karyotype and detect the SRY gene of primary menopause patients so as to provide information for exploring the mechanism of primary menopause .