
  • 网络emotional experience
  1. 浅析情绪体验对道德信念的影响

    A Brief Analysis of the Influence of Emotional Experience on Moral Belief

  2. 他表示,对于歌手来说,在歌厅演唱是非常深刻的情绪体验。

    He says cabaret is a deeply emotional experience for a singer .

  3. W检验结果表明,元认知干预技术比系统脱敏疗法的治疗持续时间更短,来访者在治疗时和社交情景中的情绪体验更好,社交情景中自信心和主动性的满意度更高。

    Results of W-tests indicate that the duration of Meta-cognition Intervention Technique is much shorter than Systematic Desensitization , client can have a good emotional expression in the treatment and social interaction scenes , and feel more initiative and confidence satisfaction .

  4. 通过Wilcoxon秩和检验,元认知干预组和系统脱敏组在在治疗持续时间,来访者在接受治疗时的情绪体验,考试场景的紧张度,成绩变化方面差异显著。

    In return visit , there is still no recurrence . By Wilcoxon rank sum test , meta-cognitive intervention group and systematic desensitization group were significantly different in the duration of treatment , emotional experiences , tension extent in the examination scene , changes of scores .

  5. 排球比赛中情绪体验对接发球效果的影响

    Efficient Effection on Service Reception of Emotional Experience in Volleyball Matches

  6. 个体情绪体验越高越能够降低不公平对员工情绪工作的影响。

    Higher emotion will reduce the influence of injustice affecting emotion work .

  7. 积极情绪体验在学校心理健康教育中的运用

    Employment of Positive Emotions in the School-based Mental Health Education

  8. 本文试从创作主体意识、作品中人物的情绪体验及作者对文本形式的自觉驾驭等方面对庐隐的自我意识进行分析。

    The paper analyzes the above aspects from her experiences and consciousness .

  9. 略论情绪体验对道德自我的影响

    A Brief Discussion on the Influence of Emotional Experience on the Moral Self

  10. 情绪体验和情感体验产生的机制是本文的理论基础。

    Emotional experience and affective experience is base theory .

  11. 女中学生的情绪体验特点为热情、开朗、快乐而充满幻想,情绪主色调是热情、开朗;

    Characters of girls'emotion experience are enthusiasm , outgoing , happiness , and fantasy .

  12. 我国居民情绪体验现状及其差异研究

    Comparative Study of Emotional Experience Status and Its Differences of Our Country ' residents

  13. 数学学习投入问卷含有三个维度:积极情绪体验、努力和专注,这个问卷也具有良好的信度和效度。

    The learning engagement questionnaire has three factors : positive emotion 、 efforts and concentration .

  14. 我们研究了他们的情绪体验是否随着岁月而改变。

    And we studied whether and how their emotional experiences changed as they grew older .

  15. 服从行为在消极的行为目的、行为归因、意志过程和情绪体验四个方面具有内在的一致性;

    Obedience coincides intrinsically in passive purpose , cause , will process and emotional experience ;

  16. 状态焦虑是一种不愉快的情绪体验,一般为短暂性的,随着时间不同其强度和波动性也在变化中。

    State anxiety is an emotional experience , transitorily , and the strength changes over time .

  17. 与延迟执行、意志力不足、消极情绪体验相关关系不显著。

    Associated with delayed execution , lack of willpower , negative emotional experience no significant relationship .

  18. 论认识和体验在负向情感维度上则存在显著差异,未婚幼儿教师的负向情绪体验水平较高;

    On the Knowledge and the Experience Unmarried teachers experience more negative affect than married teachers ;

  19. 对这六个情绪体验的日变化规律进行整理分析,发现与已有研究基本吻合。

    The six emotional experience ' regular pattern of day change matched with the previous research basically .

  20. 感觉分辨和情绪体验是疼痛的两个基本成分。基本特征;

    The pain experience includes a sensory-discriminative and an emotional-affective component . ( 2 ) essential features ;

  21. 身体、情境在情绪体验理解中的重要性是情绪具身观的核心内容。

    The main content of embodied emotion is the importance of body and situation in emotion comprehension .

  22. 顺从行为只是在归因倾向和情绪体验方面表现出消极的倾向性特点,意志过程特点反映不确定。

    Compliance tends to be passive in cause tendency and emotional experience , while will process is indefinite .

  23. 结果表明,亲密程度、力量对比和身份地位能够影响小学生的情绪体验和情绪调节策略;

    The results indicate intimacy , strength and status can influence pupils ' emotional experience and emotional regulation strategies .

  24. 多媒体课件的界面效果直接影响教学功能.界面设计中应考虑如何提高视知觉效率和使学习者保持积极的情绪体验。

    In order to raise instructional efficiency , the psychological factors ought to be considered in designing the interface .

  25. 孤独感是人们在精神生活中的一种寂寞无聊的情绪体验和孤苦无依的心灵感受。

    Sense of loneliness is a kind of mental experience of isolation . Life Experience ( 3 ) loneliness .

  26. 牙痛是指与实际或潜在的牙体组织损伤相关联的一种不愉快感觉和情绪体验,它是口腔科疾病最常见的症状。

    Toothache refers to a kind of unhappy feeling or experience caused by realistic or latent injury of dental tissues .

  27. 结论参加小组后组员产生了积极的情绪体验,心理健康水平得到提高。

    Conclusion After joining in groups the members develop active feeling experience , and their mental health levels are raised .

  28. 小学生对教师不尊的理解存在年级差异;对教师不尊的难过情绪体验存在年级差异;

    Difference is found between grades in understanding , experiencing grief , attribution of teachers'prejudice and low study achievement of themselves .

  29. 对照组采用传统网球单纯的技能教学法,实验组采用情感情绪体验教学法。

    In the control group using the traditional pure tennis skills teaching methods used in the experimental group teaching experience emotional feelings .

  30. 这些体验限定在宗教活动中,并具有强烈的情感特征,是与人们平常的情绪体验不同的一种特殊体验。

    And this is a special experience which has strong emotional characteristics , and is different from the human usual emotional experience .