
  • 网络Keck;keck telescope
  1. 地面望远镜,如巨大的凯克望远镜,已经累积了远处(所以是古老的)星系的大量统计资料。

    Ground-based instruments such as the giant Keck telescopes have amassed statistics on distant ( and therefore ancient ) galaxies .

  2. 然而在2000年,位于夏威夷的长达10米(33英寸)的凯克二号地面望远镜观测到,其他望远镜之前观测到的那个大星团,实际上是两颗相互运行的小星体。

    However , in 2000 , the 10-meter ( 33 ft ) , ground-based telescope " Keck II " in Hawaii observed that the large singular blob seen by older telescopes was actually two smaller bodies orbiting each other .