
  • 网络Case Western Reserve University;Weatherhead;Case Western Reserve;Case Western
  1. 企业顾问、凯斯西储大学(CaseWesternReserveUniversity)兼职教授斯蒂芬・里奥祖(StephanLiozu)说,重新进行组织规划、以便让管理者们少花精力在日常事务上这一步非常重要,但也许要经历数月或数年才能完成。

    Reorganizations that allow executives to focus less on day-to-day tasks are crucial but can take months or years , says Stephan Liozu , a corporate consultant and adjunct professor at Case Western Reserve University .

  2. 帕特里克卡塔拉诺博士从产妇和胎儿医学系,在凯斯西储大学美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰市,补充说,这项研究显示,母亲和胎儿明显的好处。

    Patrick Catalano , MD , from the Department of Maternal and Fetal Medicine at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland , Ohio , adds that this study shows clear benefits for both mother and fetus .

  3. 过去6个月,爱荷华大学(UniversityofIowa)、印第安纳州珀杜大学(PurdueUniversity)和俄亥俄州凯斯西储大学(CaseWesternReserveUniversity)等多所院校,都任命了女性为校长。

    In the past six months schools including the University of Iowa , Indiana 's Purdue University and Ohio 's Case Western Reserve University have all appointed heads who are women .

  4. 他是凯斯西储大学医学院肿瘤遗传学部教授,同时也是凯斯医学中心HowardHughes医学研究所的研究人员。

    Sanford Markowitz , Ingalls Professor of Cancer Genetics at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and Investigator in The Howard Hughes Medical Institute , Case Medical Center .

  5. 凯斯西储大学魏德海管理学院(CaseWesternReserveUniversity'sWeatherheadSchoolofManagement)银行与金融系主任阿努拉格??古普塔(AnuragGupta)说,与企业一样,商学院“必须与时俱进,顺应市场”。

    Like companies , business schools ' have to change with the times and go where the market is , ' says Anurag Gupta , chair of the banking and finance department at Case Western Reserve University 's Weatherhead School of Management .

  6. 在2月19日,来自凯斯西储大学医学院的皮特齐默曼于华盛顿在美国科学发展协会会议中发表讲话。

    Peter Zimmerman from Case Western Reserve University school of medicine spoke at the AAAS meeting in Washington on February 19th .