
kǎi xuán mén
  • Arc de Triomphe ;triumphal arch
凯旋门 [kǎi xuán mén]
  • [triumphal arch] 一种纪念性建筑物至少有一个高耸的通道,典型的为一个拱门,通常为纪念胜利、人物或历史事件而建

  1. 凯旋门用于纪念恺撒击败庞培,得胜而归。

    The triumphal arch commemorates Caesar 's victory over Pompey .

  2. 她打算去凯旋门游玩。

    She was going to visit the Triumphal Arch .

  3. 自2010年以来,离半岛酒店只有咫尺之距、位于凯旋门(ArcdeTriomphe)附近的另外两家五星级酒店又相继开业。

    Within a relatively small radius of the Peninsula , near the Arc de Triomphe , two other new five-star hotels have opened since 2010 .

  4. 你记得我们在凯旋门发过誓吗?

    Remember when we swore in from of Arc de triomphe ?

  5. 凯旋门式复杂高层连体的结构设计实例

    An Example of Conjoined Structure Design for Complex Tall Building

  6. 在巴黎,街道以凯旋门为中心向四方伸展。

    Avenues radiate from the Arc de triumphed in paris .

  7. 奥朗日的古罗马剧院和凯旋门

    Roman Theatre and the " Triumphal Arch " of Orange

  8. 大型的中央凯旋门还可以在两侧加上两个小的拱门并饰以浮雕。

    The large central arch could also be flanked by two smaller arches .

  9. 可以看到背景的凯旋门。

    The Arc de Triomphe is visible in background .

  10. 这是以色列的时刻,凯旋门。

    It was Israel 's moment of triumph .

  11. 巴黎的凯旋门是在文艺复兴时期修建的。

    Among those built since the Renaissance is the Arc de Triomphe in Paris .

  12. 气宇轩昂的双栋连体宏伟建筑,新古典主义的“凯旋门”,犹如巨擘,尽显王者威仪。

    The superb splendid building is just like a the neoclassical arch of triumph .

  13. 正如他们所言,通向湮没无闻之路常常穿过凯旋门。

    As they say , The path to oblivion often goes through a triumphal arch .

  14. 它有像艾菲尔铁塔、凯旋门这些著名的、令人向往的地方。

    It has famous attractions such as the Eiffel Tower and the Are de Trample .

  15. 正如他们所言,“通向湮没无闻之路常常穿过凯旋门。”

    As they say , " The path to oblivion often goes through a triumphal arch . "

  16. 凯旋门是巴黎的一座为了庆祝胜利而建的拱门,它纪念拿破仑取得的军事胜利。

    The Arc de Triomphe is a triumphat arch in Paris which commemorates napoleon 's military victories .

  17. 身为凯旋门新世界的员工,您将受益于这家公司对员工的投资与承诺。

    As an employee , you 'll benefit from the company 's commitment to investing in its staff .

  18. 然后,我们移近凯旋门,其中一个在世界上最繁忙的出入。

    We then moved closer to the Arc de Triomphe , one of the busiest roundabouts in the world .

  19. 交通高峰期的香榭丽舍大道,圣诞灯装饰的树木一直通向凯旋门。

    Christmas lights adorn trees that line theChamps Elysees as rush hour traffic moves towards the Arc de Triomphe .

  20. 巴黎最吸引人的风景线就是香榭丽舍田园大道,凯旋门,和戴高乐广场。

    The most fascinating sceneries in paris are Champs-Elysees rural road , de Triomphe and Charles de Gaulle Square .

  21. 一位仁兄坐在凯旋门下的“永恒火焰”上,想要熄灭这把火焰。

    A man tried to extinguish the @ eternal flame @ burning under the Arc de Triomphe by sitting on it .

  22. 此外,凯旋门和凡尔赛宫等,都是人们参观游览的必到胜地。

    In addition , the Arc de Triomphe and the Palace of Versailles , are people visited the resort to be .

  23. 埋葬无名战士的荣誉与全面的军事在西敏寺在伦敦和巴黎的凯旋门凯旋。

    Unknown soldiers were interred with full military honours in Westminster Abbey in London and at the Arc de Triumph in Paris .

  24. 他本人把公司在巴黎的总部搬入了豪华的新写字楼,俯瞰凯旋门、香榭丽舍大街和艾菲尔铁塔。

    Messier moved Vivendi 's Paris HQ to plush new offices overlooking the Arc de Triomphe , Champs Elysees and Eiffel Tower .

  25. 那时的城门是现在的三倍,象凯旋门一样,并且没有连筑城墙。

    At that time it was a triple gate , resembling a triumphal arch , and was probably not attached to the wall .

  26. 在巴黎活动的聚集点是凯旋门地铁站,活动参与者的目的地是巴士底站。

    In Paris , the meeting point was the Charles de Gaulle-Etoile metro stop , with pants-free passengers headed all the way to Bastille .

  27. 我们为所有那些料想会激动人心的世界名胜而激动不已&埃菲尔铁塔、卢浮宫和凯旋门。

    We thrill to all the things you 're supposed to thrill to & the Eiffel Tower , the Louvre , the Arc de Triomphe .

  28. 的确,淡黄色的凯旋门城楼、绿荫中的卢浮宫、白色的蒙马圣心教堂都清晰可见,色彩斑斓。

    Indeed , the yellow tower Arc de Triomphe , the Louvre in the shade , white Mengma Sacred Heart Church are clearly visible , colorful .

  29. 同时那里还有凯旋门等许多名胜古迹,整条大道两旁遍布着各类奢侈品店、咖啡馆、饭店以及精品酒店等。

    Home to illustrious monuments like the Arc de Triomphe , the thoroughfare is also strewn with luxury shops , cafes , hotels , and boutique hotels .

  30. 凯旋门:世界上最大的凯旋门,为罗马古典主义建筑杰作,也是法国巴黎最着名的纪念碑之一。

    Arc de triomphe : largest triumphal arch in the world . a masterpiece of romantic classicism , it is one of the best-known monuments of paris .