
  1. 为儒家经典著作之一,出于孔子的孙子子思之手。

    It is one of the classic works of Confucianist , and attributed to Confucius'grandson Zisi .

  2. 曾受业于子思的门人,继承了孔子的学说,被后世尊称为“亚圣”。

    He was a successor of Confucius and has been called the " Second Sage " after Confucius .

  3. 这是孔子雕像,左右是颜子、曾子、子思和孟子的塑像。

    This is the statue of Confucius , flanked by the statues of Yanzi , Zenzi , Zisi and Mencius .

  4. 在郭店楚简《鲁穆公问子思》与《孟子》的比较研究中,可以探讨思孟学派理想人格何以建立的哲学要义。

    In the comparison between Lumugong Questioning Zisi and Mencius , we can research the key thought of the Simeng School for constructing the ideal personality .

  5. 曾受业于子思的门人,后游历齐、宋、魏、滕等国,宣传自己的政治主张,希望施展自己的政治抱负。

    He traveled around the States of Qi , Song , Wei , Teng and other places , disseminating his political propositions in order to give full play to his political ambition .

  6. 《成之闻之》为郭店儒简中有代表性的一篇,是关于子思学说的重要文献,具有很高的思想价值和文献价值。

    " Chengzhiwenzhi " is a representative passage of Guodian Confucian Bamboo Slip , and is a important document of the theory of Zisi with the high value on the field of thinking and literature .

  7. 本文从《孟子》一书出发,主要探讨了六经,孔子、曾子、子思等儒家学者,以及先秦其他学派与孟子思想的渊源关系。

    This paper mainly deals with the ideological original relationship between the Six classics , Pre-Qin Confucianists , such as Confucius , Tseng , Tzu-Si ( Zi-Si ), as well as Pre-Qin other schools and Mencius .

  8. 孟子的良心思想在儒家哲学中占据重要地位,它的提出不仅是对前儒思想(孔子、子思)的重大发展,也对后世儒学产生了深远影响。

    Mencius ' thought of " Conscience " takes a vital place in the philosophy of Confucianism . It is not only the major result of the development of pre-Confucianism ( such as Confucius , Zisi ), but also has a profound influence on the later Confucianism .