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zǐ nǚ
  • children;family;issue;offspring;sons and daughters;beauty;young woman;beautiful woman;young man and woman
子女 [zǐ nǚ]
  • (1) [sons and daughters;children]∶儿子和女儿;儿女

  • 亦无子女。--清. 袁枚《祭妹文》

  • 帮助丈夫,教养子女,支持门庭,料量薪水。--《儿女英雄传》

  • (2) [young man and woman]∶少年男子和女子

  • 掠夺金帛子女

  • (3) [beauty;beautiful woman;young woman]∶美女;年青女子

  • 今若以华堂大厦,子女金帛,令彼享用,自然疏远孔明、 关、 张等。--《三国演义》

子女[zǐ nǚ]
  1. 父亲刚咽气,子女们就争开了遗产。

    No sooner had the father died than the sons and daughters started to quarrel over the inheritance .

  2. 媒体将这种现象称之为“衙内经济”。衙内经济指政府官员子女利用其父母的权势和影响力进行经商活动的一种反常的经济形态。

    Media have called this phenomenon " the economy of high ranking officials ' children " , which refers to the abnormal2 economic pattern in which the sons and daughters of high-ranking officials take advantage of their parents ' power and influence to do business .

  3. 她在使自己和子女的健康遭受威胁。

    She was risking her own and her children 's health .

  4. 他确保他的子女将什么也不会缺少。

    He 's ensured that his children will want for nothing .

  5. 他们采用放任自由的方法来养育子女。

    They have a laissez-faire approach to bringing up their children .

  6. 父辈作的孽报应到子女头上。

    The sins of the fathers are visited upon the children .

  7. 法律规定父母必须送子女入学。

    Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school .

  8. 她教育子女在学校要勇于自卫。

    She taught her children to stick up for themselves at school .

  9. 我们的子女都已长大成人,有了自己的孩子。

    Our children are grown up and have children of their own .

  10. 在教育子女方面,她有非常新式的观点。

    She has very modern ideas about educating her children .

  11. 她成功地兼顾了事业和抚养子女。

    She has successfully combined a career and bringing up a family .

  12. 他们花钱让子女上贵族学校。

    They pay for their children to go to a posh school .

  13. 排行居中的子女往往得不到充分的关注。

    Middle children tend to get lost in the shuffle .

  14. 这项法律可强制父亲定期支付子女的费用。

    The law can compel fathers to make regular payments for their children .

  15. 他对待自己子女的那种行径为人所不齿。

    His treatment of his children is beneath contempt .

  16. 她不想让子女在众人瞩目中成长。

    She doesn 't want her children growing up in the public eye .

  17. 他们对子女一向十分严格。

    They were always very strict with their children .

  18. 他向前妻支付子女的抚养费。

    He makes payments to his ex-wife for the upkeep of their children .

  19. 他声称有20多个亲生子女。

    He claims to have fathered over 20 children .

  20. 有子女家庭比无子女家庭的人均开销相对地少。

    Families with children spend proportionally less per person than families without children .

  21. 昨天晚上,她和她的子女团聚。

    Last night she was reunited with her children .

  22. 有些父母过分要求子女百依百顺。

    Some parents are too possessive of their children .

  23. 一些家长对他们子女的安全表示了担心。

    A number of parents have voiced concern about their children 's safety .

  24. 父母必须对子女严格。

    Parents must be firm with their children .

  25. 父母总是为子女担忧。

    Parents are ever fearful for their children .

  26. 如有子女请提供详情。

    Give details of children where applicable .

  27. 家长经常一相情愿极力为子女操办一切。

    Parents often fall into the trap of trying to do everything for their children .

  28. 她总是把子女放在第一位。

    She always puts her children first .

  29. 母亲总爱挂念自己的子女。

    Mothers typically worry about their children .

  30. 所有子女都在挣钱了。

    All the children are earning now .