
  • 网络logocentrism;logocentric;logos-centrism;logocenterism
  1. 这是一种彻底的文本中心主义,是由古希腊肇其端的理性主义或逻各斯中心主义思维方式造成的结果。

    This is a thorough text-centrism , a result of the thinking modes of rationalism or logos-centrism originating from ancient Greek .

  2. 女性主义从后现代主义那里引入了差异概念与权力话语理论,使其对逻各斯中心主义与传统形而上学的解构与批判达到了一个新的高度。

    Borrowing " difference " concept and " power discourse " theory from postmodernism , feminism has pushed its deconstruction and criticism to logos-centrism and traditional metaphysics to a new height .

  3. 后现代主义在世界范围内掀起了一场针对传统逻各斯中心主义的颠覆运动。

    The Postmodernism has around the world raised in view of the traditional Logos center principle subversion movement .

  4. 西方新史学与后现代主义思潮同步,是在史学领域对西方传统形而上学或逻各斯中心主义的颠覆。

    Western new historiography goes together with postmodernism , which is the subversion of Western traditional metaphysics and Logos centralism from a historical perspective .

  5. 在哲学领域内统治西方两千多年的逻各斯中心主义思想(即理式)在当代受到许多人不约而同地质疑。

    The logo centrism that rules the western philosophical field for more than two thousand years is questioned by many scholars spontaneously in contemporary time .

  6. 误读,如果从逻各斯中心主义的对立范式看,误读乃正读的反面,是一种疏忽,一种偏向,实不可取。

    According to the Logocentric paradigm , misunderstanding is the opposition of " reading ", is an oversight and a bias , which is desirable in fact .

  7. 德里达在尼采对传统哲学的批判精神基础上,建立起自己的隐喻理论,并通过对声音与文字、诗与哲学二元对立关系的解构,实现了对西方传统思想中逻各斯中心主义的颠覆。

    And through to the voice and text , poetry and philosophy dualism , realizing the relationship of deconstruction of western traditional thought of the subversive and logos centralism sublimate .

  8. 以科学伦理为中心的话语存在着多种言说方式,具有代表性的研究范式主要有伦理主义的决定论、协调科学与伦理关系的二元论以及反逻各斯中心主义等。

    The saying central on Science Ethic has many kinds of ways to express , the representative paradigm are determinism of ethic , dualism assorting with science and ethic and anti-logos centrism act .

  9. 而蕴涵在巴氏对话思想中对人的自我意识和他者的重视,对差异性、丰富性和多样性的强调,超越了逻各斯中心主义的藩篱,具有鲜明的“绿色”色彩。

    In his theory , the emphasis on the human 's self-consciousness and on other beings and on differences , richness and diversity transcends the bounds of logocentrism , and presents vivid " green " color .