
  • 网络A Logical Basis;logical foundation
  1. 为建立动态的Web服务组合模型提供了有效的逻辑基础。

    It provides a more effective logical foundation to build dynamic web services composition model .

  2. 本文分析了智能Web中服务的研究现状及存在的问题,从智能Web的服务架构、逻辑基础、主体服务描述及匹配、主体服务组合及协作等方面对智能Web中的服务进行了深入研究。

    The current work and the problem of services in intelligent Web are analyzed , and several problems such as service framework in intelligent Web , logical foundation , agent service description and matchmaking , agent service composition and cooperation are studied deeply in this dissertation .

  3. 非标准逻辑基础上的知识逻辑SI

    The Knowledge Logic SI Based on the Nonstandard Logic

  4. HTTP是一个十分通用的协议,可用作你的SOA项目的逻辑基础设施的元素。

    HTTP is quite a universal protocol to use as the logical infrastructural element for your SOA .

  5. 本文首先分析了语义Web的体系结构及其相关知识,然后对本体论的逻辑基础一描述逻辑进行了研究。

    This thesis firstly analyzed the framework of the semantic Web and other related knowledge , and then we make the research on the base of logic about ontology .

  6. 建立在非经典逻辑基础上的知识逻辑SI允许存在不一致的信息,但是却不会得出“任意结论”。

    The Knowledge Logic SI based on the non-standard logic allows incoherent information state , but not everything can derive from it .

  7. 本文首先分析了WTO贸易保护机制的特点以及对发展中成员的影响,这是本文的逻辑基础;

    The thesis first analyze the trade protection mechanism of WTO and its impact on developing countries , it 's the logical base of this article ;

  8. 它具有清晰的语义特征,既提供了可判定的推理服务,又能有效地对动态知识和运行机制进行表示和推理,可以为智能Web的服务提供合理的逻辑基础。

    The services theory based on description logic in intelligent Web is presented which has explicit semantics , provides decidable reasoning service and supports effective representation and reasoning of the dynamic process and running mechanism .

  9. 然而,以CRI算法为代表的模糊推理却被指出缺乏严格的逻辑基础。

    Nevertheless , fuzzy reasoning is condemned as lacking strict logic basis .

  10. 但由于CRI算法缺乏严格的逻辑基础,因而饱受该领域专家学者的质疑。

    However , CRI algorithm was doubted by many experts and scholars in its own field for the lack of strict logic basis .

  11. OWL的逻辑基础是可以提供推理服务,既支持本体设计,又使得其在描述网络资源方面更接近于自动处理过程。

    The logical basis of the language means that reasoning services can be provided , both to support ontology design and to make OWL more similar to an automation process in describing Web resources .

  12. 在信念逻辑基础上,引入概率,给出了一种概率信念逻辑PBL,增强了信念逻辑的表述能力和推理能力。

    In this paper , probability is introduced based on belief logic , and a probabilistic belief logic & PBL is given , which can improve the expressive power and deductive power of belief logic .

  13. 本文讨论了从MRP发展到MRPⅡ时其内涵的延伸,说明它的逻辑基础符合流程生产的要求,能解决流程生产中的主要管理问题。

    This paper tries to explain the essentials of MRP ⅱ and hence prove that its logical bases can meet the requirement of process production and it is able to solve the main management problems of process production .

  14. 虽然FXCop中的某些向导是微软主观确定的,但其中大部分都是奠定在对CLR工作原理深入了解的良好逻辑基础上。

    While some of the guidelines in FXCop are subjective , most are grounded in sound logic based on a deep knowledge of how the CLR works .

  15. 这篇短文利用广义Duhamel原理,证明了无限叠加定理.这一定理为标准分析中的微元法,莫定了巩固的逻辑基础。

    In the present paper , we make use of the generalized Duhamel principle to justify Infinite Sum Theorem which laies a strict logical foundation for the infinitesimal element method in standard integral calculus .

  16. 讨论了二阶矩过程的均方R-S积分的存在性问题,同时与普通R-S积分进行了比较,搞清了两种积分的异同,建立了均方R-S积分的逻辑基础。

    The existence law of quadratic mean R-S integral in the process of 2-th moment is discussed , the differences between two integrals are compared and explained . Finally the logical foundation of R-S quadratic mean integral is set up .

  17. 模糊推理三I算法的逻辑基础

    The Logic Foundation of the Triple I Algorithms in Fuzzy Reasoning

  18. 论法经济学的发展、逻辑基础及其基本理论

    The Development , Logic Structure and Theory Base of Law and Economics

  19. 知识进化和高级思维过程的逻辑基础

    The Logical Foundation of Knowledge Evolution and Higher Mental Processes

  20. 他在自己的逻辑基础上对马克思作了种种误读。

    Based on his own logic , Baudrillard misunderstood Marx 's thoughts .

  21. 夸张辞的逻辑基础之二是度。

    First of its logical basis is fact , the other is degree .

  22. 形式逻辑基础理论在科技管理中的应用初探

    Research of Formal Logic Application to the Scientific Management

  23. 刑事法律论证的逻辑基础探析

    On Logical Foundation of Legal Argument in Criminal Trial

  24. 个人理财的逻辑基础与历史发展

    The Logic Basis and Development of Individual 's Financing

  25. 渐进发展:可持续发展战略的逻辑基础

    Evolving development : a logical ground for sustainable development

  26. 经济行为人的理性假设是现代经济学体系构建的逻辑基础。

    The rationality hypothesis of economic agents is the logic foundation of modern economics .

  27. 公民责任的逻辑基础是:自由、平等和正义;

    The basic logic of the citizen 's responsibility is freedom fairness and justice .

  28. 科学思维是一种建立在事实和逻辑基础上的理性的思维方式。

    The scientific thought is rational , and based on the fact and logic .

  29. 试论国际私法的逻辑基础

    On the Logical Foundation of Private International Law

  30. 其逻辑基础是什么?

    What 's the logic basis of it ?