
  • 网络Offshore RMB;CNH
  1. 从收益率角度看,能以真正有竞争力的利率提供离岸人民币的银行,将从每一笔交易中获得收益。

    From a margins perspective , banks able to offer CNH at really competitive rates will reap the benefits on every trade .

  2. 他说:此外,离岸人民币使用渠道的不断发展,使得资金能够更容易地流回中国内地,我们认为这会继续对(香港的)系统流动性造成压力。

    Moreover , continued development of more CNH usage channels allows for easier repatriation of funds to China , which we believe will continue to place pressure on system liquidity [ in Hong Kong ] , he said .

  3. 被称为点心债(DimSumbond)的离岸人民币债券市场的壮大,也发挥了类似作用。

    The rise of the offshore renminbi bond market – known as dim sum bonds – has also helped .

  4. 汇丰银行(hsbc)则表示,过去一年中该行在伦敦的离岸人民币交易规模增长了40%。

    HSBC said offshore renminbi trades in London rose 40 per cent in the past year .

  5. 中国中央国债登记结算公司(ChinaCentralDepositoryandClearingCorporation)数据显示,外国投资者如今持有的在岸中国债券多于离岸人民币债券,后者即所谓的点心债券。

    Foreigners now hold more onshore Chinese debt than offshore renminbi bonds known as dim sum bonds according to data from the China Central Depository and Clearing Corporation .

  6. 尽管亚洲多数信贷市场在2012年蓬勃发展,但离岸人民币债券被称为“点心债券”(dimsum)的表现却好似坐过山车。

    While most Asian credit markets boomed in 2012 , offshore renminbi bonds known as " dim sum " bonds endured a rollercoaster ride .

  7. 亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)和国际金融公司(internationalfinancecorporation)计划在香港发行人民币计价债券,此举可能大幅提振中国正在开发的离岸人民币债券市场。

    Plans by the Asian Development Bank and International Finance Corporation to issue renminbi-denominated bonds in Hong Kong could provide a big boost to the fledgling market in offshore renminbi debt being developed by China .

  8. 道明证券(TDSecurities)驻新加坡的分析师雷蒙德•洪表示,离岸人民币交易是抗击中国通胀的一种方式。

    Raymond hung , an analyst with TD securities in Singapore , says offshore RMB trading serves as a way to counter Chinese inflation .

  9. cme称,将在未来数月启动自己的离岸人民币期货业务,但没有指定具体日期。

    CME said its alternative will launch in the coming months , without specifying a date .

  10. KenWeiWong说,随着人民币国际化程度的提高,他预计有更多央行会参与离岸人民币市场。

    Mr. Wong said he expects more central banks to participate in the offshore yuan market as the Chinese currency becomes more internationalized .

  11. 中国有关部门还指定中国工商银行(icbc)为在新加坡处理离岸人民币交易的唯一清算银行。

    Chinese authorities also picked Industrial & Commercial Bank of China to act as sole clearing bank to handle offshore renminbi transactions in Singapore .

  12. 正如德意志银行(deutschebank)所指出,香港已成为离岸人民币产品的“定价中心”,离岸人民币汇率和债券收益率几乎全部是在香港确立的。

    As Deutsche Bank notes , the city has become the " pricing centre " for offshore renminbi products , with the setting of offshore renminbi exchange rates and bond yields almost wholly based there .

  13. 就在不久前,英国财相乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)还寻求提高伦敦作为离岸人民币交易中心的地位。

    The letter comes shortly after George Osborne , UK chancellor of the exchequer , sought to raise the profile of London as an offshore hub for Renminbi trading .

  14. 人民币合格境外机构投资者(RQFII)制度的发展,在一定程度上增加了市场对离岸人民币的需求。

    The growth of the renminbi QFII ( RQFII ) programme , has increased demand somewhat .

  15. 其中一些是之前提到过的,比如香港首只可直接投资于内地股市的交易所交易基金(ETF),扩大离岸人民币债券发行。

    Some are iterative , such as the first Hong Kong listed exchange traded funds to invest directly in Chinese stocks , or expansion of offshore renminbi bonds issuance .

  16. 按照新的机制,使用swift网络处理衍生品交易和外汇市场及货币市场交易的银行,可订立相关条款,指定它们的离岸人民币交易须遵守一项特别的“中断事件协定”。

    Under the new mechanism , banks using the swift network to process transactions in foreign exchange markets , money markets , and derivatives can specify that their offshore renminbi trades are subject to a special " disruption event agreement " .

  17. 目前,基金公司主要通过人民币合格境外机构投资者(RQFII)项目,将离岸人民币资金投入内地资本市场。

    Currently the main channel through which fund companies can invest offshore renminbi in mainland capital markets is the Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor programme .

  18. 中国银行(BoC)表示其强烈支持伦敦成为香港之后的下一个离岸人民币交易中心。渣打银行行政总裁冼博德(PeterSands)则表示,伦敦遇上了一个不应错过的绝佳机会。

    Bank of China said it it strongly supports London to be the next offshore RMB trading centre , after Hong Kong , while Peter Sands , Standard Chartered chief executive , said London had a unique opportunity that should not be missed .

  19. 例如,信用评级机构穆迪(Moody’s)昨日表示,今年头九个月离岸人民币债券发行总量增至创纪录的4510亿元人民币,高于2013年全年的3760亿元人民币。

    Issuance of offshore renminbi bonds , for instance , rose to a record Rmb451bn in the first nine months of the year , from Rmb376bn in all of 2013 , Moody 's , the credit rating agency , said yesterday .

  20. CME表示,将把其接受的人民币金额上限定在1亿美元,这是一个相对较小的数字,反映这样一个事实:离岸人民币只有短短几年历史,其流动性不如多数主要货币。

    CME said it would cap the amount of renminbi it accepts at $ 100m , a relatively small figure , reflecting the fact that offshore renminbi is only a few years old and is less liquid than most major currencies .

  21. 她还说:不过由于担心CNH货币市场产品(离岸人民币)的流动性问题,这只基金获准投资的产品仅限于存款领域。

    However , due to the concern about the liquidity issue of the CNH money market products [ the offshore RMB ] , the fund was approved with deposits being the only eligible investment .

  22. 当地公司在筹集离岸人民币方面会得到帮助。

    Its firms will be given help in raising yuan offshore .

  23. 国际中心货币、离岸人民币市场与人民币国际化

    World Center Money , Offshore RMB Market and Internationalization of RMB

  24. 离岸人民币债券市场明显更加有利可图。

    The offshore market for renminbi-denominated bonds has proved much more lucrative .

  25. 离岸人民币市场与人民币的国际化进程

    Off-shore RMB business market and RMB 's Internationalized process

  26. 在岸和离岸人民币都不能自由兑换。

    The onshore and offshore versions of the renminbi are not freely exchangeable .

  27. 安排一家清算行是发展离岸人民币业务的关键一步。

    Opening a clearing bank is a critical step in developing an offshore yuan-based business .

  28. 在离岸人民币市场,这些合约的期限通常是6至12个月。

    These contracts typically run for six to 12 months in the offshore renminbi market .

  29. 他首先指出,离岸人民币使用量的增长已经停滞。

    For a start , he says , growth in offshore renminbi use has stalled .

  30. 离岸人民币非交割远期与境内即期汇率价格的互动:改革前后

    PRICE TRACK Interaction between Onshore Spot Rate and Offshore Non-deliverable Forward : Before and After Reform