
  • 网络discrete memoryless source
  1. 本文对离散无记忆信源给出了一种编码方法,它使编码后信源输出有着最好的平衡性,即0与1的数目最大程度地接近。

    This paper gives a method of balanced coding for discrete memoryless sources such that the output sequence of the source has best balance , i. e. , the probabilities of the appearance of 0 and 1 are almost the same .

  2. 本文研究以下情况时的保密增强,存在一个二元离散无记忆广播信源以非常高的速率广播随机比特串,并已知敌手的存储容量有限、计算能力无限。

    It not only possesses merits of the BAM , but also relaxes the continuity assumption for reliable recalls and significantly improves the storage capacity and error correcting capability of the BAM .

  3. 文中研究了离散无记忆二进信源的n阶扩展源的霍夫曼码平均冗余量问题,对WojciechSzpankowski提出的精确渐近结果给出了一种新的证明方法。

    The average redundancy problems on Huffman block codes in a discrete memoryless binary source generating a sequence of length n is studied and a new prove method of a precise asymptotic result is given .