
  • Cecilia;Cecilia Han;blog
  1. 韩雪意识到,人们根本就没钱接受教育。

    Han Xue realized how poor the people were in education .

  2. 一位叫韩雪的志愿者老师鼓励他,改变了他的生活。

    A volunteer teacher called Han Xue encouraged him , and changed his life .

  3. 那时韩雪决定,要好好利用这个机会来帮助他。

    At that time Han Xue decided to make good use of the chance to help him .

  4. 有一天,韩雪在上课的时候,张磊为了好玩闹了几声,其他的孩子都笑了。

    One day when Han Xue was giving a class , Zhang Lei made some noises for fun.Other kids laughed .

  5. 韩雪仔细看着他们,亲切地笑着说:“我一仔细看你的小手指,就知道你将来会成为一名技术高超的医生。加油!”

    Looking at them carefully , Han Xue said with a kind smile , " As soon as I see your little fingers carefully , I know you will become a highly skilled doctor in the future . Come on ! "

  6. 回到宾馆后,那位男演员又喊韩雪一起再去吃宵夜,韩雪要带上助理!

    Top Hotels , that male actors together again despite Han midnight snack and Han have to wear Assistant !

  7. 世界粮食计划署说,北韩2007年的洪灾和粮食欠收,导致北韩上个月出现了几年来最严重的粮食短缺。再加上今年商品价格的飙升,更使北韩雪上加霜。

    The World Food Program said last month North Korea faces its worst food shortage in several years caused by flooding and a poor harvest in 2007 - and complicated by this year 's big run-up in commodity prices .