
  • 网络gejiu;Gejiu City
  1. 个旧市;产业结构;现状;对策研究;

    Gejiu city ; industrial structure ; recent development ; countermeasures ;

  2. 个旧市农业气候资源及其评价

    The agricultural climate resource of Gejiu city and its evaluation

  3. 云南省个旧市盲人调查和治疗

    Survey and Treatment of Blindness in Gejiu Area of Yunnan Province

  4. 个旧市环境空气中铅污染浓度的影响因素和变化规律

    Influencing Factor and Variation Rule of Lead Concentration in the Air in Gejiu

  5. 云南省个旧市城市森林景观格局的分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation on Forest Landscape Patterns of Gejiu City of Yunnan Province

  6. 个旧市生活垃圾卫生填埋的污染影响分析

    Pollution Impact of Domestic Garbage Burying in Gejiu City

  7. 个旧市2001~2006年细菌性腹泻病监测结果分析

    Analysis of the surveillance results of diarrhea in Gejiu from 2001 to 2006

  8. 个旧市城乡居民卫生需求调查

    A Survey of Health Needs on Residents of City and Rural Areas , Gejiu

  9. 云海艺术家画廊位于美丽的云南省个旧市(锡都)。

    Yunhai Artistic Gallery is located in Gejiu , one of the beautiful cities in Yunnan Province .

  10. 本文报告个旧市城区居民高血压抽样调查结果。

    The present paper reports the results of a sampling survey on hypertension among urban residents in Gejiu city .

  11. 本文主要分析了制约云南省个旧市可持续发展的环境问题,并提出了实施可持续发展的环境对策。

    This paper analyses the main environmental problems in Gejiu City , Yunnan province , and proposes the countermeasures of solving environmental problems for sustainable development .

  12. 西部大开发中资源型老工业城市的企业重组与结构调整&对云南省个旧市、东川市的研究

    Enterprise Reorganization Structure Adjustment of Old Industrial Cities Supported by Mineral Resources in the Development of the Western Region ── By researching GeJiu DongChuan cities in Yunnan province

  13. 选用ADMS&EIA软件所提供的强大运算功能,多种作图能力和用户界面,选用适合于个旧市城区的大气污染物浓度的预测模式。

    ADMS-EIA system with strong calculating and graphing capacity and many user interfaces was used to choose optimum prediction model of air pollutants concentration for urban area of Gejiu city .

  14. 方法2005年1月在云南省个旧市进行了由13名社区顾问委员会成员和12名矿工班组长参加的2个专题小组讨论;

    Methods Two focus-group related discussions with a total number of 13 members including Community Advisory Boards ( CAB ) and 12 miners were conducted in a mining township in Yunnan province .

  15. 本文分析和研究了个旧市大气环境质量现状、污染物浓度地域分布特征与时空分布特征以及发展趋势。

    Secondly , it was research and analysis about current air quality , space-time distribution characteristics of air pollutants and developing trend according to monitoring data of air environmental quality between 1998 and 2003 of Gejiu city .

  16. 云南省金平地区位于云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州南部,北端以红河为界与红河州个旧市、河口县相邻,东端和南端与越南社会主义共和国相连。

    Jinping area is located in the south of Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture , Yunnan Province , the northern adjacent to the Hekou county and Gejiu city by the Red River , the southern and the eastern connected with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam .

  17. 昆明、个旧两市社区卫生服务运行成本分析

    The Analysis of Community Health Services Cost in Urban Area of Yunnan Province