
ɡè rén yīnɡ xiónɡ zhǔ yì
  • individualistic heroism
  1. 英雄出乱世,最近的3D灾难大片《末日崩塌》就堪称一部意外之难中关于个人英雄主义的“史诗”。

    Heroes truly do emerge in troubled times . Recent 3-D disaster film " San Andreas " is an epic , so to speak , about individualistic heroism in an unexpected disaster .

  2. 因此他早期作品塑造了很多个人英雄主义的形象,并且在作品中还展现了对于漂泊的欣赏。

    His early time works has portrayed many individualistic heroism images , and he has also unfolded the appreciation of drifting .

  3. Agile技术性领导,像一个优异的经理人一样,通过团队的努力,而不是个人英雄主义来获取成功。

    The Agile technical leader , like a great manager , succeeds through the efforts of the team , not through individual heroics .

  4. 站在数据胜过投机,群策群力胜过个人英雄主义的角度,我创建了一个Wiki网站,用于收集这类信息:http://xpprojects.wikispaces.com/。

    In the spirit of data over speculation and the spirit of crowd-sourcing over heroic action , I 've created a wiki to gather information about transitions : http : / / xpprojects . wikispaces . com / .

  5. 书中也与个人英雄主义的观念进行搏斗。

    The book also wrestles with the idea of individualism .

  6. 从好莱坞电影看美国的个人英雄主义价值观

    From Hollywood to see American values of individual heroism

  7. 但它不赞成个人英雄主义。

    But it frowns on personal attention-seeking .

  8. 一些组织避免使用过程,代之以个人英雄主义和他们开发组的天才发挥。

    Some organizations shun process and instead rely on heroics and the sheer talent of their development teams .

  9. 他的个人英雄主义思想迅速地膨胀,变得自大、暴躁,给自己以及蜀汉事业带来了莫大的损失。

    His personal heroism and rapidly expanding , it has become arrogant , irascible , Shuhan to themselves and the cause of the great losses .

  10. 球场上就像生活一样,真正的快乐来自你每一分每一秒充分的参与其中,而不是以个人英雄主义为核心。

    In basketball as in life true joy comes from being fully present in each and every moment , not just when things are going your way .

  11. 《爱国者》一片讲述的是发生在美国独立战争(1775年&1783年)期间的故事,影片使得主演梅尔-吉布森人气急升,同时也缔造了个人英雄主义的神话。

    The Patriot , a story that takes place during the American Revolutionary War ( 1775 – 1783 ), raised leading actor Mel Gibson ` s popularity and promoted the myth of individualistic heroism .

  12. 本文主要讨论的是精神分析动力学问题,试图从艺术创作与个人英雄主义之间的内在联系出发,找出艺术创作最深层的动力机制。

    This text mainly is to discuss the psychoanalysis dynamics problem , try to find out the most deep motive mechanism in the art creations from the inside contact of art creations and personal heroism .

  13. 外国电影要比国产片稍受欢迎,主要因为外国电影情节曲折,彰显个人英雄主义,而国产电影则技术水平低、内容较为空洞。

    Foreign movies than the domestically produced piece slightly popular , mainly because the foreign movie plot twists and turns , highlight individual heroism , but domestic films , low level of technology , the content is empty .

  14. 而此时的美国媒体也因为恐怖主义而备受管制,从而沦为了政府和财团的附庸者,有关反恐的报道中也开始偏离事实,而只注重对个人英雄主义和爱国主义的渲染。

    While American media was highly controlled because of terrorism , which has become attached by the government and the financial group . Some news about anti-terrorism began to deviate from the fact and only pay attention to the rendering of personal heroism and patriotism .

  15. 个人理想主义和英雄主义&评析张承志《北方的河》

    Personal Idealism and Heroism in " North River " by Zhang Chengzhi ;