
ɡè rén wèi shēnɡ
  • personal hygiene
  1. 她不过分讲究个人卫生。

    She wasn 't very fastidious about personal hygiene .

  2. 头上生虱子并不说明不讲个人卫生。

    Infection with head lice is no reflection on personal hygiene

  3. 要非常注意个人卫生。

    Be extra careful about personal hygiene .

  4. 她不注意个人卫生。

    She 's careless about her hygiene

  5. 旅游期间要注意个人卫生防护,养成“一米线”、勤洗手、戴口罩、用公筷等卫生习惯和生活方式。

    Tourists are urged to carry out self-protection measures , practicing social distancing , washing hands frequently , wearing masks and using serving chopsticks .

  6. 农村HIV感染者和病人个人卫生及相关行为习惯干预效果评价

    Investigation and intervention of the personal sanitation status and related custom behaviors in rural HIV / AIDS infected persons

  7. 本文综述了N酰基肌氨酸钠阴离子表面活性剂的制备方法和产品性能及其在化妆品、个人卫生用品和其它工业部门中的应用。

    In this paper , The preparation , properties of sodium Nacyl sarcosines and it 's applications in personal hygienic products and other industrial fields are reviewed .

  8. Sid…我喜欢不爱个人卫生的树懒.

    Sid ... I adore a sloth who cares nothing about personal hygiene .

  9. 自身护理的指导:HSCT破坏了人体免疫机制,需要特别注意个人卫生;

    In self-care instruction , pay special attention to personal hygiene since HSCT destroyed the immune system .

  10. 纽约洛克维尔中心区(RockvilleCentre)莫西医学中心(MercyMedicalCenter)首席行政长、传染病学专家亚伦&12539;格拉特(AaronGlatt)说:如果你能践行良好的个人卫生习惯,就没有问题。

    ' If you practice good hygiene , you 'll be fine , ' said Aaron Glatt , an infectious-disease specialist who is chief administrative officer at Mercy Medical Center in Rockville Centre , N.Y.

  11. 人力资源顾问及职场教练LeslieG.Griffen有时候会应公司聘请去教导不洗澡的员工,要求他们改善个人卫生。

    Leslie G. Griffen , an HR consultant and career coach , is sometimes hired by companies to approach an employee who doesn 't bathe and ask them to improve their hygiene .

  12. TPG-Axon宣称,其刚刚重组的投资组合很新鲜,使它听起来像个人卫生产品。

    TPG-Axon declares that its newly restructured portfolio is fresh , which makes it sound like a personal hygiene product .

  13. 在Atari工作期间,他曾被调去上夜班,就是因为他糟糕的个人卫生情况,搞得自己满身异味。

    While he worked at Atari , he was moved to the night shift because he had poor personal hygiene and smelled terrible . 8 .

  14. 教育官兵养成良好的心理素质和个人卫生习惯,调整好劳动训练强度,是预防FGID发病的主要措施。

    Encouraging the military officers and soldiers develop good psychological disposition and personal hygienic habit , and adjusting the intensity of training is the main measure for prevention and treatment of FGID .

  15. 美国人非常看重仪容整洁与个人卫生。

    Americans put great value on both grooming and personal hygiene .

  16. 大部分学生食堂从业人员的个人卫生意识已得到逐步提高;

    Most staffs ' consciousness of personal hygiene have been strengthening ;

  17. 请注意个人卫生和驻地卫生。

    Please pay attention to both personal and station 's sanitation .

  18. 我喜欢不爱个人卫生的树懒。

    I adore a sloth who cares nothing about personal hygiene .

  19. 注意个人卫生并保持洗衣区域的干净。

    Pay attention to personnel hygiene and keep the laundry clean .

  20. 个人卫生和环境卫生与腹泻病关系的探讨

    Studies on the relationship between personal and environmental hygiene and diarrhea disease

  21. 仪容整洁和个人卫生的讲究已经行之有年了。

    Grooming and personal hygiene have been around for ages .

  22. 宝洁公司是一家生产个人卫生用品的大集团公司。

    Proctor & Gamble is a large personal product conglomerate .

  23. 呃,荒野中很难保持个人卫生。

    Well , personal hygiene in the field is difficult .

  24. 缓解卫生与个人卫生是挽救生命的廉价且极为有效的方法

    Sanitation and hygiene : a cheap and highly effective lifesaver

  25. 改革开放以来,个人卫生费用大幅增加,出现看病难、看病贵现象。

    Since the reform and opening up , personal health costs greatly increases .

  26. 该疾病与卫生条件差和不良个人卫生习惯有紧密联系。

    The disease is closely associated with inadequate sanitation and poor personal hygiene .

  27. 简要介绍公司个人卫生政策?

    Briefly describe the company 's personal hygiene policy .

  28. 是啊,不过她是说听起来像是个个人卫生问题。

    Yeah , But she said it sounded like a personal hygiene problem .

  29. 分别从居住小区环境卫生、个人卫生以及个人观念来考察。

    It includes residential hygiene , personal hygiene and personal concept on hygiene .

  30. 收入减少将限制个人卫生开支。

    Lower incomes will constrain private expenditure on health .