
  • 网络individuation;Personality development;personal development;development of individuality
  1. 师范新生个性发展特点的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Personality Development of New Students in Teachers'College

  2. 因此,创造性是人的个性发展的最深层次的内涵。

    Therefore , creativity and personality development of the deepest connotations .

  3. EDA教学平台的建立为学员的个性发展提供了广阔的空间。

    Establishing EDA education provides broad space for personalities development of cad - ets .

  4. 通过EDA教学促进学员个性发展

    Promote Personalities of Cadets through EDA Education

  5. 这款3D动作冒险游戏诱导孩子进行社交和情绪学习(SocialandEmotionalLearning,简称SEL),贯彻的是一种强调沟通能力,解决冲突和个性发展等方面的教育理念。

    The 3-D action-adventure game introduces kids to social and emotional learning ( SEL ) , an educational philosophy that emphasizes communication skills , conflict resolution , and character development , among others .

  6. 论高师学生的个性发展

    On the cultivation of students ' individuality in higher teacher education

  7. 关注人的个性发展是当今世界教育的发展趋势。

    Concern personality development is the current world development of education .

  8. 此外,本研究还将对儿童个性发展的一般特点进行探讨。

    The study was also going to try in this field .

  9. 高等教育中的自由与学生个性发展

    Freedom in Higher Education and Development of Students ' Personality

  10. 全面发展的实质是个性发展。

    The true nature of all-rounded development is personality development .

  11. 影响学生的个性发展有很多因素。

    Various factors are responsible for the development of students ' characters .

  12. 高校学生体育综合能力与个性发展的培养

    The Cultivation of P.E. Comprehensive Ability and Personality Development of University Students

  13. 课堂管理应关注学生个性发展

    On the Promotion of Student Personality Development in Classroom Management

  14. 个人与社会之间的张力,由此产生个性发展观。

    The tension between individual and society generates the value of personality .

  15. 关注个性发展:新时期学校德育的新视野

    Individual Development : A New Vision of Moral Education in the New Era

  16. 学生个性发展与德育改革

    The Relationship between the Development of Student 's Individuality and Moral Education Reformation

  17. 个性发展的历史,就是人自身发展的历史。

    The history of individual character development is man 's own development history .

  18. 论人的个性发展与中国特色社会主义

    Development of human personality and socialism with Chinese characteristics

  19. 思想政治课教学中的学生个性发展问题

    A Tentative Research on Students ' Personality Development in Ideological and Political Education

  20. 论篮球运动与学生个性发展的关系

    On Relation of Basketball and Developing Students ' Personalities

  21. 促进学生个性发展的教学探索

    An Elementary Teaching Quest of Promoting the Students Character

  22. 个性发展与创新教育论析

    Analysis of Theory of Individual Development & Innovative Education

  23. 让初中学生在数学情境中获得个性发展

    Let Junior High School Students Obtain the Individual Development in the Mathematical Situations

  24. 青少年时期是儿童个性发展的一个重要时期,个性发展有较大的可塑性。

    The development of personality in adolescence is very important to the children .

  25. 当当:个性发展的六年

    Dangdang : 6 Years ' Development of Independence

  26. 构建一种新的语文评价模式&有利于个性发展的模式。

    A new Chinese evaluation model is beneficial to the model of personality development .

  27. 那样对他们的身体健康和个性发展都会有好处。

    That would be good for their physical development and cultivation of their characters .

  28. 学生的个性发展与体育教学改革

    Student Individuality Development and PE Teaching Reform

  29. 论网络与人的个性发展

    Human being 's individuality development and network

  30. 语文教育个性发展教学探讨

    On Individuality Development Teaching in Chinese Education