
bō gē dà
  • Bogota
波哥大[bō gē dà]
  1. 在过去,波哥大被污染是因为有很多汽车和交通。

    In the past , Bogota was polluted because there were lots of cars and traffic .

  2. NPR新闻,约翰·奥蒂斯哥伦比亚波哥大报道。

    For NPR News , I am John Otis in Bogota , Colombia .

  3. NPR新闻,翰·诺达斯波哥大报道。

    John Nodas , NPR News , Bogata .

  4. Zuly出生在哥伦比亚的波哥大,家人启发了她的创造力——母亲吉列米娜(Guillermina)、哥哥埃弗拉因(Efrain)和姐姐尼克斯(Nyx)——他们也喜欢画画。

    Born in Bogotain Columbia , Zuly was inspired to be creative by her family - mum Guillermina , brotherEfrain and sister Nyx - who also enjoy painting .

  5. 当啤酒酿造商SABMiller发现其位于波哥大的灌装厂的水费大幅上升的时候,它本可以退出该地区,可那么做就毁了当地经济。

    When SABMiller , the brewer , discovered that the water bills at its bottling plant in Bogot á were rising alarmingly , it could have pulled out of the area , which would have devastated the local economy .

  6. 我们探讨的城市有日本的横滨、巴西的库里提巴、西班牙的巴塞罗那、哥伦比亚的波哥大、以及斯德哥尔摩名叫Hammarby的老城。

    Some of the cities we look to are Yokohama , Japan , Curitaba , Brazil , Barcelona , Spain , Bogota , Colombia , and the old city in Stockholm called Hammarby .

  7. 伤者由飞机转运至波哥大。

    The injured were being evacuated by air to Bogata .

  8. 波哥大大学经济系馆,哥伦比亚

    The Building for the Economics Department , Bogota University , Bogota , Colombia

  9. 当我担任波哥大市长的时候

    When I was mayor of Bogot ? ? ,

  10. 最著名的快速公交系统是波哥大新世纪公交系统,其概念形成于1998年。

    The most famous BRT system is Bogot á' s Transmilenio , conceptualized in1998 .

  11. 在我的城市波哥大

    In my city of Bogot ? ? ,

  12. 大城市灾难风险管理规划框架研究&以波哥大首都区为例

    A Framework for Disaster Risk Management Planning in Large Cities : The Case of the District of Bogot á

  13. 在波哥大闹市区的桑塔多声音工作室,一名声音教练在帮助一名学表演的学生提高念台词的水平。

    At the Centauro sound studio in downtown Bogota , a voice coach helps an acting student improve his lines .

  14. 比特纳医生的网站上说,目前他正在“哥伦比亚波哥大郊外的一家乡村诊所中”当志愿者。

    According to his website Dr Bittner is currently volunteering " in a rural clinic outside Bogota , Colombia " .

  15. 在波哥大时,他还与一些参与美国开办的教育项目的哥伦比亚黑人进行会谈。

    While in Bogota , he will meet with a group of Afro-Colombians who have taken part in U.S.run education programs .

  16. 波哥大已就越境袭击事件道歉,但说这是打击反政府武装哥伦比亚革命武装力量斗争的必要组成部分。

    Bogota apologized for the raid , but said it is a necessary part of its struggle against the FARC rebels .

  17. 在遇难者当中有六人是在波哥大和中继省省府比亚维森西奥之间的高速公路上丧生的。

    Among the dead were six people killed on a highway linking Bogota and Villavicencio , the provincial capital of Meta .

  18. 一个最好的藏品在南美洲可在著名的博物馆德奥罗在波哥大,哥伦比亚。

    One of the best collections in South America can be found at the famous Museo de Oro in Bogota , Columbia .

  19. 1968年,罗马教皇保罗六世拜访哥伦比亚首都波哥大,这是第一位罗马教皇拜访拉丁美洲!

    In1968 , Pope Paul the Sixth arrived in Bogota , Colombia , for the start of the first papal visit to Latin America .

  20. 传播早产儿袋鼠式护理的运动源于上世纪七十年代,哥伦比亚的波哥大。

    A movement to spread the use of the kangaroo method for babies grew out of Bogota , Colombia , in the nineteen seventies .

  21. 巴塞罗那、慕尼黑、都灵和波哥大的市长通过实施坚决、睿智的干预,对城市的未来产生了根本的影响。

    Mayors in Barcelona , Munich , Turin and Bogot á have radically influenced their respective cities ' futures through tenacious and intelligent intervention .

  22. 通过了解相关的背景资料,对波哥大快速公交发展的经验进行了总结。

    The author visited Bogota and collected the background information , summarized as well the experiences and achievements of Bogota BRT and urban developments .

  23. 一项传播袋鼠对待早产婴儿方法的应用运用在哥伦亚的波哥大出现。

    A movement to spread the use of the kangaroo method for preterm babies grew out of Bogota , Colombia , in the nineteen seventies .

  24. 这位四十二岁的商人住在哥伦比亚的波哥大,这是全球著名的绑架之都,这个地方的暴力犯罪是生活中严酷的现实。

    The42-year-old businessman lives in Bogota , Columbia , the kidnapping capital of the world and a place where violent crime is a fact of life .

  25. 继波哥大和墨西哥城带头之后,布宜诺斯艾利斯也效仿开始了首都的自行车推行活动。

    Following in the tyre-tracks of Bogot á and Mexico City , the regional pioneers , the latest capital to boost the bike is Buenos Aires .

  26. 报告称,在哥伦比亚的波哥大,工程师创建了公共交通系统,有助于减少空气污染,改善了生活品质。

    In Colombia , engineers have created a bus system in Bogota that the report says has helped reduce air pollution and improve quality of life .

  27. 连很多语言专家都说哥伦比亚首都波哥大的西班牙语是最容易听懂的,既没有很重的口音,也不会夹杂很多俚语。

    Many language experts say the Spanish spoken in the Colombian capital is the most easily understood . There 's no strong accent and not much slang .

  28. 帮儒兹做外套的裁缝米盖尔卡巴雷若,每年从他在波哥大的工厂生产出价值超过三百万的防弹衣物。

    Miguel Caballero , the tailor who made Ruiz 's coat , turns out over $ 3 million worth of bulletproof clothing every year from his Bogota factory .

  29. 新华社波哥大7月25日电美国驻哥伦比亚大使24日说,美军不久将向哥伦比亚派遣军事人员,帮助哥伦比亚军队进行训练。

    Xinhua News Agency report of july25th from bogota-the US ambassador to Colombia said on july24th that the US Army would send military personnel to Colombia to help train the Colombian army .

  30. 但不像在哥伦比亚的波哥大、哥伦比亚、圣保罗、巴西、甚至墨西哥,这不是一个私人的乘用车激增导致利马的交通恶梦。

    But unlike in Bogota , Colombia , Sao Paolo , Brazil , or even Mexico City , it is not a surge in private passenger vehicles that is causing Lima 's traffic nightmares .