
  • 网络Persian Civilization;Persia;Persian Civilisation
  1. 合赞还鼓励发展科学文化教育事业,传承和发展了波斯文明。

    Ghazan also had encouraged the development of the science , culture and education , and had transmitted and advocated the Persian civilization .

  2. 波斯文明在智力和艺术方面一直是令人赞羡的。但自从十三世纪遭受蒙古入侵后便一蹶不振了。

    Persian civilization remained both intellectually and artistically admirable until the invasion of the Mongols in the thirteenth century , from which it never recovered .

  3. 因而西方文明不可避免地受到古老近东文明&苏美尔、巴比伦、埃及、波斯诸文明的影响。

    Thus inevitably the old eastern civilization : Babylonian , Egyptian and Persian civilization made influence on the west civilization .

  4. 位于希腊和土耳其之间的地中海的海湾;在克利特岛和希腊以及罗马和波斯的古文明中的一个主要的商用航路。

    An arm of the Mediterranean between Greece and turkey ; a main trade route for the ancient civilizations of Crete and Greece and Rome and persia .