
ɡuó jiā xínɡ wéi
  • act of state;state conduct;state act
  1. 如何认定国家行为,是限制豁免理论要解决的首要问题。

    It is primary issue how to determine the nature of act of state .

  2. 国家行为原则是国际法中一个古老而重大的理论问题。

    The act of state doctrine is one of the ancient and important theories in international law .

  3. 国际政治生态系统是基于Agent的虚拟全球战争空间的一个重要组成部分,主要用来描述在危机形势下国家行为的演化,为信息化战争研究提供更多的辅助与支撑。

    The international politics ecology system is one of the parts of agent-based Virtual Global War Universe . It is used to show the evolution progress of nations ' behavior in the situation of crisis and give more support of the information study .

  4. 流氓Flatts是中国最大的国家行为,在世界上,他们所有的支安打是出自他人之。

    Rascal Flatts are one of the biggest country acts in the world , and all of their hits are written by other people .

  5. 美国维护市场竞争秩序的国家行为

    The State Action To Keep Market Competition Order In U.S. A

  6. 论经济因素对国家行为的影响

    About the Influence of Economic Factor on the Foreign Behavior of One Country

  7. (一)国防、外交等国家行为;

    Acts of the state in areas like national defence and foreign affairs ;

  8. 知识产权发展战略上升为国家行为;

    The development tactics focused on intellectual-patent have been regarded as national behavior ;

  9. 世界能源问题中的非国家行为体研究

    Study on Non-state Actors in International Energy Resource Issue

  10. 国际民事诉讼中的国家行为原则&以美国法为例

    The Act of State Doctrine in International Civil Procedure

  11. 非主权国家行为体在环境外交中的参与度和重要性越来越不可忽视,同时也不能报以过高的期望。

    The participation degree and importance of non-state actors becomes more and more unneglectable .

  12. 对国防、外交等国家行为不服的。

    Acts of the State in areas such as national defence and foreign affairs .

  13. 国际结构与国家行为:内斗的现实主义

    International Structure and State Behavior : Dueling Realisms

  14. 这种有利的环境经常是由规制国家行为的机制建立起来的。

    This favorable environment is often created by institutions which regulate the behavior of states .

  15. 近年来,非国家行为体在文明融合中的作用日渐扩大。

    Non-state actors ' role has been expanded in the integration of civilizations in recent years .

  16. 认同理论与国家行为

    Identity Theory and State Actions

  17. 随着跨国交往和相互依赖的加深,非国家行为体的作用日益突出。

    With the development of transnational communications and inter-dependence , non-nation participants play an increasingly important role .

  18. 一方面,它会受到来自国家行为体和地区国际体系层次的制衡。

    For one thing , it faces the challenges from some countries and the regional international system .

  19. 依据不同案件类型,初步总结了国家行为原则的适用方法。

    According to different types of cases , the thesis summarizes the application methods of the doctrine .

  20. 这一单边举措显示出,监管正如何朝着更加不可预测的国家行为转变。

    That unilateral measure illustrates how the ground is shifting on regulation towards more unpredictable state action .

  21. 在国际上,国际河流争端解决机制强调国家行为应遵循国际社会主导的政治以及法律原则。

    The international river dispute settlement mechanism focus on national behave should follow the politics and legal principles .

  22. 国际机制对国家行为的影响&机制有效性的一种新的分析视角

    The Impact of International Regimes on State Behavior & A New Research Approach to the Effectiveness of Institutions

  23. 第一节将从国际法、利益、行为、灵活性四个方面系统地比较跨国公司与国家行为体的区别。

    The differences between them are systematically compared from law of nations , interest , behavior and agility .

  24. 军队行为是国家行为及国防行为中的核心部分。

    The army behavior ( AB ) is the core part in the national behavior and national defense behavior .

  25. 如今,核武器扩散至非国家行为体的威胁,不亚于在国家之间扩散的威胁。

    Proliferation to non-state actors is now as much of a threat as the spread of nuclear weapons among states .

  26. 确定国际网络论坛的共同目标,特别是网络空间负责任的国家行为规范的应用。

    Affirming common objectives in international cyber fora , especially the application of norms of responsible state behavior in cyberspace .

  27. 这种治理的理念假定非国家行为体可以在国家的基础上渐次成为治理的重心。

    This idea of governance presumes that non-state actor can become the focus of the governance through influencing national policy-making .

  28. 国家行为主要遵循现实主义和新现实主义理解,或者自由主义,建构主义和新自由主义理论。

    Actions of states mainly operate on a realist and neorealist theories or liberal , constructivist , and neoliberal theories .

  29. 当前,各个国家行为体以克服危机,恢复经济为优先战略。

    At time being , the nations take the overcoming the crisis and restoring the economy as their priority strategies .

  30. 而冷战后出现的一些弱势非国家行为体,逐渐成为这一极端行为的主要实施者。

    Some political non-state actors , appearing in the post-Cold War , become the main perpetrators of the extreme behaviors .