
  • 网络International Civil Aviation Organization;ICAO;IACO
  1. 因此,国际民用航空组织通过的对该申报单最新修改的复制件将列入《国际卫生条例(2005)》的以后版本。

    Consequently , the recent amendments to this Declaration submitted by ICAO to WHO will be reproduced in future editions of the IHR ( 2005 ) .

  2. 该文件由国际民用航空组织成员国定期审议,而且出于实际目的其复制件历来被列入国际卫生条例的附件。

    The document is periodically reviewed by ICAO Member States , and has historically , for practical purposes , been reproduced in the annexes of the IHR ( 2005 ) .

  3. 据美国联邦航空管理局的发言人劳拉•布朗(LauraBrown)称,国会限制美国联邦航空管理局在国际民用航空组织(InternationalCivilAviationOrganization)的建议之外,对机上电池供电设备进行更多限制。

    Congress has limited the FAA 's ability to place restrictions on battery-powered devices on airplanes beyond the recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organization , according to Laura Brown , an FAA spokeswoman .

  4. 今年春天,马来西亚交通部(TransportMinistry)发布了关于马航370航班的初步报告,报告中唯一的建议是:希望联合国下属的国际民用航空组织(InternationalCivilAviationOrganization)评估引进实时追踪标准的安全益处。

    In the spring , the Malaysia Transport Ministry issued a preliminary report on Flight 370 with a single recommendation : that the United Nations " International Civil Aviation Organization examine the safety benefits of introducing a standard for real-time tracking .

  5. 这是联合国机构、国际民用航空组织(ICAO)的文件。

    This is a document of the International Civil Aviation Organization ( ICAO ), a United Nations agency .

  6. 欧盟还表示,如果各方通过联合国(un)下属的国际民用航空组织(icao)达成一项类似的国际协议,那么欧盟将会放弃自己的计划。

    The bloc has also said it would scrap the plan if there were a comparable international agreement through the United Nations civil aviation body , known as ICAO .

  7. 它们遵循国际民用航空组织(ICAO)发布的计算机可读护照的标准。

    They follow standards for machine-readable passports that have been issued by the International Civil Aviation Organization ( ICAO ) .

  8. 民航运输产业竞争力的组合评价方法国际民用航空组织大会

    Combination evaluation method of air transport industry competence

  9. 国际民用航空组织标准大气

    International Civil Aviation Organization standard atmosphere

  10. 日本呼吁国际民用航空组织在明年2月末召开的下一次会议上就防空识别区展开更多讨论。

    Japan called for more discussion on ADIZ at the organization 's next meetings starting late February .

  11. 一俟获得拨款,我们便会根据国际民用航空组织订立的制作规格,展开护照的设计工作。

    When funds are obtained we will embark on the passport design in line with specifications of the International Civil Aviation Organisation ICAO for production .

  12. 联合国国际民用航空组织表示会率先开发出火山灰在空中的浓度标准,标准以外的为危险飞行。

    The UN 's International Civil Aviation Organization ( ICAO ) said it would lead moves to develop a global standard for the concentration of ash in the air beyond which it was dangerous to fly .

  13. 1月份,路透社报道称,联合国下属的国际民用航空组织建议全世界的商业航班采用这种弹出式黑匣子,而且这种设备在美国海军喷气机上已经是标准配置。

    In January , Reuters reported that the International Civil Aviation Organization , a specialized agency of the United Nations , had proposed using them on commercial airliners , and they 're already standard equipment on some U.S. Navy jets .