
qìnɡ zhù dà huì
  • celebration meeting
  1. 庆祝大会开得真热火!

    The celebration meeting was held with great enthusiasm .

  2. 中国地质科学院建院30周年庆祝大会在北京召开

    Celebration meeting for 30th anniversary of CAGS held in Beijing

  3. 那天,卡梅伦正要前往普利茅斯出席军人节庆祝大会,他把车停在TheSandwichBoxPlus店外,想进去买杯咖啡提提神。

    Mr Cameron was visiting Plymouth for Armed Forces Day when he stopped at The Sandwich Box Plus in search of a pick-me-up .

  4. 每逢这一天,豪小姐还会在波士顿举行母亲节的庆祝大会。

    Ms. Howe would hold organized Mother 's Day meetings in Boston , Mass ever year .

  5. 他们举行了一次庆祝大会。

    They held a celebration rally .

  6. 在第25个教师节庆祝大会暨大爱育人论坛上的讲话

    Speech at the Celebration of the 25th Teachers ' Day and the Forum of Education with Humanistic Love

  7. 十年创业结硕果,继往开来谱新篇&在地矿部海洋地质研究所重建十周年庆祝大会上的讲话

    A congratulatory speech on the 10th anniversary of the reestablishment of the Institute of marine geology , the Ministry of Geology and mineral resources

  8. 同为美国第一夫人及刚当选的纽约州参议员的希拉克周二和女儿在纽约的当选庆祝大会中与群众们一起庆祝这次的胜利。

    First lady and New York U.S.Senator-elect Hillary Rodham Clinton and her daughter Chelsea celebrate with the crowd during her victory rally in New York , Tuesday .