
fā diàn chǎng
  • power plant;power station;generating plant;generating station
发电厂 [fā diàn chǎng]
  • [generating station;power station] 产生电力的工厂

发电厂[fā diàn chǎng]
  1. 在发电厂里,热能将水转化成高压蒸汽。

    In an electric power plant the heat converts water into high-pressure steam .

  2. 附近有一家发电厂。

    There is a power plant nearby .

  3. 全国总电量的40%是这家发电厂提供的。

    The plant provides forty per cent of the country 's electricity .

  4. 发电厂的电工们举行了罢工,一直持续了近5天。

    The electricians at the power stations went on strike and stayed out nearly five days .

  5. 他视察了那座新发电厂。

    He inspected the new power station .

  6. 无论是从进口石油过渡到国内石油,还是从煤电生产过渡到天然气发电厂,政客们都喜欢夸夸其谈。

    Whether it is a transition from imported to domestic oil or from coal-powered electricity production to natural-gas power plants , politicians love to talk big .

  7. 美国历史最悠久的连续运营的商业水力发电厂位于纽约的哈德逊河边,1898年投入运营。

    The oldest continuously operated commercial hydro-electric plant in the United States is on New York 's Hudson River , and it went into commercial service in 1898 .

  8. 该项目由现代化养猪场,现代化养鹅场,以及沼气发电厂组成

    The project is consisted of a modern hoggery , goose house and methane plant .

  9. Fuzzy控制的发电厂冷却水管网自动补水系统

    A Fuzzy Control Automatic Replenishing Water System Applied in a Power Plant Cooling Water Pipeline

  10. 信息技术推进发电厂DCS的发展

    Information Technology Gives Impetus to the Development of DCS in Power Plants

  11. 火力发电厂辅控车间采用DCS联网技术的探讨

    Discussion on DCS networking technology for auxilary control works of heat-engine plant

  12. 发电厂老机组DCS改造工程中的问题分析

    Problem Analyse of DCS old-unit Reform Engineering in Power Plant

  13. 韶关发电厂10号炉是W型火焰燃煤锅炉。

    Boiler 10 of Shaoguan Power Plant is " W " shape flame coal fired boiler .

  14. 介绍了采用FIX组态软件平台而研发的火力发电厂计算机监控系统。

    This paper introduces a supervisory control system based on the FIX platform in the coal-fired power plant .

  15. 发电厂纯水pH值测量应注意的几个问题注意能力正常;

    Some problems needing to pay attention to measuring pH value of pure water in power plants they have ordinary attention ability .

  16. 湛江发电厂3号机组RB功能试验

    Run Back Function Test of Zhanjiang Power Plant No.3 Unit

  17. 文中通过对葛洲坝水力发电厂二江电厂调速系统大量故障现象、故障原因、故障样本的收集、分析和整理,利用BP神经网络建立了水轮发电机调速系统智能诊断模型。

    This paper sets up a new fault diagnosis model of the hydraulic turbine generator governing system with the advanced ANN ( artificial neural net ) .

  18. 发电厂VRLA蓄电池运行维护分析

    Operation and Maintenance of VRLA Battery for Power Plant

  19. 这个方法已用于一次蒸馏水、试剂盐酸和火力发电厂用水中Fe(Ⅲ)的测定。

    The method was used for the determination of iron (ⅲ) in distilled water , commercial hydrochloric acid reagent and water used in thermal power plant .

  20. 借鉴Windows操作系统中的气泡窗口功能,提出了在发电厂DCS中应用气泡窗口对人机界面进行改进。

    Based on balloon tips in Windows operating system , the paper proposes application of balloon tips to improve HCI of DCS in power plants .

  21. 利用OLE自动化编制发电厂报表

    Power plant reporting by OLE

  22. 点检制与RCM在发电厂的应用

    Application of TPM and RCM in Power Plant

  23. 潍坊发电厂1号汽轮机的DEH改造

    DEH Retrofit of Weifang No.1 Turbine Unit

  24. 石嘴山发电厂4×300MW扩建工程SIS系统规划与设计

    SIS Planning and Designing of Four 300 MW Units Extend Project in Shizuishan Power Plant

  25. 妈湾发电厂300MW汽轮机疏水系统的改造

    Reconstruction of 300 MW steam turbine drainage system in Mawan Power Plant

  26. 采用预沉淀、气浮、V型滤池过滤工艺对台州电厂四期综合废水进行了处理,处理后出水作为发电厂工业循环冷却水的补水。

    A pre_sedimentation , aerated flotation and V_shape filter process has been adopted to treat Taizhou thermal power plant wastewater and effluent has been used as make_up water of Industrial circulating cooling water system .

  27. 火力发电厂烟气脱硫技术(FGD)的发展燃煤电厂烟气脱硫技术的应用与展望

    Development of Thermal Power Plant Flue Gas Desulphurization ( FGD ) Technology Application and Forecast of Flue Gas Desulphurization Technology in Coal Fired Power Plant

  28. 珠海发电厂700MW机组DEH系统的调试

    Commissioning of DEH system for 700 MW units in Zhuhai Power Station

  29. 火力发电厂汽温控制是一个研究了多年的问题,随着DCS系统的普及运用,串级PID控制策略已经成为经典而被广泛采用。

    The steam temperature control strategy has been studied for years . Along with the widely application of DCS system , the cascade PID control model has been widely adopted as a classical strategy .

  30. 针对实际工作中,燃气轮机发电厂NOx排放情况,就燃气轮机发电厂执行大气污染物排放标准问题进行了讨论。

    In accordance with circumstances of NOx discharge in gas turbine power plant , as for the gas turbine power plant execute standard of atmospherical pollutant discharge to discussing .